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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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aaizemberg (before & after)
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.beforeafter-1.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function(){ $('#container').beforeAfter(); });
<div id="container">
<div><img alt="before" src="Ariel_con_barba.png" width="640" height="640" /></div>
<div><img alt="after" src="Ariel_after_shave_letras.png" width="640" height="640" /></div>
* jQuery beforeafter plugin
* @author -
* @version 1.4
* @date September 19, 2011
* @category jQuery plugin
* @copyright (c) 2009 (
* @license CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) -
beforeAfter: function(options)
var defaults =
animateIntro : false,
introDelay : 1000,
introDuration : 1000,
introPosition : .5,
showFullLinks : true,
beforeLinkText: 'antes',
afterLinkText: 'despu&eacute;s',
imagePath : './js/',
cursor: 'pointer',
clickSpeed: 600,
linkDisplaySpeed: 200,
dividerColor: '#888',
enableKeyboard: false,
keypressAmount: 20,
onReady: function(){}
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var randID = Math.round(Math.random()*100000000);
return this.each(function() {
var o=options;
var obj = $(this);
var imgWidth = $('img:first', obj).width();
var imgHeight = $('img:first', obj).height();
if( $('div',obj).length != 2 ) $('img',obj).wrap('<div>'); // For backwards compatability. Used to require images to be wrapped in div tags.
var bef = $('img:first', obj).attr('src');
var aft = $('img:last', obj).attr('src');
$('img:first', obj).attr('id','beforeimage'+randID);
$('img:last', obj).attr('id','afterimage'+randID);
// Create an inner div wrapper (dragwrapper) to hold the images.
$(obj).prepend('<div id="dragwrapper'+randID+'"><div id="drag'+randID+'"><img width="8" height="56" alt="handle" src="'+o.imagePath+'handle.gif" id="handle'+randID+'" /></div></div>'); // Create drag handle
$('div:eq(2)', obj).height(imgHeight).width(imgWidth*o.introPosition).css({'position':'absolute','overflow':'hidden','left':'0px','z-index':'10'}); // Set CSS properties of the before image div
$('div:eq(3)', obj).height(imgHeight).width(imgWidth).css({'position':'absolute','overflow':'hidden','right':'0px'}); // Set CSS properties of the after image div
$('#drag'+randID).width(2).height(imgHeight).css({'background':o.dividerColor,'position':'absolute','left':'3px'}); // Set drag handle CSS properties
$(obj).append('<img src="'+o.imagePath+'lt-small.png" width="7" height="15" id="lt-arrow'+randID+'"><img src="'+o.imagePath+'rt-small.png" width="7" height="15" id="rt-arrow'+randID+'">');
$(obj).after('<div class="balinks" id="links'+randID+'" style="position:relative"><span class="balinks"><a id="showleft'+randID+'" href="javascript:void(0)">'+o.beforeLinkText+'</a></span><span class="balinks"><a id="showright'+randID+'" href="javascript:void(0)">'+o.afterLinkText+'</a></span></div>');
$('div:eq(2)', obj).animate({width:imgWidth},o.linkDisplaySpeed);
$('div:eq(2)', obj).animate({width:0},o.linkDisplaySpeed);
if(event.keyCode == 39)
if( (parseInt($('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left'))+parseInt($('#dragwrapper'+randID).width()) + o.keypressAmount) <= imgWidth )
$('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left', parseInt( $('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left') ) + o.keypressAmount + 'px');
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width( parseInt( $('div:eq(2)', obj).width() ) + o.keypressAmount + 'px' );
$('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left', imgWidth - parseInt( $('#dragwrapper'+randID).width() ) + 'px');
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width( imgWidth - parseInt( $('#dragwrapper'+randID).width() )/2 + 'px' );
if(event.keyCode == 37)
if( (parseInt($('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left')) - o.keypressAmount) >= 0 )
$('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left', parseInt( $('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left') ) - o.keypressAmount + 'px');
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width( parseInt( $('div:eq(2)', obj).width() ) - o.keypressAmount + 'px' );
$('#dragwrapper'+randID).css('left', '0px');
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width($('#dragwrapper'+randID).width()/2);
$('#dragwrapper'+randID).draggable( { containment:obj,drag:drag,stop:drag });
function drag()
$('#lt-arrow'+randID+', #rt-arrow'+randID).stop().css('opacity',0);
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width( parseInt( $(this).css('left') ) + 4 );
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width(imgWidth);
$('div:eq(2)', obj).width(imgWidth).animate({'width':imgWidth*o.introPosition+'px'},o.introDuration,function(){clickit();;});
function clickit()
// When clicking in the container, move the bar and imageholder divs
var clickX = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left;
$('div:eq(2)', obj).stop().animate({'width':clickX+'px'},o.clickSpeed);
$(obj).one('mousemove', function(){$('#dragwrapper'+randID).stop().animate({'opacity':1},500);}); // If the mouse is over the container and we animate the intro, we run this to change the opacity when the mouse moves since the hover event doesnt get triggered yet
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