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Created September 3, 2011 17:55
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Bar Tips
Simple example showing tipsy fork for SVG by Justin Donaldson.
Hover over the different elements to get the corresponding tooltip:
* Bar labels
* Bar values
* Bat itself
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tipsy.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="tipsy.css" type="text/css"/>
<style type="text/css">
#chart {
width: 960px;
height: 320px;
font-size: 12px;
#chart .bar {
fill: steelblue;
#chart .xaxis {
stroke: black;
.tipsy-inner {
text-align: left;
.tipsy-inner a {
color: white;
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('svg title').parent().tipsy({
gravity: 'sw',
html: true,
title: function() { return $(this).find('title').text(); }
<h1>Bar Tips</h1>
<div id="chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 960,
h = 320,
m = [ 15, 5, 15, 5 ], // top, right, bottom, left (ala css)
data = [ { l: "Jan", v: 10 }, { l: "Feb", v: 12 }, { l: "Mar", v: 14 }, { l: "Apr", v: 16 } ];
var x = d3.scale.ordinal().domain(d3.range(data.length))
.rangeBands([0, w - m[1] - m[3]], 0.1),
y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.v; })])
.range([0, h - m[0] - m[2]]);
var vis ="#chart")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + m[3] + "," + m[0] + ")");
.attr("class", "bar")
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return x(i); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return h - m[0] - m[2] - y(d.v); })
.attr("width", x.rangeBand())
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.v); })
.text(function(d) { return "Bar: " + d.l + "," + d.v; });
.attr("class", "value")
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return x(i) + x.rangeBand() / 2; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return h - m[0] - m[2] - y(d.v); })
.attr("dy", -2)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function(d) { return d.v; })
.text(function(d) { return "Bar value: " + d.v; });
.attr("class", "label")
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return x(i) + x.rangeBand() / 2; })
.attr("y", h - m[0] - m[2] - y(0))
.attr("dy", 12)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function(d) { return d.l; })
.text(function(d) { return "Bar label<br/>" + d.l + "<br/><a href=\"\">google</a>"; });
.attr("class", "xaxis")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("x2", w - m[1] - m[3])
.attr("y1", h - m[0] - m[2] - y(0))
.attr("y2", h - m[0] - m[2] - y(0));
(function($) {
$.fn.tipsy = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.tipsy.defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var opts = $.fn.tipsy.elementOptions(this, options);
$(this).hover(function() {
$.data(this, 'cancel.tipsy', true);
var tip = $.data(this, 'active.tipsy');
if (!tip) {
tip = $('<div class="tipsy"><div class="tipsy-arrow"></div><div class="tipsy-inner"/></div>');
tip.css({position: 'absolute', zIndex: 100000});
$.data(this, 'active.tipsy', tip);
if ($(this).attr('title') || typeof($(this).attr('original-title')) != 'string') {
$(this).attr('original-title', $(this).attr('title') || '').removeAttr('title');
var title;
if (typeof opts.title == 'string') {
title = $(this).attr(opts.title == 'title' ? 'original-title' : opts.title);
} else if (typeof opts.title == 'function') {
title =;
tip.find('.tipsy-inner')[opts.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title || opts.fallback);
var w = this.offsetWidth || 0;
var h = this.offsetHeight || 0;
if (typeof this.getBBox == 'function'){
var bbox = this.getBBox();
w += bbox.width;
h += bbox.height;
var pos = $.extend({}, $(this).offset(), {
width: w,
height: h
tip.get(0).className = 'tipsy'; // reset classname in case of dynamic gravity
tip.remove().css({top: 0, left: 0, visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block'}).appendTo(document.body);
var actualWidth = tip[0].offsetWidth, actualHeight = tip[0].offsetHeight;
var gravity = (typeof opts.gravity == 'function') ? : opts.gravity;
switch (gravity.charAt(0)) {
case 'n':
tip.css({top: + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}).addClass('tipsy-n');
case 's':
tip.css({top: - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}).addClass('tipsy-s');
case 'e':
tip.css({top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth}).addClass('tipsy-e');
case 'w':
tip.css({top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width}).addClass('tipsy-w');
if (opts.fade) {
tip.css({opacity: 0, display: 'block', visibility: 'visible'}).animate({opacity: 0.8});
} else {
tip.css({visibility: 'visible'});
}, function() {
$.data(this, 'cancel.tipsy', false);
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
if ($.data(this, 'cancel.tipsy')) return;
var tip = $.data(self, 'active.tipsy');
if (opts.fade) {
tip.stop().fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); });
} else {
}, 100);
// Overwrite this method to provide options on a per-element basis.
// For example, you could store the gravity in a 'tipsy-gravity' attribute:
// return $.extend({}, options, {gravity: $(ele).attr('tipsy-gravity') || 'n' });
// (remember - do not modify 'options' in place!)
$.fn.tipsy.elementOptions = function(ele, options) {
return $.metadata ? $.extend({}, options, $(ele).metadata()) : options;
$.fn.tipsy.defaults = {
fade: false,
fallback: '',
gravity: 'n',
html: false,
title: 'title'
$.fn.tipsy.autoNS = function() {
return $(this).offset().top > ($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2) ? 's' : 'n';
$.fn.tipsy.autoWE = function() {
return $(this).offset().left > ($(document).scrollLeft() + $(window).width() / 2) ? 'e' : 'w';
.tipsy { font-size: 10px; position: absolute; padding: 5px; z-index: 100000; }
.tipsy-inner { background-color: #000; color: #FFF; max-width: 200px; padding: 5px 8px 4px 8px; text-align: center; }
/* Rounded corners */
.tipsy-inner { border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; }
/* Uncomment for shadow */
.tipsy-inner { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; }
.tipsy-arrow { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; line-height: 0; border: 5px dashed #000; }
/* Rules to colour arrows */
.tipsy-arrow-n { border-bottom-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-s { border-top-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-e { border-left-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-w { border-right-color: #000; }
.tipsy-n .tipsy-arrow { top: 0px; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-nw .tipsy-arrow { top: 0; left: 10px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;}
.tipsy-ne .tipsy-arrow { top: 0; right: 10px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;}
.tipsy-s .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-sw .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; left: 10px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-se .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; right: 10px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-e .tipsy-arrow { right: 0; top: 50%; margin-top: -5px; border-left-style: solid; border-right: none; border-top-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-w .tipsy-arrow { left: 0; top: 50%; margin-top: -5px; border-right-style: solid; border-left: none; border-top-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; }
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