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Created December 18, 2009 09:39
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Save youz/259400 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. url shortener interface for xyzzy
;;; url shortener interface for xyzzy
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require 'cmu_loop)
(require 'xml-http-request)
(require 'json)
(unless (find-package :googl)
(defpackage :googl
(:use :lisp :editor))))
(in-package :googl)
(export '(shorten))
(defun _c (&rest xs)
for x in xs
sum (logand x 4294967295)))
(defun _d (l)
(let* ((ls (format nil "~A" (if (<= l 0) (+ l 4294967296) l)))
(o 0))
for c across (reverse ls)
for q = (- (char-code c) 48)
for n = nil then (not n)
do (incf o (if n (+ (floor #1=(* q 2) 10) (mod #1# 10)) q)))
(let* ((m (- 10 (mod o 10)))
(d (cond ((= m 10) 0)
((evenp (length ls)) m)
((oddp m) (/ (+ m 9) 2))
(t (/ m 2)))))
(format nil "~A~A" d ls))))
(defun _e (uri)
for c across uri
for m = 5381
then (_c (ash m 5) m (char-code c))
finally (return m)))
(defun _f (uri)
for c across uri
for m = 0
then (_c (char-code c) (ash m 6) (ash m 16) (* m -1))
finally (return m)))
(defun make-auth-token (uri)
(flet (($ (n d u) (ash (logand (ash n (- d)) 15) u)))
(let* ((i (_e uri))
(h (_f uri))
(setq i (logand (ash i -2) 1073741823)
i (logior (logand #1=(ash i -4) 67108800) (logand i 63))
i (logior (logand #1# 4193280) (logand i 1023))
i (logior (logand #1# 245760) (logand i 16383))
k (logior ($ i 2 4) ($ h 0 0)
($ i 6 12) ($ h 8 8)
($ i 10 20) ($ h 16 16)
($ i 14 28) ($ h 24 24)))
(format nil "7~A" (_d k)))))
(defun shorten (uri &optional (user ""))
(let* ((data `(:user ,user :url ,uri :auth_token ,(make-auth-token uri)))
(res (xhr:xhr-post "" data
:key #'xhr:xhr-response-text)))
(when res
(cdr (assoc "short_url" (json:json-decode res) :test 'equal)))))
(provide "googl")
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