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Created January 23, 2010 03:34
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Save rsrchboy/284409 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RPM macros to generate a -tests subpackage automagically
# Perl tests subpackage macros...
%perl_version %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version)
%perl_testdir %{_libexecdir}/perl5-tests
%cpan_dist_name %(eval echo %{name} | %{__sed} -e 's/^perl-//')
# easily mark something as required by -tests and BR to the main package
%tests_req() %{expand:\
BuildRequires: %*\
%%tests_subpackage_requires %*\
# fixup (and create if needed) the shbang lines in tests, so they work and
# rpmlint doesn't (correctly) have a fit
%fix_shbang_line() \
for file in %* ; do \
head -1 $file > $TMPHEAD\
tail -n +2 $file > $TMPBODY\
%{__perl} -pi -e '$f = /^#!/ ? "" : "#!%{__perl}$/"; $_="$f$_"' $TMPHEAD\
cat $TMPHEAD $TMPBODY > $file\
%{__perl} -MExtUtils::MakeMaker -e "ExtUtils::MM_Unix->fixin(qw{%*})"\
# additional -tests subpackage requires, if any
%tests_subpackage_requires() %{expand: \
%global __tests_spkg_req %{?__tests_spkg_req} %* \
# additional -tests subpackage provides, if any
%tests_subpackage_provides() %{expand: \
%global __tests_spkg_prov %{?__tests_spkg_prov} %* \
# Runs after the body of %check completes.
%__perl_check_pre %{expand: \
%{?__spec_check_pre} \
pushd %{buildsubdir} \
%define perl_br_testdir %{buildroot}%{perl_testdir}/%{cpan_dist_name} \
%{__mkdir_p} %{perl_br_testdir} \
%{__tar} -cf - %{__perl_test_dirs} | ( cd %{perl_br_testdir} && %{__tar} -xf - ) \
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*META*' -exec %{__cp} -vp {} %{perl_br_testdir} ';' \
find %{perl_br_testdir} -type f -exec %{__chmod} -c -x {} ';' \
T_FILES=`find %{perl_br_testdir} -type f -name '*.t'` \
%fix_shbang_line $T_FILES \
%{__chmod} +x $T_FILES \
%{_fixperms} %{perl_br_testdir} \
popd \
# The actual invoked macro
%perl_subpackage_tests() %{expand: \
%global __perl_package 1\
%global __perl_test_dirs %* \
%global __spec_check_pre %{expand:%{__perl_check_pre}} \
%package tests\
Summary: Test suite for package %{name}\
Group: Development/Debug\
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}\
Requires: /usr/bin/prove \
%{?__tests_spkg_req:Requires: %__tests_spkg_req}\
%{?__tests_spkg_prov:Provides: %__tests_spkg_prov}\
AutoReqProv: 0 \
%description tests\
This package provides the test suite for package %{name}.\
%files tests\
# shortcut sugar
%perl_default_subpackage_tests %perl_subpackage_tests t/
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