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Last active January 16, 2023 00:33
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Save micahstubbs/13a528091a9785bd9e50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Soviet Bl.ock
license: CC0-1.0

research and inspiration for this map is compiled at this readlist

an iteration the GeoJson map of Colombia from john-guerra

geography from the Correlates of War Project

national borders are from 1959, when Google Books N-Gram Viewer tells us usage of the term Soviet Bloc neared its apogee:

'Soviet Bloc on Google Books N-Gram Viewer'

shapefiles transmuted to GeoJson by

the keypress easter egg is made possible by the handy d3.keybinding plugin from the prolific tmcw

if you know how to get the gold symbol SVGs to appear at the same time as the map, (rather than right before) tweet at me or comment on the gist

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
@import url(|Josefin+Slab|Arvo|Lato|Vollkorn|Abril+Fatface|Old+Standard+TT|Droid+Sans|Lobster|Inconsolata|Montserrat|Playfair+Display|Karla|Alegreya|Libre+Baskerville|Merriweather|Lora|Archivo+Narrow|Neuton|Signika|Questrial|Fjalla+One|Bitter|Varela+Round);
.background {
fill: #eee;
pointer-events: all;
.map-layer {
fill: #fff;
stroke: #aaa;
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 400;
.effect-layer text, text.dummy-text{
font-size: 12px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="keybinding.js"></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500,
// bold
var burgundy = "#900020"; /* */
var scarlet = "#FF2400"; /* */
var gold = "#FFD700"; /* */
// photo
// picked from this photo
/* */
var photoBrick = "#77372B";
var photoScarlet = "#FE5745";
var photoGold = "#E4FF72";
// betterment
// FOR THE BETTERMENT poster color palette
/* */
var bettermentMaroon = "#9E4E47";
var bettermentScarlet = "#F56334";
var bettermentGold = "#FBC042";
// objective
// HIGHEST OBJECTIVE poster color palette
/* */
var objectiveBlue = "#28356A";
var objectiveGrey = "#939EBA";
var objectiveGreen = "#4F928B";
// winter
// READY FOR WINTER poster color palette
/* */
var winterIndigo = "#24263D";
var winterViolet = "#5F4C62";
var winterLavender = "#8E6D74";
// set default colors
var centeredColor = burgundy;
var mouseoverColor = gold;
var scaleMaxColor = scarlet;
// Define color scale
var color = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([1, 20])
.range(['#fff', scaleMaxColor]);
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
// Center the Map on the centroid of the Soviet Bloc
.center([21.49, 50.42])
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
var path = d3.geo.path()
// Set svg width & height
var svg ='svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
// Add background
.attr('class', 'background')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.on('click', clicked);
var g = svg.append('g');
var effectLayer = g.append('g')
.classed('effect-layer', true);
var mapLayer = g.append('g')
.classed('map-layer', true);
var symbolLayer = g.append('g')
.classed('symbol-layer', true);
var dummyText = g.append('text')
.classed('dummy-text', true)
.attr('x', 10)
.attr('y', 30)
.style('opacity', 0);
var bigText = g.append('text')
.classed('big-text', true)
.attr('x', 20)
.attr('y', 45);
// Load map data
d3.json('sovietBloc-30pc.json', function(error, mapData) {
var features = mapData.features;
// Update color scale domain based on data
color.domain([0, d3.max(features, nameLength)]);
// Draw each region as a path
.attr('d', path)
.attr('vector-effect', 'non-scaling-stroke')
.style('fill', fillFn)
.on('mouseover', mouseover)
.on('mouseout', mouseout)
.on('click', clicked);
// draw the star on the map
