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Created January 12, 2010 11:43
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let str =
"**************************\n" +
"*S* * *\n" +
"* * * * ************* *\n" +
"* * * ************ *\n" +
"* * *\n" +
"************** ***********\n" +
"* *\n" +
"** ***********************\n" +
"* * G *\n" +
"* * *********** * *\n" +
"* * ******* * *\n" +
"* * *\n" +
let strmap = str.split("\n").reduce(function (a, l) { a.push(l.split("")); return a; }, []);
const INF = null;
let field =
function (r, y)
function (c, x) {
return {
x : x,
y : y,
str : c,
from : null,
done : false,
score : {
" " : INF,
"S" : 0,
"G" : INF
})); = function (p, x, y) this[y] ? this[y][x] : undefined;
field.up = function (p), p.x, p.y - 1);
field.down = function (p), p.x, p.y + 1);
field.left = function (p), p.x - 1, p.y);
field.right = function (p), p.x + 1, p.y);
field.__iterator__ = function (keyOnly) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
for (let j = 0; j < this[i].length; ++j)
yield keyOnly ? this[i][j] : [, this[i][j]];
throw StopIteration;
field.remains = function () {
while (true)
let minNode;
for (let [, node] in Iterator(this))
if (node.str === "*" || node.done)
if (!minNode || smaller(node.score, minNode.score))
minNode = node;
if (!minNode || minNode.score === INF)
throw StopIteration;
yield minNode;
field.find = function (c) {
for (let [, node] in Iterator(this))
if (node.str === c)
return node;
return null;
function smaller(s1, s2) (s1 === INF) ? false : (s2 === INF) ? true : (s1 < s2);
// ====================================================================== //
function dijkstra(f) {
const directions = ["up", "right", "down", "left"];
let remains = f.remains();
for (let looking in remains)
let cand = looking.score + 1;
for (let [, direction] in Iterator(directions))
let next = f[direction](looking);
if (!next || next.str === "*")
if (smaller(cand, next.score))
next.score = cand;
next.from = looking;
looking.done = true;
// ====================================================================== //
let start = field.find("S");
let goal = field.find("G");
for (let node = goal.from; node !== start; node = node.from)
strmap[node.y][node.x] = "$";
window.alert( (r) r.join("")).join("\n"));
let str =
"**************************\n" +
"*S* * *\n" +
"* * * * ************* *\n" +
"* * * ************ *\n" +
"* * *\n" +
"************** ***********\n" +
"* *\n" +
"** ***********************\n" +
"* * G *\n" +
"* * *********** * *\n" +
"* * ******* * *\n" +
"* * *\n" +
let strmap = str.split("\n").reduce(function (a, l) { a.push(l.split("")); return a; }, []);
let field =
function (r, y)
function (c, x) {
return {
x : x,
y : y,
str : c,
from : null,
score : {
" " : -1,
"S" : 0,
"G" : -1
})); = function (p) this[p.y][p.x];
field.up = function (p) this[p.y - 1][p.x];
field.down = function (p) this[p.y + 1][p.x];
field.left = function (p) this[p.y][p.x - 1];
field.right = function (p) this[p.y][p.x + 1];
field.find = function (c) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
for (let j = 0; j < this[i].length; ++j)
if (this[i][j].str === c)
return this[i][j];
return null;
function equal (p1, p2) p1 && p2 && p1.x === p2.x && p1.y === p2.y;
// ====================================================================== //
let start = field.find("S");
let goal = field.find("G");
function step(current) {
if (equal(current, goal))
current.score = -1;
current.from = null;
return [goal];
let stack;
for (let [, direction] in Iterator(["up", "right", "down", "left"]))
let next = field[direction](current);
if (next.str === "*" || equal(next.from, current))
if (next.score < 0 || current.score + 1 < next.score)
next.score = current.score + 1;
next.from = current;
let tmp = step(next);
if (tmp)
if (!stack || tmp.length < stack.length)
stack = tmp;
current.from = null;
if (stack)
return stack;
return null;
let result = step(start);
result.pop(); // remove goal
result.shift(); // remove start
result.forEach(function (o, i) strmap[o.y][o.x] = "$");
window.alert( (r) r.join("")).join("\n"));
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