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Created January 12, 2010 04:35
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import openbabel as ob
import os.path,sys,re
from tempfile import mkstemp
def to_gasfile(input,type="sdf"):
""" convert file to gaston format"""
(n,gastonfile) = mkstemp()
f = open(gastonfile, 'w')
obc = ob.OBConversion()
mol = ob.OBMol()
next = obc.ReadFile(mol,input)
molnum = 0
while next:
f.write("t # %d\n" % molnum)
for i,atom in enumerate(ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol)):
f.write("v %d %d\n" % (i,atom.GetAtomicNum()))
for i,bond in enumerate(ob.OBMolBondIter(mol)):
f.write("e %d %d %d\n" % (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()-1,bond.GetEndAtomIdx()-1,bond.GetBondOrder()))
mol = ob.OBMol()
next = obc.Read(mol)
molnum += 1
return gastonfile
def from_gasfile(gastonfile,type="smi"):
txt = open(gastonfile).read()
p = re.compile('#.+?(?=(#|$))',re.S)
mols = p.finditer(txt)
for gas in mols:
yield gas2ob(
def gas2ob(gf):
mol = ob.OBMol()
for l in gf.split('\n'):
if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == 'v':
a = mol.NewAtom()
atomic_num = int(l.split(' ')[2])
elif len(l) > 0 and l[0] == 'e':
begin_atom_idx = int(l.split(' ')[1]) + 1
end_atom_idx = int(l.split(' ')[2]) + 1
bond_order = int(l.split(' ')[3])
b = mol.AddBond(begin_atom_idx, end_atom_idx, bond_order)
elif len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '#':
title = l.split(' ')[1]
return mol
def do_gaston(gasfile,freq=7):
(n,output) = mkstemp()
os.system("/opt/local/bin/gaston %d %s %s" % (freq,gasfile,output))
return output
def gaston(input):
gasfile = to_gasfile(input)
output = do_gaston(gasfile)
return from_gasfile(output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
input = sys.argv[1]
obc = ob.OBConversion()
for m in gaston(input):
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