.attr("d", "m 191.6,61.4 -27,0 21.8,16 -8.2,25.6 21.8,-15.8 21.8,15.8 -8.2,-25.6 21.8,-16 -27,0 -8.4,-25.8 -8.4,25.8 z m 8.4,-9.8 4.8,14.8 15.4,0 -12.4,9 4.72,14.7 -12.52,-9.1 -12.52,9.1 4.72,-14.7 -12.4,-9 15.4,0 4.8,-14.8 z")
.attr('transform', 'translate(495, 32) scale(0.75)')
'fill': mouseoverColor,
'pointer-events': 'none'
// draw the hammer and sickle on the map
.attr("d", "m 165.48767,15.46968 c 30.28036,10.786606 58.30746,27.796128 81.94778,49.566437 22.67525,21.131531 41.91496,47.019043 51.07166,76.929843 6.20619,19.23346 4.92918,40.01732 0.82663,59.54277 -4.09822,18.18931 -12.10129,35.52775 -23.7548,50.11879 13.21688,12.92251 26.30712,25.9743 39.55832,38.86277 -1.76477,6.60297 -4.46931,13.35099 -9.89871,17.80224 -4.53987,3.91868 -10.35211,5.81333 -16.072,7.23779 -12.94106,-13.44513 -25.94774,-26.82268 -38.89608,-40.26105 -16.12936,11.01859 -35.59366,16.82701 -55.03062,17.68546 -24.48131,1.08209 -48.95378,-6.80918 -68.92876,-20.82625 -10.7713,-7.40274 -20.48002,-16.25426 -29.386518,-25.79425 -1.525451,1.50055 -3.190323,2.84704 -4.902237,4.1295 0.424515,3.20129 0.884476,6.39847 1.325882,9.60054 -3.342621,0.19229 -6.679748,1.00963 -9.488357,2.89311 -8.665711,5.49181 -14.683441,14.01709 -20.834214,22.02049 -7.627059,9.9016 -14.482208,20.89213 -25.111389,27.90563 -6.441436,3.97925 -15.972961,2.29736 -19.917785,-4.39115 -4.12587,-6.56221 -1.745835,-15.03198 2.698074,-20.78855 10.86116,-15.96306 30.253235,-22.78556 42.394196,-37.4925 3.157745,-3.95123 5.545669,-8.53093 6.730285,-13.46106 3.100998,0.19817 6.202317,0.39974 9.304383,0.60175 2.627426,-2.6649 5.267654,-5.31627 7.885055,-7.98979 2.918259,-0.0754 5.892334,0.23651 8.773575,-0.32607 3.007553,-2.65266 5.40524,-5.91408 8.12138,-8.85225 2.97509,0.8335 4.66571,3.62412 6.8187,5.61696 13.30737,12.11968 28.52502,22.68173 45.86947,28.06787 22.17939,7.10536 46.8891,4.84806 67.6941,-5.49075 C 182.61364,205.47345 141.08113,162.43051 99.469097,119.46664 90.137432,129.2919 80.842099,139.15485 71.377285,148.85191 59.818081,137.0598 48.146038,125.37897 36.528225,113.64493 58.426541,91.724823 80.569775,70.050811 102.58882,48.252014 c 19.0366,5.182495 38.04879,10.456116 57.10335,15.576751 -13.02089,11.821229 -26.25696,23.402558 -39.32341,35.173066 43.41859,42.566409 86.62239,85.357669 130.11059,127.855849 10.49822,-12.77303 16.40651,-29.03735 17.21028,-45.50384 1.48093,-21.78817 -3.5608,-43.463 -10.74287,-63.90136 C 246.79441,90.479278 227.38447,68.27301 206.2883,49.170913 193.10296,37.451263 179.51396,26.169159 165.48767,15.46968 z m 0,0")
.attr('transform', 'translate(570, 110) scale(0.45)')
'fill': mouseoverColor,
'pointer-events': 'none'
.on('a', updateColors('bold', 'a'))
.on('s', updateColors('betterment', 's'))
.on('d', updateColors('photo', 'd'))
.on('f', updateColors('objective', 'f'))
.on('g', updateColors('winter', 'g'))
// Get region name
function nameFn(d){
return d && ? : null;
// Get region name length
function nameLength(d){
var n = nameFn(d);
return n ? n.length : 0;
// Get region color
function fillFn(d){
return color(nameLength(d));
// When clicked, zoom in
function clicked(d) {
if(d && d['properties']['ISONAME'] != "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") {
var x, y, k;
// Compute centroid of the selected path
if (d && centered !== d) {
var centroid = path.centroid(d);
x = centroid[0];
y = centroid[1];
k = 4;
centered = d;
} else {
x = width / 2;
y = height / 2;
k = 1;
centered = null;
// Highlight the clicked region
.style('fill', function(d){return centered && d===centered ? centeredColor : fillFn(d);});
// Zoom
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + width / 2 + ',' + height / 2 + ')scale(' + k + ')translate(' + -x + ',' + -y + ')');
function mouseover(d){
// Highlight hovered region
.classed("mousedOver", true)
.style('fill', mouseoverColor);
if(d['properties']['ISONAME'] === "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") {
