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Last active October 23, 2015 07:48
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<!--style type ここでは、cssの内容を記述-->
<!--JavaScript は、通常 <script>~</script> の間に記述-->
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var w = 1800;
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var dataset = [-8639, -6547, -3312, 2501, -4378, -3554, -1933, -6670, -2000, -1018, 18375, 6759, 76027, 14887, -5443, -1198, -734, -2101, -2720, -3703, -5480, -7114, 7978, -3134, -788, -1529, -1666, -7407, -3049, -2766, -1255, -1361, -1205, -3803, -3472, -1590, -1142, -3283, -2291, 1530, -2338, -6080, -3002, -2755, -3126, -4222, -249];
var kendata = ["北海道", "青森県", "岩手県", "宮城県", "秋田県", "山形県", "福島県", "茨城県", "栃木県", "群馬県", "埼玉県", "千葉県", "東京都", "神奈川県", "新潟県", "富山県", "石川県", "福井県", "山梨県", "長野県", "岐阜県", "静岡県", "愛知県", "三重県", "滋賀県", "京都府", "大阪府", "兵庫県", "奈良県", "和歌山県", "鳥取県", "島根県", "岡山県", "広島県", "山口県", "徳島県", "香川県", "愛媛県", "高知県", "福岡県", "佐賀県", "長崎県", "熊本県", "大分県", "宮崎県", "鹿児島県", "沖縄県"];
var svg ="body")
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return i*(w/dataset.length)
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return h * 0.8 - 12 - (d / 100); // h * 0.8 を基準の高さにする
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return h * 0.8; // h * 0.8 を基準の高さにする
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return h * 0.8 - (d / 100) + 14; // h / 2 を基準の高さにする
return d;
return i*(w/dataset.length)+(w/dataset.length-barPadding)/2;
return h * 0.8 - 2;
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