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Last active March 5, 2019 23:09
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  • Save mbostock/1005873 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mbostock/1005873 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zoomable Icicle
license: gpl-3.0
"flare": {
"analytics": {
"cluster": {
"AgglomerativeCluster": 3938,
"CommunityStructure": 3812,
"HierarchicalCluster": 6714,
"MergeEdge": 743
"graph": {
"BetweennessCentrality": 3534,
"LinkDistance": 5731,
"MaxFlowMinCut": 7840,
"ShortestPaths": 5914,
"SpanningTree": 3416
"optimization": {
"AspectRatioBanker": 7074
"animate": {
"Easing": 17010,
"FunctionSequence": 5842,
"interpolate": {
"ArrayInterpolator": 1983,
"ColorInterpolator": 2047,
"DateInterpolator": 1375,
"Interpolator": 8746,
"MatrixInterpolator": 2202,
"NumberInterpolator": 1382,
"ObjectInterpolator": 1629,
"PointInterpolator": 1675,
"RectangleInterpolator": 2042
"ISchedulable": 1041,
"Parallel": 5176,
"Pause": 449,
"Scheduler": 5593,
"Sequence": 5534,
"Transition": 9201,
"Transitioner": 19975,
"TransitionEvent": 1116,
"Tween": 6006
"data": {
"converters": {
"Converters": 721,
"DelimitedTextConverter": 4294,
"GraphMLConverter": 9800,
"IDataConverter": 1314,
"JSONConverter": 2220
"DataField": 1759,
"DataSchema": 2165,
"DataSet": 586,
"DataSource": 3331,
"DataTable": 772,
"DataUtil": 3322
"display": {
"DirtySprite": 8833,
"LineSprite": 1732,
"RectSprite": 3623,
"TextSprite": 10066
"flex": {
"FlareVis": 4116
"physics": {
"DragForce": 1082,
"GravityForce": 1336,
"IForce": 319,
"NBodyForce": 10498,
"Particle": 2822,
"Simulation": 9983,
"Spring": 2213,
"SpringForce": 1681
"query": {
"AggregateExpression": 1616,
"And": 1027,
"Arithmetic": 3891,
"Average": 891,
"BinaryExpression": 2893,
"Comparison": 5103,
"CompositeExpression": 3677,
"Count": 781,
"DateUtil": 4141,
"Distinct": 933,
"Expression": 5130,
"ExpressionIterator": 3617,
"Fn": 3240,
"If": 2732,
"IsA": 2039,
"Literal": 1214,
"Match": 3748,
"Maximum": 843,
"methods": {
"add": 593,
"and": 330,
"average": 287,
"count": 277,
"distinct": 292,
"div": 595,
"eq": 594,
"fn": 460,
"gt": 603,
"gte": 625,
"iff": 748,
"isa": 461,
"lt": 597,
"lte": 619,
"max": 283,
"min": 283,
"mod": 591,
"mul": 603,
"neq": 599,
"not": 386,
"or": 323,
"orderby": 307,
"range": 772,
"select": 296,
"stddev": 363,
"sub": 600,
"sum": 280,
"update": 307,
"variance": 335,
"where": 299,
"xor": 354,
"_": 264
"Minimum": 843,
"Not": 1554,
"Or": 970,
"Query": 13896,
"Range": 1594,
"StringUtil": 4130,
"Sum": 791,
"Variable": 1124,
"Variance": 1876,
"Xor": 1101
"scale": {
"IScaleMap": 2105,
"LinearScale": 1316,
"LogScale": 3151,
"OrdinalScale": 3770,
"QuantileScale": 2435,
"QuantitativeScale": 4839,
"RootScale": 1756,
"Scale": 4268,
"ScaleType": 1821,
"TimeScale": 5833
"util": {
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"Colors": 10001,
"Dates": 8217,
"Displays": 12555,
"Filter": 2324,
"Geometry": 10993,
"heap": {
"FibonacciHeap": 9354,
"HeapNode": 1233
"IEvaluable": 335,
"IPredicate": 383,
"IValueProxy": 874,
"math": {
"DenseMatrix": 3165,
"IMatrix": 2815,
"SparseMatrix": 3366
"Maths": 17705,
"Orientation": 1486,
"palette": {
"ColorPalette": 6367,
"Palette": 1229,
"ShapePalette": 2059,
"SizePalette": 2291
"Property": 5559,
"Shapes": 19118,
"Sort": 6887,
"Stats": 6557,
"Strings": 22026
"vis": {
"axis": {
"Axes": 1302,
"Axis": 24593,
"AxisGridLine": 652,
"AxisLabel": 636,
"CartesianAxes": 6703
"controls": {
"AnchorControl": 2138,
"ClickControl": 3824,
"Control": 1353,
"ControlList": 4665,
"DragControl": 2649,
"ExpandControl": 2832,
"HoverControl": 4896,
"IControl": 763,
"PanZoomControl": 5222,
"SelectionControl": 7862,
"TooltipControl": 8435
"data": {
"Data": 20544,
"DataList": 19788,
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"EdgeSprite": 3301,
"NodeSprite": 19382,
"render": {
"ArrowType": 698,
"EdgeRenderer": 5569,
"IRenderer": 353,
"ShapeRenderer": 2247
"ScaleBinding": 11275,
"Tree": 7147,
"TreeBuilder": 9930
"events": {
"DataEvent": 2313,
"SelectionEvent": 1880,
"TooltipEvent": 1701,
"VisualizationEvent": 1117
"legend": {
"Legend": 20859,
"LegendItem": 4614,
"LegendRange": 10530
"operator": {
"distortion": {
"BifocalDistortion": 4461,
"Distortion": 6314,
"FisheyeDistortion": 3444
"encoder": {
"ColorEncoder": 3179,
"Encoder": 4060,
"PropertyEncoder": 4138,
"ShapeEncoder": 1690,
"SizeEncoder": 1830
"filter": {
"FisheyeTreeFilter": 5219,
"GraphDistanceFilter": 3165,
"VisibilityFilter": 3509
"IOperator": 1286,
"label": {
"Labeler": 9956,
"RadialLabeler": 3899,
"StackedAreaLabeler": 3202
"layout": {
"AxisLayout": 6725,
"BundledEdgeRouter": 3727,
"CircleLayout": 9317,
"CirclePackingLayout": 12003,
"DendrogramLayout": 4853,
"ForceDirectedLayout": 8411,
"IcicleTreeLayout": 4864,
"IndentedTreeLayout": 3174,
"Layout": 7881,
"NodeLinkTreeLayout": 12870,
"PieLayout": 2728,
"RadialTreeLayout": 12348,
"RandomLayout": 870,
"StackedAreaLayout": 9121,
"TreeMapLayout": 9191
"Operator": 2490,
"OperatorList": 5248,
"OperatorSequence": 4190,
"OperatorSwitch": 2581,
"SortOperator": 2023
"Visualization": 16540

