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Last active October 12, 2015 12:36
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import bpy
import random
from mathutils import Vector
import struct
from bpy.props import PointerProperty
hexviz = {
0: ['lines', '0072bd d95319 edb120 7e2f8e 77ac30 4dbeee a2142f 0072bd d95319 edb120 7e2f8e 77ac30 4dbeee a2142f 0072bd d95319'],
1: ['pink', '3c0000 653636 814c4c 985d5d ac6c6c be7878 c69184 cda68e d4b898 dac9a1 e1d9aa e7e7b2 ededc8 f3f3dc f9f9ee ffffff'],
2: ['copper', '000000 150d08 2b1b11 402819 553522 6a422a 805033 955d3b aa6a44 bf784c d48555 ea925d ff9f65 ffad6e ffba76 ffc77f'],
3: ['bone', '000005 0f0f1a 1e1e2e 2d2d42 3c3c56 4a4a6a 595f79 687388 778797 869ba6 95afb5 a4c3c3 bad2d2 d1e1e1 e8f0f0 ffffff'],
4: ['gray', '000000 111111 222222 333333 444444 555555 666666 777777 888888 999999 aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc dddddd eeeeee ffffff'],
5: ['winter', '0000ff 0011f7 0022ee 0033e6 0044dd 0055d5 0066cc 0077c3 0088bb 0099b3 00aaaa 00bba2 00cc99 00dd91 00ee88 00ff80'],
6: ['autumn', 'ff0000 ff1100 ff2200 ff3300 ff4400 ff5500 ff6600 ff7700 ff8800 ff9900 ffaa00 ffbb00 ffcc00 ffdd00 ffee00 ffff00'],
7: ['summer', '008066 118866 229166 339966 44a266 55aa66 66b366 77bb66 88c366 99cc66 aad466 bbdd66 cce666 ddee66 eef766 ffff66'],
8: ['spring', 'ff00ff ff11ee ff22dd ff33cc ff44bb ff55aa ff6699 ff7788 ff8877 ff9966 ffaa55 ffbb44 ffcc33 ffdd22 ffee11 ffff00'],
9: ['cool', '00ffff 11eeff 22ddff 33ccff 44bbff 55aaff 6699ff 7788ff 8877ff 9966ff aa55ff bb44ff bf40ff dd22ff ee11ff ff00ff'],
10: ['hot', '2b0000 550000 800000 aa0000 d50000 ff0000 ff0000 ff5500 ff8000 ffaa00 ffd500 ffff00 ffff40 ffff80 ffffbf ffffff'],
11: ['hsv', 'ff0000 ff6000 ffbf00 dfff00 80ff00 20ff00 00ff40 00ff9f 00ffff 009fff 0040ff 2000ff 8000ff df00ff ff00bf ff0060'],
12: ['jet', '0000bf 0000ff 0040ff 0080ff 00bfff 00ffff 40ffbf 80ff80 bfff40 ffff00 ffbf00 ff8000 ff4000 ff0000 bf0000 800000'],
13: ['parula', '352a87 3145bc 0265e1 0f77db 1388d3 079ccf 07aac1 20b4ad 49bc94 7abf7c a5be6b cabb5c ecb94c fec634 f6dd22 f9fb0e']
def hex_to_rgb(rgb_str):
int_tuple = struct.unpack('BBB', bytes.fromhex(rgb_str))
return tuple([val/255 for val in int_tuple])
def generate_pie_nodes(context, nodes):
node_tree = context.space_data.node_tree
x, y = context.space_data.cursor_location
def new_node(t):
ColorRamp = new_node("ShaderNodeValToRGB")
ColorRamp.location = Vector((353.9348+x, 2.7287+y))
def generate_pcts_from_hexviz(mode):
key = int(mode)
hexes = hexviz[key][1].split(' ')
pcts = []
for i, j in enumerate(hexes):
pcts.append([round(1/16*100, 4), list(hex_to_rgb(j)) + [1.0]])
return pcts
def make_slices(ctx, nodes):
cRamp = nodes.get('ColorRamp')
if not cRamp:
generate_pie_nodes(ctx, nodes)
elements = nodes['ColorRamp'].color_ramp.elements
elements = cRamp.color_ramp.elements
mode = ctx.scene.octave_gradients_props.selected_mode
procents_and_colors = generate_pcts_from_hexviz(mode)
# this sections adds or removes elements if you update your
# procents_and_colors list with more / fewer elements
diff = len(elements) - len(procents_and_colors)
if diff > 0:
for i in range(abs(diff)):
elif diff < 0:
for i in range(abs(diff)):
# --------------------
position = 0
for idx, section in enumerate(procents_and_colors):
elements[idx].color = section[1]
elements[idx].position = position
position += (section[0] / 100.0)
class OctaveGradientsOps(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_label = "Octave Cradient Operator"
bl_idname = "scene.gradient_pusher"
def execute(self, context):
space = context.space_data
node_tree = space.node_tree
nodes = node_tree.nodes
make_slices(context, nodes)
return {'FINISHED'}
class OctaveGradientsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Creates a Panel in the scene context of the properties editor"""
bl_label = "Octave Gradient Demo"
bl_idname = "GRADIENT_PT_loader"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
def poll(self, context):
return == 'Shader Nodetree'
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scn = context.scene
layout.label(text="Pick a gradient")
r = layout.row(align=True)
for i in range(16):
r.prop(scn.octave_gradients_props, 'color_'+ str(i), text='')
r = layout.row()
r.prop(scn.octave_gradients_props, 'selected_mode', text='')
class OctaveGradientsProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
def register(cls):
Scn = bpy.types.Scene
Scn.octave_gradients_props = PointerProperty(
name="internal global properties",
description="shared properties between operators",
def updateColors(self, context):
props = context.scene.octave_gradients_props
key = int(props.selected_mode)
hexes = hexviz[key][1].split(' ')
for i, j in enumerate(hexes):
exec('props.color_' + str(i) + ' = hex_to_rgb(j)')
for i in range(16):
k = " = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty(subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0)"
exec('cls.color_' + str(i) + k)
mode_options = [(str(i), hexviz[i][0], "", i) for i in range(14)]
cls.selected_mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty(
def unregister(cls):
del bpy.types.Scene.octave_gradients_props
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.OCTAVE_GRADIENTS_CHOICE = bpy.props.StringProperty()
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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qube13 commented Sep 27, 2015

I tried to run your script, but it didn`t work. I get the following error message:

exec('props.color_' + str(i) + ' = hex_to_rgb(j)')
SyntaxError: unqualified exec is not allowed in function 'updateColors' because it is a nested function
Program ended with exit code: 1

Do you have an idea how to fix this? I`m not very good with python.

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zeffii commented Oct 12, 2015

sorry @qube13, i didn't see this notification until just now. let me read

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