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Created November 16, 2009 00:20
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  • Save neilcrookes/235599 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save neilcrookes/235599 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Provides counter cache behavior for HABTM records.
* Example: Posts habtm Tags and tags table contains post_count field
* class Post extends AppModel {
* var $name = 'Post';
* var $actsAs = array('HabtmCounterCache');
* var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Tag');
* }
* Features include:
* - Counter scope conditions
* - Flexible configuration
* (see comments for $config param to setup() method below for more information)
* @author Neil Crookes <>
* @link
* @copyright (c) 2009 Neil Crookes
* @license MIT License -
* @link
class HabtmCounterCacheBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
* Array in the form:
* array(
* $model->alias => array(
* $model->id => array(
* $habtmAlias => array(1,2,3,...) // $habtmAlias is the
* )
* )
* )
* Used to store the ids of the habtm related models whose counterCache fields
* nee updating in either afterSave or afterDelete.
* @var array
protected $_habtmIds = array();
* Populates the settings property of the behavior in an array in the form:
* array(
* $model->alias => array(
* $habtmAlias => array(
* 'counterCache' => '<countCache field name>'
* 'counterScope' => array('field' => 'value') // A regular CakePHP condition
* ),
* ),
* )
* @param AppModel $model
* @param array $config Configuration is very flexible, for example:
* - Just attach and it will do counter caching for all hatbm associated models
* that have the counterCache field. E.g.
* var $actsAs = array('HabtmCounterCache');
* - Specify counterCache and/or counterScope keys in the configuration options
* when you attach the behavior for these settings to be applied to all habtm
* associations. E.g.
* var $actsAs = array(
* 'HabtmCounterCache' => array(
* 'counterScope' => array('active' => 1)
* ),
* );
* - Introduce habtm association specific counterCache and counterScope settings
* by using the habtm alias as the key E.g.
* var $actsAs = array(
* 'HabtmCounterCache' => array(
* 'Tag' => array(
* 'counterCache' => 'weight'
* )
* ),
* );
public function setup(&$model, $config = null) {
// Set up the default settings for this model. Default counterCache field is
// post_count for Post model, no counterScope.
$defaults = array(
'counterCache' => Inflector::underscore($model->alias) . '_count',
'counterScope' => null,
// Get the settings for all habtm associations, if set.
$allHabtmSettings = $this->_config2settings($config);
// Iterate through the habtms of the model, assigning the settings to the
// settings property of the behavior
foreach ($model->hasAndBelongsToMany as $habtmAlias => $habtmAssocData) {
$habtmSpecificSettings = array();
// Check whether habtm specific settings have been set for this alias
if (isset($config[$habtmAlias])) {
if ($config[$habtmAlias] == false) {
} else {
$habtmSpecificSettings = $this->_config2settings($config[$habtmAlias]);
// Check whether habtm specific settings have been set for this habtm's
// class name (note, you may have 2 assocs using the same class name)
} elseif (isset($config[$habtmAssocData['className']])) {
if ($config[$habtmAssocData['className']] == false) {
} else {
$habtmSpecificSettings = $this->_config2settings($config[$habtmAssocData['className']]);
// The behavior needs to know the className, joinTable, foreignKey and
// associationForeignKey of the assoc later, so may as well grab them now.
$habtmSpecificSettings += array_intersect_key($habtmAssocData, array_flip(array('className', 'joinTable', 'foreignKey', 'associationForeignKey')));
// It also needs to know the joinModel, so may as well determine that now
$habtmSpecificSettings['joinModel'] = Inflector::camelize(Inflector::singularize($habtmSpecificSettings['joinTable']));
// Store the merged settings in the behavior's settings property indexed
// by the model->alias and the habtmAlias
$this->settings[$model->alias][$habtmAlias] = array_merge($defaults, $allHabtmSettings, $habtmSpecificSettings);
* Attempts to normalise the config and produce a standard structure for the
* settings that apply to either all habtm associations or just one.
* If config is a string, it's assumed the value is the counterCache field
* name. If it's an array, only the elements with keys mayching counterCache
* and counterScope are actually used.
* @param mixed $config
* @return array
protected function _config2settings($config) {
$settings = array();
// If a string, assume counterCache field name
if (is_string($config)) {
$settings['counterCache'] = $config;
// If array, use the counter Cache and Scope keys
} elseif (is_array($config)) {
if (isset($config['counterCache'])) {
$settings['counterCache'] = $config['counterCache'];
if (isset($config['counterScope'])) {
$settings['counterScope'] = $config['counterScope'];
return $settings;
* Called automatically before Model::save()
* If inserting, there were no previous habtm associated records that may no
* longer be associated, so just return.
* If updating, there may have been previous habtm associated records that are
* no longer associated, e.g. you removed a tag, so you need to identify all
* previously associated records and store them for after save where they will
