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Created December 13, 2009 13:20
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bridge between C++ and Objective-C
#include <objc/objc.h>
#define BRIDGE_TO( A ) \
static void *operator new(size_t ,void *in_memory) { return in_memory; } \
static void *operator new(size_t in_size) { return alloc(in_size,#A); } \
static void operator delete(void *in_memory) { dealloc(in_memory); }
class _BridgeBase
BRIDGE_TO( BridgeBase )
_BridgeBase() {}
virtual ~_BridgeBase() {}
static void *alloc(size_t in_size,const char *in_objcClassName);
static void dealloc(void *);
template<typename T>
T objc2cpp_cast(id obj) { return (T)((unsigned char *)obj + sizeof(void *)); }
template<typename T>
id cpp2objc_cast(T obj) { return (id)((unsigned char *)obj - sizeof(void *)); }
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
#include "_BridgeBase.h"
void *
_BridgeBase::alloc(size_t in_size,const char *in_objcClassName)
id klass = objc_getClass(in_objcClassName);
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)NSAllocateObject(klass, in_size, NULL);
return p + sizeof(void *);
_BridgeBase::dealloc(void *in_space)
objc_class *obj = (objc_class *)((unsigned char *)in_space - sizeof(void *));
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BridgeBase : NSObject {
#import "BridgeBase.h"
#import "_BridgeBase.h"
@implementation BridgeBase
+ (id)alloc
id obj = NSAllocateObject(self, sizeof(_BridgeBase), NULL);
new(objc2cpp_cast<_BridgeBase *>(obj)) _BridgeBase();
return obj;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
id obj = NSAllocateObject(self, sizeof(_BridgeBase), zone);
new(objc2cpp_cast<_BridgeBase *>(obj)) _BridgeBase();
return obj;
- (void)dealloc
delete objc2cpp_cast<_BridgeBase *>(self);
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