.style('fill', scaleMaxColor);
// Draw effects
function mouseout(d){
// reset the mousedOver class
.classed("mousedOver", false);
// Reset region color
.style('fill', function(d){return centered && d===centered ? centeredColor : fillFn(d);});
if(d['properties']['ISONAME'] === "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") {
.style('fill', mouseoverColor);
// Remove effect text
.style('opacity', 0)
// Clear region name
function updateColors(palette, key) {
return function(event) {
switch (palette) {
case "bold":
centeredColor = burgundy;
scaleMaxColor = scarlet;
mouseoverColor = gold;
console.log('keypress', key);
console.log(palette, 'palette')
console.log('%c█ #900020', 'color: #900020');
console.log('%c█ #FF2400', 'color: #FF2400');
console.log('%c█ #FFD700', 'color: #FFD700');
case "photo":
centeredColor = photoBrick;
scaleMaxColor = photoScarlet;
mouseoverColor = photoGold;
console.log('keypress', key);
console.log(palette, 'palette')
console.log('%c█ #77372B', 'color: #77372B');
console.log('%c█ #FE5745', 'color: #FE5745');
console.log('%c█ #E4FF72', 'color: #E4FF72');
case "betterment":
centeredColor = bettermentMaroon;
scaleMaxColor = bettermentScarlet;
mouseoverColor = bettermentGold;
console.log('keypress', key);
console.log(palette, 'palette')
console.log('%c█ #9E4E47', 'color: #9E4E47');
console.log('%c█ #F56334', 'color: #F56334');
console.log('%c█ #FBC042', 'color: #FBC042');
case "objective":
centeredColor = objectiveGreen;
scaleMaxColor = objectiveBlue;
mouseoverColor = objectiveGrey;
console.log('keypress', key);
console.log(palette, 'palette')
console.log('%c█ #28356A', 'color: #28356A');
console.log('%c█ #939EBA', 'color: #939EBA');
console.log('%c█ #4F928B', 'color: #4F928B');
case "winter":
centeredColor = winterIndigo;
scaleMaxColor = winterViolet;
mouseoverColor = winterLavender;
console.log('keypress', key);
console.log(palette, 'palette')
console.log('%c█ #24263D', 'color: #24263D');
console.log('%c█ #5F4C62', 'color: #5F4C62');
console.log('%c█ #8E6D74', 'color: #8E6D74');
color.range(['#fff', scaleMaxColor]);
// Highlight the clicked region
.style('fill', function(d){return centered && d===centered ? centeredColor : fillFn(d);});
.style('fill', mouseoverColor);
.style('fill', mouseoverColor)
.each(function(d) {
if(d['properties']['ISONAME'] === "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") {
.style('fill', scaleMaxColor);
// Gimmick
// Just me playing around.
// You won't need this for a regular map.
var BASE_FONT = "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif";
var FONTS = [
"Open Sans",
"Josefin Slab",
"Abril Fatface",
"Old StandardTT",
"Playfair Display",
"Libre Baskerville",
"Archivo Narrow",
"Fjalla One",
"Varela Round"
function textArt(text){
// Use random font
var fontIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * FONTS.length);
var fontFamily = FONTS[fontIndex] + ', ' + BASE_FONT;
.style('font-family', fontFamily)
// Use dummy text to compute actual width of the text
// getBBox() will return bounding box
.style('font-family', fontFamily)
var bbox = dummyText.node().getBBox();
var textWidth = bbox.width;
var textHeight = bbox.height;
var xGap = 3;
var yGap = 1;
// Generate the positions of the text in the background
var xPtr = 0;
var yPtr = 0;
var positions = [];
var rowCount = 0;
while(yPtr < height){
while(xPtr < width){
var point = {
text: text,
index: positions.length,
x: xPtr,
y: yPtr
var dx = point.x - width/2 + textWidth/2;
var dy = point.y - height/2;
point.distance = dx*dx + dy*dy;
xPtr += textWidth + xGap;
xPtr = rowCount%2===0 ? 0 : -textWidth/2;
xPtr += Math.random() * 10;
yPtr += textHeight + yGap;
var selection = effectLayer.selectAll('text')
.data(positions, function(d){return d.text+'/'+d.index;});
// Clear old ones
.style('opacity', 0)
// Create text but set opacity to 0
