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Created May 19, 2009 04:23
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// F# port of auction.scala:
open System
open System.Threading
let (<--) (m:'msg MailboxProcessor) x = m.Post x
let unSome (Some x) = x
type AuctionMessage =
| Offer of int * AuctionReply MailboxProcessor // Make a bid
| Inquire of AuctionReply MailboxProcessor // Check the status
and AuctionReply =
| Status of int * DateTime // Asked sum and expiration
| BestOffer // Ours is the best offer
| BeatenOffer of int // Yours is beaten by another offer
| AuctionConcluded of // Auction concluded
AuctionReply MailboxProcessor * AuctionReply MailboxProcessor
| AuctionFailed // Failed without any bids
| AuctionOver // Bidding is closed
let timeToShutdown = 3000
let bidIncrement = 10
let auctionAgent seller minBid closing =
new AuctionMessage MailboxProcessor(fun inbox ->
let rec loop maxBid maxBidder =
async { let! msg = inbox.TryReceive((closing - DateTime.Now).Milliseconds)
match msg with
| Some ( Offer(bid, client) ) ->
if bid >= maxBid + bidIncrement then
if maxBid >= minBid then unSome maxBidder <-- BeatenOffer bid
client <-- BestOffer
return! loop bid (Some client)
client <-- BeatenOffer maxBid
return! loop maxBid maxBidder
| Some ( Inquire client ) ->
client <-- Status(maxBid, closing)
return! loop maxBid maxBidder
| None ->
if maxBid >= minBid then
let reply = AuctionConcluded(seller, unSome maxBidder)
unSome maxBidder <-- reply
seller <-- reply
else seller <-- AuctionFailed
let! msg' = inbox.TryReceive timeToShutdown
match msg' with
| Some ( Offer (_, client) ) ->
client <-- AuctionOver
return! loop maxBid maxBidder
| None -> return ()
loop (minBid - bidIncrement) None)
module Auction =
let random = new Random()
let minBid = 100
let closing = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds 10000.
let seller = new AuctionReply MailboxProcessor(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() =
async { let! _ = inbox.Receive()
return! loop()}
let auction = auctionAgent seller minBid closing
let client i increment top =
let name = sprintf "Client %i" i
let log msg = Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name, msg)
new AuctionReply MailboxProcessor(fun inbox ->
let rec startAuction() =
async { log "started"
auction <-- Inquire inbox
let! curMsg = inbox.Receive()
match curMsg with
| Status(maxBid,_) ->
log <| sprintf "status(%d)" maxBid
return! loop 0 maxBid }
and loop current max =
async { if max >= top then log "too high for me"
let current' =
if current < max then
let current' = max + increment
Thread.Sleep (1 + random.Next 1000)
auction <-- Offer(current', inbox)
else current
let! msg = inbox.TryReceive timeToShutdown
match msg with
| Some BestOffer ->
log <| sprintf "bestOffer(%d)" current'
return! loop current' max
| Some (BeatenOffer maxBid) ->
log <| sprintf "beatenOffer(%d)" maxBid
return! loop current' maxBid
| Some ( AuctionConcluded(seller, maxBidder) ) ->
log "auctionConcluded"; return ()
| Some AuctionOver ->
log "auctionOver"; return ()
| None -> return () }
open Auction
(client 1 20 200).Start()
(client 2 10 300).Start()
(client 3 30 150).Start()
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
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