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Created September 16, 2008 09:07
import javax.swing.{ImageIcon, JWindow, JLabel}
import scala.xml.XML
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor.loop
import scala.concurrent.ops.spawn
object ViewImagesInFeed extends Application {
* messages to be delivered to actors.
sealed abstract class MESSAGE
case object GETIMAGE extends MESSAGE
case object FEEDIMAGE extends MESSAGE
case class UPDATEIMAGE(url:String) extends MESSAGE
* This actor will retrieve the URLs of recent images on Flickr
* via, and then send each of them to ViewUpdater actor with
* the UPDATEIMAGE message.
private object FeedReceiver extends Actor {
val images = new Queue[String]()
* Thanks to the XML support on Scala, it is really easy to extract URLs
* for thumbnails. The URLs will be kept in "images".
def getImages() = {
val url = ""
val xml = XML.load(new URL(url).openStream)
(xml \ "entry" \ "media" \ "thumbnail" \ "url").foldLeft(images){
(i, u) => i += u.text; i
* The interval to delay to send messaes to actors.
val interval=1000
def act {
loop {
react {
case FEEDIMAGE => images.isEmpty match {
case true => ping(interval, GETIMAGE)
case false => {
ViewUpdater ! UPDATEIMAGE(images.dequeue)
ping(interval*10, FEEDIMAGE)
case GETIMAGE => getImages.isEmpty match {
case true => ping(interval, GETIMAGE)
case false => ping(interval, FEEDIMAGE)
* Send a message to myself after some interval in the forked thread.
def ping(sleep:Int, m:MESSAGE) {
spawn { Thread.sleep(sleep); this ! m }
* This actor will update the view according to the given message; UPDATEIMAGE.
* The update operation will be delegated to "w" object via its "<<" method.
private object ViewUpdater extends Actor {
def act {
loop {
react {
case UPDATEIMAGE(url) => w << url
* The main window to show thumbnails.
* Please note that we don't have to invent the class name for "w"!
* In java, we can not invoke "<<" method in "ViewUpdater" object without
* doing that.
private val w = new JWindow {
import java.awt.Toolkit
import java.awt.event._
val icon = new ImageIcon
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
override def mouseClicked(e:MouseEvent){ System.exit(0) }
getContentPane.add(new JLabel(icon))
setSize(75, 75)
// switch image with the given URL
def << (url:String) {
// release resource in the image if required.
icon.getImage match {
case i => if(i!=null){ i.flush }
val image=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.createImage(new URL(url))
// start actors
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