* each have their counts recalculated.
* @param AppModel $model
* @return boolean Always true
public function beforeSave(&$model) {
// If no model->id, inserting, so return
if (!$model->id) {
return true;
return true;
* Adds current associated record ids (from the db) to the _habtmIds property
* for each habtm association in the settings
* @param AppModel $model
protected function _setOldHabtmIds(&$model) {
foreach ($this->settings[$model->alias] as $habtmAlias => $settings) {
// Instantiate a model for the join table, e.g. PostsTag
$JoinModelObj = ClassRegistry::init($settings['joinModel']);
// Get ids of the current associated habtm records e.g. list of tag_id's
$oldHabtmIds = $JoinModelObj->find('list', array(
'fields' => array($settings['associationForeignKey'], $settings['associationForeignKey']),
'conditions' => array($settings['foreignKey'] => $model->id)
// Add tag_ids to _habtmsIds property
$this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias] = $oldHabtmIds;
* Called automatically after Model::save()
* Adds new habtm ids to the list of ids of associated habtm models to update
* the counters for, then triggers the update.
* @param AppModel $model
* @param boolean $created
* @return boolean Always true
public function afterSave(&$model, $created) {
return true;
* Updates the _habtmIds property with the new habtm ids. E.g. Post is created
* with some tags or Post is edited ang tags have changed.
* @param AppModel $model
protected function _setNewHabtmIds($model) {
// Iterate through the habtm associations
foreach ($this->settings[$model->alias] as $habtmAlias => $settings) {
// If habtm alias key is not set in model->data, the associated habtm ids
// are not changing, but the scope of the record may be, so we still need
// need to leave the old ones in the _habtmIds property and re-calculate
// any counts.
if (!isset($model->data[$habtmAlias][$habtmAlias])) {
// If there are no old habtm ids, add the new ones to the _habtmIds
// property
if (!isset($this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias])) {
$this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias] = $model->data[$habtmAlias][$habtmAlias];
// If there are old habtm ids merge them with the new ones
$this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias] = array_unique(array_merge(
* Called automatically before Model::delete()
* If deleting a record that has associated habtm records, the habtm records
* counter caches will need re-calculating, so identify them. E.g. get the
* tag_ids of the Tags that the Post being deleted was tagged with.
* @param AppModel $model
* @return boolean Always true
function beforeDelete(&$model) {
return true;
* Trigger the update of the counts of the relevant associated habtm model
* records, e.g. the Tags of the Post that was just deleted.
* @param AppModel $model
function afterDelete(&$model) {
* Updates the counter cache for each associated habtm model's records
* identified in the _habtmIds property
* @param AppModel $model
function _updateCounterCache(&$model) {
foreach ($this->settings[$model->alias] as $habtmAlias => $settings) {
// If there are no ids for this habtm to update the counts for, move on
if (!isset($this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias])) {
// Instantiate the join model, e.g. PostsTag
$JoinModelObj = ClassRegistry::init($settings['joinModel']);
// Initialise conditions array
$conditions = array();
// By default, recursive = -1 as no need to get any other associated data
$recursive = -1;
// But if there is counterScope
if ($settings['counterScope']) {
// Bind the current model as a belongsTo to the joinModel, permanently,
// e.g. PostsTag->belongsTo = array('Post')
'belongsTo' => array(
$model->alias => array(
'foreignKey' => $settings['foreignKey']
), false);
// Add counter scope to conditions, e.g. array( => 1)
$conditions[] = $settings['counterScope'];
// Set recursive to 0 to ensure the bound model data is available for
// applying scope conditions to
$recursive = 0;
// Loop through the associated habtm records to update the counters for,
// e.g. Tag ids 1,2,3...
foreach ($this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias] as $habtmId) {
// Add the habtmId to the conditions array, e.g. PostsTag.tag_id => 1
$conditions[$settings['joinModel'].'.'.$settings['associationForeignKey']] = $habtmId;
// Get the count E.g. number of PostsTag with tag_id = 1
$count = $JoinModelObj->find('count', array(
'conditions' => $conditions,
'recursive' => $recursive
// Update the associated habtm model record's conter cache, e.g.
// Tag.post_count = 1
$habtmAlias => array(
'id' => $habtmId,
$settings['counterCache'] => $count,
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Maybe I'm missing something but I didn't find any tracking system nor blog post to post this. I'll post it here, hoping that someone would read it.

I found a little problem with this behavior.
When submitting a save form with an empty habtm [model][model] key, the value submitted is not an array but an empty string, thus raising an error when trying to array_merge it in _setNewHabtmIds.

I edited the file and wrapped the merging code to look like this :

if (!empty($model->data[$habtmAlias][$habtmAlias])) {
    $this->_habtmIds[$model->alias][$model->id][$habtmAlias] = array_unique(array_merge(

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