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Created January 12, 2010 21:32
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Binary search Cocoa NSArray
// BinarySearchTC.m
// Created by Marcus Rohrmoser on 12.01.10.
// Copyright 2009 Marcus Rohrmoser mobile Software. All rights reserved.
#import <SenTestingKit/SenTestingKit.h>
@interface BinarySearchTC : SenTestCase {}
#import "MroBinarySearch.h"
@implementation BinarySearchTC
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, [@"0" compare:@"05"], @"");
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, [@"05" compare:@"1"], @"");
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, (NSComparisonResult)[@"0" performSelector:@selector(compare:) withObject:@"05"], @"");
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, (NSComparisonResult)[@"05" performSelector:@selector(compare:) withObject:@"1"], @"");
NSArray *a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"0", @"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", nil];
STAssertEquals(0, [a binarySearch:@"0"], @"0");
STAssertEquals(1, [a binarySearch:@"1"], @"1");
STAssertEquals(4, [a binarySearch:@"4"], @"4");
STAssertEquals(-2, [a binarySearch:@"05"], @"05");
STAssertEquals(-3, [a binarySearch:@"1" usingSelector:nil inRange:NSMakeRange(2, a.count-2)], @"1");
NSInteger stringSort(id str1, id str2, void *context)
// NSLogD(@"a:%@, b:%@", str1, str2);
return [str1 compare:str2];
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, stringSort(@"0", @"05", NULL), @"");
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, stringSort(@"05", @"1", NULL), @"");
NSArray *a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"0", @"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", nil];
STAssertEquals(0, [a binarySearch:@"0" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(1, [a binarySearch:@"1" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"1");
STAssertEquals(4, [a binarySearch:@"4" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"4");
STAssertEquals(-3, [a binarySearch:@"1" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL inRange:NSMakeRange(2, a.count-2)], @"1");
STAssertEquals(-2, [a binarySearch:@"05" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"05");
a = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"aa", @"ab", @"bb", @"bc", @"ca", @"cb", nil] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
STAssertEquals(-3, [a binarySearch:@"b" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(2, -(-3) - 1, @"");
STAssertEquals(-5, [a binarySearch:@"bz" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
a = [NSArray array];
STAssertEquals(-1, [a binarySearch:@"a" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"b", nil];
STAssertEquals(-1, [a binarySearch:@"a" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(0, [a binarySearch:@"b" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(-2, [a binarySearch:@"c" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"b", @"d", nil];
STAssertEquals(-1, [a binarySearch:@"a" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(0, [a binarySearch:@"b" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(-2, [a binarySearch:@"c" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(1, [a binarySearch:@"d" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
STAssertEquals(-3, [a binarySearch:@"e" usingFunction:stringSort context:NULL], @"0");
NSArray *a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"0", @"4", @"1", @"3", @"2", nil];
NSSortDescriptor *tmp = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sort = [NSArray arrayWithObject:tmp];
a = [a sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sort];
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, [tmp compareObject:@"0" toObject:@"05"], @"");
STAssertEquals(NSOrderedAscending, [tmp compareObject:@"05" toObject:@"1"], @"");
[tmp release];
STAssertEquals(0, [a binarySearch:@"0" usingDescriptors:sort], @"0");
STAssertEquals(1, [a binarySearch:@"1" usingDescriptors:sort], @"1");
STAssertEquals(4, [a binarySearch:@"4" usingDescriptors:sort], @"4");
STAssertEquals(-2, [a binarySearch:@"05" usingDescriptors:sort], @"05");
STAssertEquals(-3, [a binarySearch:@"1" usingDescriptors:sort inRange:NSMakeRange(2, a.count-2)], @"1");
// MroBinarySearch.h
// Created by Marcus Rohrmoser on 12.01.10.
// Copyright 2010 Marcus Rohrmoser mobile Software. All rights reserved.
#if 0
// No Logging
#define NSLogD(x,...) /* NSLog(x,##__VA_ARGS__) */
// Do Logging
#define NSLogD(x,...) NSLog(x,##__VA_ARGS__)
/** Add binary search capabilities to NSArray.
* A port from[],%20int,%20int,%20double)
* with the author's friendly permission.
@interface NSArray(MroBinarySearch)
