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Created October 16, 2014 00:09
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A Pen by Ryan Rich.
<section class="splash">
<div class="canvas-wrapper">
<h1>Catalyze User Status Check</h1>
<p>Easily check the status and information on a Catalyze user</p>
<form id="userForm">
<input type="text" id="apiKey" name="api" value="" placeholder="Type Identifier Key">
<input type="text" id="userName" name="un" value="" placeholder="Username">
<input type="password" id="userPassword" name="pw" value="" placeholder="Password">
<input type="submit" id="submitUser" value="Submit User">
<canvas id="particles" width="1000px" height="500px" />
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="userInfo">
<div id="userStatus"></div>
<div id="headerType"></div>
<div id="bodyContent"></div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=''></script>
/* Particle Sphere */
window.addEventListener("load", windowLoadHandler, false);
var sphereRad = 280;
var Debugger = function(){};
Debugger.log = function(message){
catch (exception){
function windowLoadHandler(){
function canvasSupport(){
return Modernizr.canvas;
function canvasApp(){
if (!canvasSupport()){
var theCanvas = document.getElementById("particles");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");
var displayWidth;
var displayHeight;
var timer;
var wait;
var count;
var numToAddEachFrame;
var particleList;
var recycleBin;
var particleAlpha;
var r,g,b;
var fLen;
var m;
var projCenterX;
var projCenterY;
var zMax;
var turnAngle;
var turnSpeed;
var sphereCenterX, sphereCenterY, sphereCenterZ;
var particleRad;
var zeroAlphaDepth;
var randAccelX, randAccelY, randAccelZ;
var gravity;
var rgbString;
var p;
var outsideTest;
var nextParticle;
var sinAngle;
var cosAngle;
var rotX, rotZ;
var depthAlphaFactor;
var i;
var theta, phi;
var x0, y0, z0;
function init(){
wait = 1;
count = wait - 1;
numToAddEachFrame = 5;
r = 255;
g = 255;
b = 255;
rgbString = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+",";
particleAlpha = 0.9;
displayWidth = theCanvas.width;
displayHeight = theCanvas.height;
fLen = 1000;
projCenterX = displayWidth/2;
projCenterY = displayHeight/2;
zMax = fLen-2;
particleList = {};
recycleBin = {};
randAccelX = 0.1;
randAccelY = 0.1;
randAccelZ = 0.1;
gravity = -0;
particleRad = 1;
sphereCenterX = 0;
sphereCenterY = 0;
sphereCenterZ = -3 - sphereRad;
zeroAlphaDepth = -750;
turnSpeed = 2*Math.PI/2000;
turnAngle = 0;
timer = setInterval(onTimer, 10/24);
function onTimer(){
if (count >= wait) {
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numToAddEachFrame; i++){
theta = Math.random()*2*Math.PI;
phi = Math.acos(Math.random()*2-1);
x0 = sphereRad*Math.sin(phi)*Math.cos(theta);
y0 = sphereRad*Math.sin(phi)*Math.sin(theta);
z0 = sphereRad*Math.cos(phi);
var p = addParticle(x0, sphereCenterY + y0, sphereCenterZ + z0, 0.005*x0, 0.002*y0, 0.002*z0);
p.attack = 120;
p.hold = 120;
p.decay = 60;
p.initValue = 0;
p.holdValue = particleAlpha;
p.lastValue = 0;
p.stuckTime = 120 + Math.random()*20;
p.accelX = 0;
p.accelY = gravity;
p.accelZ = 0;
turnAngle = (turnAngle + turnSpeed) % (2*Math.PI);
sinAngle = Math.sin(turnAngle);
cosAngle = Math.cos(turnAngle);
context.fillStyle = "#111111";
p = particleList.first;
while (p != null) {
nextParticle =;
if (p.age > p.stuckTime) {
p.velX += p.accelX + randAccelX*(Math.random()*2 - 1);
p.velY += p.accelY + randAccelY*(Math.random()*2 - 1);
p.velZ += p.accelZ + randAccelZ*(Math.random()*2 - 1);
