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Created June 18, 2009 23:51
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require 'pp' #lets make things look pretty shall we
weighted_avgs = []
#lets break the data down to "days" size blocks - we'll only do calculations on full sets
dataset.each_cons(days) { |block|
puts "Working with "
pp block
puts "Beginning iteration"
tot = 0
#we reverse here to make it easier to use index + 1 as the multiplier
block.reverse.each_with_index { |daily_val, day|
multiplier = day + 1
weighted_val = daily_val * multiplier
tot += weighted_val
pp [daily_val, multiplier, weighted_val, tot]
puts "End iteration"
weighted_avg = tot / (days * (days + 1) / 2 )
puts "Weighted average for block is #{weighted_avg}"
weighted_avgs << weighted_avg
puts "All done - here are the weighted averages"
pp weighted_avgs
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