.text(function(d){return d.text;})
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;})
.style('font-family', fontFamily)
.style('fill', '#777')
.style('opacity', 0);
.style('font-family', fontFamily)
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;});
// Create transtion to increase opacity from 0 to 0.1-0.5
// Add delay based on distance from the center of the <svg> and a bit more randomness.
return d.distance * 0.01 + Math.random()*1000;
.style('opacity', function(d){
return 0.1 + Math.random()*0.4;
d3.keybinding = function() {
// via
// and
var _keys = {
// MOD aka toggleable keys
mods: {
// Shift key, ⇧
'⇧': 16,
// CTRL key, on Mac: ⌃
'⌃': 17,
// ALT key, on Mac: ⌥ (Alt)
'⌥': 18,
// META, on Mac: ⌘ (CMD), on Windows (Win), on Linux (Super)
'⌘': 91
// Normal keys
keys: {
// Backspace key, on Mac: ⌫ (Backspace)
'⌫': 8, backspace: 8,
// Tab Key, on Mac: ⇥ (Tab), on Windows ⇥⇥
'⇥': 9, '⇆': 9, tab: 9,
// Return key, ↩
'↩': 13, 'return': 13, enter: 13, '⌅': 13,
// Pause/Break key
'pause': 19, 'pause-break': 19,
// Caps Lock key, ⇪
'⇪': 20, caps: 20, 'caps-lock': 20,
// Escape key, on Mac: ⎋, on Windows: Esc
'⎋': 27, escape: 27, esc: 27,
// Space key
space: 32,
// Page-Up key, or pgup, on Mac: ↖
'↖': 33, pgup: 33, 'page-up': 33,
// Page-Down key, or pgdown, on Mac: ↘
'↘': 34, pgdown: 34, 'page-down': 34,
// END key, on Mac: ⇟
'⇟': 35, end: 35,
// HOME key, on Mac: ⇞
'⇞': 36, home: 36,
// Insert key, or ins
ins: 45, insert: 45,
// Delete key, on Mac: ⌦ (Delete)
'⌦': 46, del: 46, 'delete': 46,
// Left Arrow Key, or ←
'←': 37, left: 37, 'arrow-left': 37,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↑
'↑': 38, up: 38, 'arrow-up': 38,
// Right Arrow Key, or →
'→': 39, right: 39, 'arrow-right': 39,
// Up Arrow Key, or ↓
'↓': 40, down: 40, 'arrow-down': 40,
// odities, printing characters that come out wrong:
// Num-Multiply, or *
'*': 106, star: 106, asterisk: 106, multiply: 106,
// Num-Plus or +
'+': 107, 'plus': 107,
// Num-Subtract, or -
'-': 109, subtract: 109,
// Semicolon
';': 186, semicolon:186,
// = or equals
'=': 187, 'equals': 187,
// Comma, or ,
',': 188, comma: 188,
//'-': 189, //???
// Period, or ., or full-stop
'.': 190, period: 190, 'full-stop': 190,
// Slash, or /, or forward-slash
'/': 191, slash: 191, 'forward-slash': 191,
// Tick, or `, or back-quote
'`': 192, tick: 192, 'back-quote': 192,
// Open bracket, or [
'[': 219, 'open-bracket': 219,
// Back slash, or \
'\\': 220, 'back-slash': 220,
// Close backet, or ]
']': 221, 'close-bracket': 221,
// Apostraphe, or Quote, or '
'\'': 222, quote: 222, apostraphe: 222
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the NUMPAD 0-9 keys in a loop
var i = 95, n = 0;
while (++i < 106) _keys.keys['num-' + n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the top row 0-9 keys in a loop
i = 47, n = 0;
while (++i < 58) _keys.keys[n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the F1-F25 keys in a loop
i = 111, n = 1;
while (++i < 136) _keys.keys['f' + n] = i; ++n;
// To minimise code bloat, add all of the letters of the alphabet in a loop
i = 64;
while(++i < 91) _keys.keys[String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase()] = i;
var pairs = d3.entries(_keys.keys),
event = d3.dispatch.apply(d3, d3.keys(_keys.keys));
function keys(selection) {
selection.on('keydown', function () {
var tagName =;
if (tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA') {
var modifiers = '';
if (d3.event.shiftKey) modifiers += '⇧';
if (d3.event.ctrlKey) modifiers += '⌃';
if (d3.event.altKey) modifiers += '⌥';
if (d3.event.metaKey) modifiers += '⌘';
pairs.filter(function(d) {
return d.value === d3.event.keyCode;
}).forEach(function(d) {
event[d.key](d3.event, modifiers);
return d3.rebind(keys, event, 'on');
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