Click anywhere to zoom in, or click on the top bar to zoom out. Built with D3.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
rect {
stroke: #fff;
<script src="//"></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.range([0, height]);
var color = d3.scale.category20c();
var partition = d3.layout.partition()
.children(function(d) { return isNaN(d.value) ? d3.entries(d.value) : null; })
.value(function(d) { return d.value; });
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var rect = svg.selectAll("rect");
d3.json("readme.json", function(error, root) {
if (error) throw error;
rect = rect
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.y); })
.attr("width", function(d) { return x(d.dx); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.dy); })
.attr("fill", function(d) { return color((d.children ? d : d.parent).key); })
.on("click", clicked);
function clicked(d) {
x.domain([d.x, d.x + d.dx]);
y.domain([d.y, 1]).range([d.y ? 20 : 0, height]);
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.y); })
.attr("width", function(d) { return x(d.x + d.dx) - x(d.x); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.y + d.dy) - y(d.y); });
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why is the flare.json file used in the non-zooming version not interchangeable with the zoomable icicle readme.json file?

The flare.json has children text while the readme.json does not, changing readme.json to flare.json in the zoomable version causes the isicle view not to load at all.

How to make the zoomable version version work with the flare.json file? Ideally how to make it so the nonzoom version becomes zoomable using flare.json (children).

Using the wiki on and not having any luck with using partition.nodes or partition.children...(i'm new to d3 (day2-self taught) so this is probably super easy fix for pros)...any helpful tips?

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