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Created January 11, 2010 06:13
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use strict;
use warnings;
my @text = map {+[grep {!/\n/} split //, $_]} grep /\*/, <DATA>;
my %index;
my %points;
for my $y (0..$#text) {
for my $x (0..$#{$text[$y]}) {
my $char = $text[$y][$x];
$index{ss($x, $y)} = $char;
if ($char ne ' ' && $char ne '*') {
$points{$char} = {x => $x, y => $y};
my $log = traversal($points{'S'}, \%index);
for my $c (@$log[1..$#{$log}-1]) {
$text[$c->{y}][$c->{x}] = '$';
print join "\n", map {join "", @$_} @text;
print "\n";
sub traversal {
my ($start, $index) = @_;
my @queue = ([$start]);
my %shortest = map {($_, 100000)} keys %$index;
while (my $now = shift @queue) {
my @availd;
my $cursor = $now->[$#{$now}];
for my $d ([0, 1],[1, 0],[-1, 0],[0, -1]) {
my $nextc = {x => $cursor->{x} + $d->[0], y => $cursor->{y} + $d->[1]};
if ((0 == scalar @$now) or (!grep {i2s($_) eq i2s($nextc)} @$now)) {
if (defined $index->{i2s($nextc)}) {
if ($index{i2s($nextc)} eq ' ') {
push @availd, $nextc;
elsif ($index{i2s($nextc)} eq 'G') {
return [@$now, $nextc];
for my $nextc (@availd) {
if ($shortest{i2s($nextc)} >= scalar @$now) {
$shortest{i2s($nextc)} = scalar @$now;
push @queue, [@$now, $nextc];
sub i2s {
my $i = shift;
return ss($i->{x}, $i->{y});
sub ss {
return (shift @_).','.(shift @_);
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