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Created July 18, 2009 23:37
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$ erlc nick.erl && erlc vanessa.erl
1> Me = nick:new("Mountain View", "CA").
{nick,"Mountain View","CA"}
2> Me:city().
nick:city/0 -> "Mountain View"
3> Me:state().
nick:state/0 -> "CA"
4> Vanessa = vanessa:new("Mountain View", "CA").
{vanessa,{nick,"Mountain View","CA"},"Mountain View","CA"}
5> Vanessa:city().
child:city/0 -> "Mountain View"
6> Vanessa:state().
nick:state/0 -> "CA"
-module(nick, [City, State]).
-export([city/0, state/0]).
state() ->
io:format("nick:state/0 -> ~p~n", [State]).
city() ->
io:format("nick:city/0 -> ~p ~n", [City]).
-module(vanessa, [City, State]).
city() ->
io:format("child:city/0 -> ~p ~n", [City]).
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