This is a tree diagram that used data from a csv file.
This is designed to be used as part of documenting an update to the book D3 Tips and Tricks to version 6 of d3.js.
license: mit |
This is a tree diagram that used data from a csv file.
This is designed to be used as part of documenting an update to the book D3 Tips and Tricks to version 6 of d3.js.
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<style> /* set the CSS */ | |
.node circle { | |
fill: #fff; | |
stroke: steelblue; | |
stroke-width: 3px; | |
} | |
.node text { font: 12px sans-serif; } | |
.node--internal text { | |
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff, 0 -1px 0 #fff, 1px 0 0 #fff, -1px 0 0 #fff; | |
} | |
.link { | |
fill: none; | |
stroke: #ccc; | |
stroke-width: 2px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
<body> | |
<!-- load the d3.js library --> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// set the dimensions and margins of the diagram | |
var margin = {top: 20, right: 90, bottom: 30, left: 90}, | |
width = 660 - margin.left - margin.right, | |
height = 500 - - margin.bottom; | |
// declares a tree layout and assigns the size | |
var treemap = d3.tree() | |
.size([height, width]); | |
// load the external data | |
d3.csv("treeCsv.csv").then(function(flatData) { | |
// assign null correctly | |
flatData.forEach(function(d) { | |
if (d.parent == "null") { d.parent = null}; | |
}); | |
// convert the flat data into a hierarchy | |
var treeData = d3.stratify() | |
.id(function(d) { return; }) | |
.parentId(function(d) { return d.parent; }) | |
(flatData); | |
// assign the name to each node | |
treeData.each(function(d) { | | =; | |
}); | |
// assigns the data to a hierarchy using parent-child relationships | |
var nodes = d3.hierarchy(treeData, function(d) { | |
return d.children; | |
}); | |
// maps the node data to the tree layout | |
nodes = treemap(nodes); | |
// append the svg object to the body of the page | |
// appends a 'group' element to 'svg' | |
// moves the 'group' element to the top left margin | |
var svg ="body").append("svg") | |
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) | |
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom), | |
g = svg.append("g") | |
.attr("transform", | |
"translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")"); | |
// adds the links between the nodes | |
var link = g.selectAll(".link") | |
.data( nodes.descendants().slice(1)) | |
.enter().append("path") | |
.attr("class", "link") | |
.attr("d", function(d) { | |
return "M" + d.y + "," + d.x | |
+ "C" + (d.y + d.parent.y) / 2 + "," + d.x | |
+ " " + (d.y + d.parent.y) / 2 + "," + d.parent.x | |
+ " " + d.parent.y + "," + d.parent.x; | |
}); | |
// adds each node as a group | |
var node = g.selectAll(".node") | |
.data(nodes.descendants()) | |
.enter().append("g") | |
.attr("class", function(d) { | |
return "node" + | |
(d.children ? " node--internal" : " node--leaf"); }) | |
.attr("transform", function(d) { | |
return "translate(" + d.y + "," + d.x + ")"; }); | |
// adds the circle to the node | |
node.append("circle") | |
.attr("r", 10); | |
// adds the text to the node | |
node.append("text") | |
.attr("dy", ".35em") | |
.attr("x", function(d) { return d.children ? -13 : 13; }) | |
.style("text-anchor", function(d) { | |
return d.children ? "end" : "start"; }) | |
.text(function(d) { return; }); | |
}); | |
</script> | |
</body> |
name | parent | |
Top Level | null | |
Level 2: A | Top Level | |
Level 2: B | Top Level | |
Son of A | Level 2: A | |
Daughter of A | Level 2: A |