This URL:
These can be thought of like temporary filters. As long as yo apply them in the Editor (or later in CartoDB.js) the result is available for your maps, but your data on disc doesn't change. Examples:
Only Blocks east of -71.90
SELECT * FROM census2010blocks_poly
ST_XMin(the_geom) > -71.90
Only Blocks within 30Km of Boston center
SELECT * FROM census2010blocks_poly
ST_DWithin(the_geom, CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064), 30000, true)
They don't have to be geospatial
Only Blocks with population > 100
SELECT * FROM census2010blocks_poly
WHERE pop100_re > 100
You can create new values on the fly through SQL analysis, joins, and functions. Examples:
ST_Distance(the_geom, CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064)) d
Now, we can make a map with the resulting data without actually storing it on disc,
Here, let's take a look at measureing the distance of the closest fire station to each census block.
(SELECT ST_Distance(the_geom, c.the_geom) FROM firestations_pt_mema
ORDER BY the_geom <-> c.the_geom
LIMIT 1) d
census2010blocks_poly c
Modifying data is the same as any database system. Simple INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
Drop all records not within 0.20 degree of Boston
DELETE FROM census2010blocks_poly
WHERE NOT ST_DWithin(the_geom, CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064), 0.20); DELETE FROM firestations_pt_mema
WHERE NOT ST_DWithin(the_geom, CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064), 0.20)
Notice we chained statements together here using the semicolon. This only works on write/deletes, a select chained together won't show up on the map
These changes are now all permanent! No undo for deleting data!
We can also store the results in a table by simply creating a new column and using an UPDATE query.
firestation_distance =
FROM firestations_pt_mema
ORDER BY the_geom <-> census2010blocks_poly.the_geom
The SQL gives you complete access to all the same functionality that you had in the editor. Primarily reading public datasets through SELECT statements. But also,
- SELECT of private data through authenticated requests
- authenticated INSERT
- authenticated DELETE
- authenticated UPDATE
Example anonymous SELECT*%20FROM%20firestations_pt_mema%20LIMIT%2010
Get the 10 closest stations to my location
SELECT * FROM firestations_pt_mema ORDER BY the_geom <-> my_location LIMIT 10
SELECT * FROM firestations_pt_mema ORDER BY the_geom <-> CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064) LIMIT 10
include a rank number
SELECT row_number() OVER () as rank, * FROM
(SELECT * FROM firestations_pt_mema ORDER BY the_geom <-> CDB_LatLng(42.358, -71.064)) q
The CartoDB.js library gives you a clean wrapper around the various APIs of CartoDB. For most users, that means that it allows them to take a map they have designed in the editor and integrate it in their website. It can be a lot of other things though. For example, searching a text column using the SQL API for an autocomplete form element. Let's look at how SQL can be used with the map though.
function main(){
window.onload = main;
function main(){
var layer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',{
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, © <a href="">CartoDB</a>'
var map ='map', {
scrollWheelZoom: false,
center: [42.358, -71.064],
zoom: 11
var lat = 42.358,
lng = -71.064;
cartodb.createLayer(map, {
user_name: 'andrew',
type: 'cartodb',
sublayers: [{
sql: 'select *, ST_Distance(the_geom, CDB_LatLng('+lat+','+lng+')) d from census2010blocks_poly',
cartocss: '#layer { polygon-fill: #F00; polygon-opacity: 0.3; line-color: #F00; [d > 0.1] {polygon-fill: #70F; line-color:#70F;} }'
window.onload = main;