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Last active January 15, 2017 19:56
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var barHeight = 15;
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var types = ['dem', 'rep', 'lib', 'other'];
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'#F5F5F5' // slightly off white
var dataMunge = function(d, i, columns) {
c = {};
c.state = d.State;
c.values = {
'dem': +d.dem,
'rep': +d.rep,
'lib': +d.lib,
'other': +d.other
c.percent = {
'dem': d.dem / d.Total,
'rep': d.rep / d.Total,
'lib': d.lib/d.Total,
'other': d.other / d.Total
c.totalVotes = +d.Total;
return c;
d3.csv("stateVotes2016.csv", dataMunge, function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
return b.percent['dem'] - a.percent['dem'];
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// dem
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State Total dem rep lib other
Nationwide 137045863 65844610 62979636 4488912 3732705
Alabama 2123372 729547 1318255 44467 31103
Alaska 318608 116454 163387 18725 20042
Arizona 2604657 1161167 1252401 106327 84762
Arkansas 1130635 380494 684872 29829 35440
California 14237884 8753788 4483810 478500 521786
Colorado 2780247 1338870 1202484 144121 94772
Connecticut 1644920 897572 673215 48676 25457
Delaware 443814 235603 185127 14757 8327
Florida 9501617 4504975 4617886 207043 171713
Georgia 4138772 1877963 2089104 125306 46399
Hawaii 428937 266891 128847 15954 17245
Idaho 690433 189765 409055 28331 63282
Illinois 5571950 3090729 2146015 209596 125610
Indiana 2757828 1033126 1557286 133993 33423
Iowa 1566031 653669 800983 59186 52193
Kansas 1192627 427005 671018 55406 39198
Kentucky 1924149 628854 1202971 53752 38572
Louisiana 2029032 780154 1178638 37978 32262
Maine 747927 357735 335593 38105 16494
Maryland 2781446 1677928 943169 79605 80744
Massachusetts 3325046 1995196 1090893 138018 100939
Michigan 4822952 2268839 2279543 172136 102434
Minnesota 2944813 1367716 1322951 112972 141174
Mississippi 1211088 485131 700714 14435 10808
Missouri 2827673 1071068 1594511 97359 64735
Montana 501822 177709 279240 28037 16836
Nebraska 844227 284494 495961 38946 24826
Nevada 1125385 539260 512058 37384 36683
New Hampshire 744296 348526 345790 30777 19203
New Jersey 3906723 2148278 1601933 72477 84035
New Mexico 798318 385234 319666 74541 18877
New York 7706777 4547218 2814346 176289 168924
North Carolina 4741564 2189316 2362631 130126 59491
North Dakota 344360 93758 216794 21434 12374
Ohio 5536528 2394164 2841005 174498 126861
Oklahoma 1452992 420375 949136 83481 0
Oregon 2001336 1002106 782403 94231 122596
Pennsylvania 6163012 2926441 2970733 146715 119123
Rhode Island 464144 252525 180543 14746 16330
South Carolina 2103027 855373 1155389 49204 43061
South Dakota 370093 117458 227721 20850 4064
Tennessee 2508027 870695 1522925 70397 44010
Texas 8969226 3877868 4685047 283492 122819
Utah 1143601 310676 515231 39608 278086
Vermont 315067 178573 95369 10078 31047
Virginia 3982752 1981473 1769443 118274 113562
Washington 3311630 1742718 1221747 160879 186286
West Virginia 721231 188794 489371 23004 20062
Wisconsin 2976150 1382536 1405284 106674 81656
Wyoming 255849 55973 174419 13287 12170
Washington DC 311268 282830 12723 4906 10809
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