p.x += p.velX;
p.y += p.velY;
p.z += p.velZ;
rotX = cosAngle*p.x + sinAngle*(p.z - sphereCenterZ);
rotZ = -sinAngle*p.x + cosAngle*(p.z - sphereCenterZ) + sphereCenterZ;
m = fLen/(fLen - rotZ);
p.projX = rotX*m + projCenterX;
p.projY = p.y*m + projCenterY;
if (p.age < p.attack+p.hold+p.decay) {
if (p.age < p.attack) {
p.alpha = (p.holdValue - p.initValue)/p.attack*p.age + p.initValue;
else if (p.age < p.attack+p.hold) {
p.alpha = p.holdValue;
else if (p.age < p.attack+p.hold+p.decay) {
p.alpha = (p.lastValue - p.holdValue)/p.decay*(p.age-p.attack-p.hold) + p.holdValue;
else {
p.dead = true;
if ((p.projX > displayWidth)||(p.projX<0)||(p.projY<0)||(p.projY>displayHeight)||(rotZ>zMax)) {
outsideTest = true;
else {
outsideTest = false;
if (outsideTest||p.dead) {
else {
depthAlphaFactor = (1-rotZ/zeroAlphaDepth);
depthAlphaFactor = (depthAlphaFactor > 1) ? 1 : ((depthAlphaFactor<0) ? 0 : depthAlphaFactor);
context.fillStyle = rgbString + depthAlphaFactor*p.alpha + ")";
context.arc(p.projX, p.projY, m*particleRad, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
p = nextParticle;
function addParticle(x0,y0,z0,vx0,vy0,vz0) {
var newParticle;
var color;
if (recycleBin.first != null) {
newParticle = recycleBin.first;
//remove from bin
if ( != null) {
recycleBin.first =; = null;
else {
recycleBin.first = null;
else {
newParticle = {};
if (particleList.first == null) {
particleList.first = newParticle;
newParticle.prev = null; = null;
else { = particleList.first;
particleList.first.prev = newParticle;
particleList.first = newParticle;
newParticle.prev = null;
newParticle.x = x0;
newParticle.y = y0;
newParticle.z = z0;
newParticle.velX = vx0;
newParticle.velY = vy0;
newParticle.velZ = vz0;
newParticle.age = 0;
newParticle.dead = false;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
newParticle.right = true;
else {
newParticle.right = false;
return newParticle;
function recycle(p) {
if (particleList.first == p) {
if ( != null) { = null;
particleList.first =;
else {
particleList.first = null;
else {
if ( == null) { = null;
else { =; = p.prev;
if (recycleBin.first == null) {
recycleBin.first = p;
p.prev = null; = null;
else { = recycleBin.first;
recycleBin.first.prev = p;
recycleBin.first = p;
p.prev = null;
var asd = 12;
/* Catalyze API */
$("#submitUser").bind( "click keyup", function(event){
var Request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '');
var apiKey = document.getElementById('apiKey').value;
Request.setRequestHeader('X-Api-Key', apiKey);
Request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
Request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
Request.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (this.readyState === 4){
var statusElement=document.getElementById("userStatus");
statusElement.innerHTML="<h3>Status:</h3>" + " " + "<span id='currentStatus'>" + (this.status) + "</span>";
var headerElement=document.getElementById("headerType");
headerElement.innerHTML="<h3>Response:</h3>" + " " + (this.getAllResponseHeaders());
var bodyElement=document.getElementById("bodyContent");
bodyElement.innerHTML="<h3>User info:</h3>" + " " + "<pre>" + (this.responseText) + "</pre>";
var users = {
'username': document.getElementById('userName').value,
'password': document.getElementById('userPassword').value
Request.send(JSON.stringify(users, null, "\t"));
var statusColor = $("#currentStatus").val();
if(statusColor == undefined){
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