* @see MroBinarySearch::binarySearch:
* @see NSArray::sortedArrayUsingSelector:
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingSelector:(SEL)comparator;
* Binary search a part of an array.
* @param key nil returns -1
* @param comparator may be nil to use @selector(compare:)
* @param range
* @return found index.
* @see MroBinarySearch::binarySearch:
* @see NSArray::sortedArrayUsingSelector:
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingSelector:(SEL)comparator inRange:(NSRange)range;
* @see MroBinarySearch::binarySearch:
* @see NSArray::sortedArrayUsingFunction:context:
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context;
* @see MroBinarySearch::binarySearch:
* @see NSArray::sortedArrayUsingFunction:context:
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context inRange:(NSRange)range;
* @see MroBinarySearch::binarySearch:
* @see NSArray::sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingDescriptors:(NSArray *)sortDescriptors;
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingDescriptors:(NSArray *)sortDescriptors inRange:(NSRange)range;
// MroBinarySearch.m
// Created by Marcus Rohrmoser on 12.01.10.
// Copyright 2010 Marcus Rohrmoser mobile Software. All rights reserved.
#import "MroBinarySearch.h"
@implementation NSArray(MroBinarySearch)
#pragma mark Using Selector
return [self binarySearch:key usingSelector:nil];
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingSelector:(SEL)comparator
return [self binarySearch:key usingSelector:comparator inRange:NSMakeRange(0, self.count)];
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingSelector:(SEL)comparator inRange:(NSRange)range
NSLogD(@"[NSArray(MroBinarySearch) binarySearch:%@ usingSelector:]", key);
if (self.count == 0 || key == nil)
return -1;
if(comparator == nil)
comparator = @selector(compare:);
// check overflow?
NSInteger min = range.location;
NSInteger max = range.location + range.length - 1;
while (min <= max)
const NSInteger mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
switch ((NSComparisonResult)[key performSelector:comparator withObject:[self objectAtIndex:mid]])
case NSOrderedSame:
return mid;
case NSOrderedDescending:
min = mid + 1;
case NSOrderedAscending:
max = mid - 1;
return -(min + 1);
#pragma mark Using C-Function
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context
return [self binarySearch:key usingFunction:comparator context:context inRange:NSMakeRange(0, self.count)];
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))comparator context:(void *)context inRange:(NSRange)range
NSLogD(@"[NSArray(MroBinarySearch) binarySearch:%@ usingFunction:]", key);
if(self.count == 0 || key == nil || comparator == NULL)
return [self binarySearch:key usingSelector:nil inRange:range];
// check overflow?
NSInteger min = range.location;
NSInteger max = range.location + range.length - 1;
while (min <= max)
const NSInteger mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
switch (comparator(key, [self objectAtIndex:mid], context))
case NSOrderedSame:
return mid;
case NSOrderedDescending:
min = mid + 1;
case NSOrderedAscending:
max = mid - 1;
return -(min + 1);
#pragma mark Using NSSortDescriptors
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingDescriptors:(NSArray *)sortDescriptors
return [self binarySearch:key usingDescriptors:sortDescriptors inRange:NSMakeRange(0, self.count)];
/// internal helper
-(NSComparisonResult)_mroInternalCompare:(const NSArray const*)sortDescriptors a:(id)object1 b:(id)object2
for (const NSSortDescriptor const *d in sortDescriptors)
const NSComparisonResult r = [d compareObject:object1 toObject:object2];
if (r != NSOrderedSame)
return r;
return NSOrderedSame;
-(NSInteger)binarySearch:(id)key usingDescriptors:(NSArray *)sortDescriptors inRange:(NSRange)range
NSLogD(@"[NSArray(MroBinarySearch) binarySearch:%@ usingDescriptors:]", key);
if (self.count == 0 || key == nil || sortDescriptors == nil || sortDescriptors.count == 0)
return [self binarySearch:key usingSelector:nil inRange:range];
// check overflow?
NSInteger min = range.location;
NSInteger max = range.location + range.length - 1;
while (min <= max)
const NSInteger mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
switch ([self _mroInternalCompare:sortDescriptors a:key b:[self objectAtIndex:mid]])
case NSOrderedSame:
return mid;
case NSOrderedDescending:
min = mid + 1;
case NSOrderedAscending:
max = mid - 1;
return -(min + 1);
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Thanks for your code!

Can you let me know which license is used for distribution of this code?
I'd like to use this code for a commercial app so I need to check the license.

Happy coding! :)

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