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Created September 16, 2009 15:37
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$ cat .gemrc
:verbose: true
:benchmark: false
:update_sources: true
:backtrace: false
:bulk_threshold: 1000
rdoc: --inline-source --line-numbers --format=html --template=hanna
$ sudo gem install thoughtbot-shoulda
Successfully installed thoughtbot-shoulda-2.10.2
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for thoughtbot-shoulda-2.10.2...
Usage: gem [options] [names...]
Files are parsed, and the information they contain collected, before any
output is produced. This allows cross references between all files to be
resolved. If a name is a directory, it is traversed. If no names are
specified, all Ruby files in the current directory (and subdirectories) are
How RDoc generates output depends on the output formatter being used, and on
the options you give.
- Darkfish creates frameless HTML output by Michael Granger.
- ri creates ri data files
Parsing Options:
-a, --all Include all methods (not just public) in
the output.
-x, --exclude=PATTERN Do not process files or directories
matching PATTERN.
-E, --extension=NEW=OLD Treat files ending with .new as if they
ended with .old. Using '-E cgi=rb' will
cause xxx.cgi to be parsed as a Ruby file.
-U, --force-update Forces rdoc to scan all sources even if
newer than the flag file.
--pipe Convert RDoc on stdin to HTML
--threads=THREADS Number of threads to parse with.
Generator Options:
-c, --charset=CHARSET Specifies the output HTML character-set.
-f, --fmt, --format=FORMAT Set the output formatter. One of:
-i, --include=DIRECTORIES Set (or add to) the list of directories to
be searched when satisfying :include:
requests. Can be used more than once.
-N, --line-numbers Include line numbers in the source code.
-m, --main=NAME NAME will be the initial page displayed.
-o, --output, --op=DIR Set the output directory.
-H, --show-hash A name of the form #name in a comment is a
possible hyperlink to an instance method
name. When displayed, the '#' is removed
unless this option is specified.
-w, --tab-width=WIDTH Set the width of tab characters.
-T, --template=NAME Set the template used when generating
-t, --title=TITLE Set TITLE as the title for HTML output.
-W, --webcvs=URL Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend
to CVS. If the URL contains a '%s', the
name of the current file will be
substituted; if the URL doesn't contain a
'%s', the filename will be appended to it.
Diagram Options:
-I, --image-format=FORMAT Sets output image format for diagrams. Can
be gif, png, jpg, jpeg. If this option
is omitted, png is used. Requires
-d, --diagram Generate diagrams showing modules and
classes. You need dot V1.8.6 or later to
use the --diagram option correctly. Dot is
available from
-F, --fileboxes Classes are put in boxes which represents
files, where these classes reside. Classes
shared between more than one file are
shown with list of files that are sharing
them. Silently discarded if --diagram is
not given.
ri Generator Options:
-r, --ri Generate output for use by `ri`. The files
are stored in the '.rdoc' directory under
your home directory unless overridden by a
subsequent --op parameter, so no special
privileges are needed.
-R, --ri-site Generate output for use by `ri`. The files
are stored in a site-wide directory,
making them accessible to others, so
special privileges are needed.
-M, --merge When creating ri output, merge previously
processed classes into previously
documented classes of the same name.
Generic Options:
-D, --debug Displays lots on internal stuff.
-q, --quiet Don't show progress as we parse.
-v, --verbose Display extra progress as we parse.
Deprecated options - these warn when set
-S, --inline-source
-p, --promiscuous
invalid argument: --format=html
If I remove the last rdoc :
$ gem list rdoc
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
rdoc (2.4.3, 2.3.0)
$ sudo gem uninstall rdoc -v=2.4.3
Successfully uninstalled rdoc-2.4.3
And then trying again :
$ sudo gem install thoughtbot-shoulda
Successfully installed thoughtbot-shoulda-2.10.2
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for thoughtbot-shoulda-2.10.2...
Updating ri class cache with 7988 classes...
Installing RDoc documentation for thoughtbot-shoulda-2.10.2...
Working !
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