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Created November 20, 2011 11:09
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Intel Cilk Plus -- Example #5 (fill the matrix and calculate column prefix sums)
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cilk/cilk.h>
#include <cilk/reducer.h>
#include <cilk/reducer_opadd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
/* ex: set tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
void prng_power(int &, int &, int, int);
int prng_jump(int, int, int, int, int);
static inline unsigned long long cilk_getticks();
static int * fill_matrix(int M, int N, int seed0, int a, int b, int m, int direction)
int area = N * M;
int ax = 1, bx = 0;
int ay = 1, by = 0;
unsigned long long start_tick, end_tick;
start_tick = cilk_getticks();
seed0 = (a * seed0 + b) % m;
if (direction == 1) {
ax = a; bx = b;
ay = a; by = b;
prng_power(ay, by, m, N);
} else {
ax = a; bx = b;
ay = a; by = b;
prng_power(ax, bx, m, N);
// fill the first row
int * row = (int *) _mm_malloc(N * sizeof(int), 64);
int seed = seed0;
for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
row[j] = seed;
seed = (ax * seed + bx) % m;
// calculate the mean PRNG value
cilk::reducer_opadd<long long> sum;
int mean, remainder;
cilk_for(int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
int ay2 = ay;
int by2 = by;
prng_power(ay2, by2, m, i);
sum += __sec_reduce_add((ay2 * row[0:N] + by2) % m);
mean = (int) (sum.get_value() / (long long) area);
remainder = (int) (sum.get_value() % (long long) area);
mean += (remainder * 2 > (signed) area) ? (1) : (0);
// fill matrix with PRNG values, corrected by the mean value
int * A = (int *) _mm_malloc(N * M * sizeof(int), 64);
assert(A != NULL);
cilk_for(int i = 0; i < M; i++)
int ay2 = ay;
int by2 = by;
prng_power(ay2, by2, m, i);
int *A1 = (int *) &(A[i * N]);
A1[0:N] = ((ay2 * row[0:N] + by2) % m) - mean;
// calculate prefix sums
for(int i = 1; i < M; i++) {
int *A0 = (int *) &(A[(i - 1) * N]);
int *A1 = (int *) &(A[i * N]);
A1[0:N] += A0[0:N];
end_tick = cilk_getticks();
std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << ((int)(end_tick - start_tick)) / 1000.f << "ms" << std::endl;
std::cout << "PRNG(seed0,a,b,m) sum value: " << sum.get_value() << ", mean value: " << mean << std::endl;
return A;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// int * A = fill_matrix(4, 3, 10, 3, 4, 17, 1);
// int * A = fill_matrix(1059, 1065, 62, 97, 4, 364, 1);
int * A = fill_matrix(4096, 65536, 62, 97, 4, 364, 1);
static inline unsigned long long cilk_getticks()
struct timeval t;
gettimeofday(&t, 0);
return t.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + t.tv_usec;
////// Linear Recurrence Reducer, x[i+1] => (a * x[i] + b) % m
class Recurrence_Reducer {
static int m;
// Per-strand view of the data
struct View {
friend class Recurrence_Reducer;
// Identity value for reducer: a = 1, b = 0
View() : a(1), b(0) { }
int a;
int b;
// View of reducer data
struct Monoid: cilk::monoid_base<View> {
static void reduce (View *left, View *right) {
left->a = (right->a * left->a) % m;
left->b = (right->b + left->b * right->a) % m;
// Hyperobject to serve up views
cilk::reducer<Monoid> imp_;
Recurrence_Reducer() : imp_() { }
// Update operations
inline Recurrence_Reducer& call_next(int a, int b) {
View &v = imp_.view();
v.a = (a * v.a) % m;
v.b = (b + a * v.b) % m;
return *this;
int get_a() { return imp_.view().a; }
int get_b() { return imp_.view().b; }
int Recurrence_Reducer::m = 0;
void prng_power(int &a, int &b, int m, int n) {
Recurrence_Reducer rr;
Recurrence_Reducer s;
Recurrence_Reducer::m = m;
// make logarithmic scale
int p = 0;
int aa[32], bb[32];
s.call_next(a, b);
while (n > 0) {
int a1 = s.get_a();
int b1 = s.get_b();
if (n % 2) {
aa[p] = a1;
bb[p] = b1;
} else {
aa[p] = 1;
bb[p] = 0;
s.call_next(a1, b1);
n = n >> 1;
// use this scale and calculate n-th power of the linear recurrence
cilk_for(int i = 0; i < p; ++i) {
rr.call_next(aa[i], bb[i]);
a = rr.get_a();
b = rr.get_b();
int prng_jump(int seed0, int a, int b, int m, int n) {
prng_power(a, b, m, n);
return (a * seed0 + b) % m;
////// END Linear Recurrence Reducer
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