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Created January 31, 2010 04:00
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Parser: require('jison').Parser
# DSL ===================================================================
# Detect functions: [
unwrap: /function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*([\s\S]*);\s*\}/
# Quickie DSL for Jison access.
o: (pattern_string, func) ->
if func
func: if match: (func + "").match(unwrap) then match[1] else '(' + func + '())'
[pattern_string, '$$ = ' + func + ';']
[pattern_string, '$$ = $1;']
# Grammar ==============================================================
grammar: {
# All parsing will end in this rule, being the trunk of the AST.
Root: [
o "", -> new Expressions()
o "Terminator", -> new Expressions()
o "Expressions"
o "Block Terminator"
# Any list of expressions or method body, seperated by line breaks or semis.
Expressions: [
o "Expression", -> Expressions.wrap([$1])
o "Expressions Terminator Expression", -> $1.push($3)
o "Expressions Terminator"
# All types of expressions in our language. The basic unit of CoffeeScript
# is the expression.
Expression: [
o "Value"
o "Call"
o "Code"
o "Operation"
o "Assign"
o "If"
o "Try"
o "Throw"
o "Return"
o "While"
o "For"
o "Switch"
o "Extends"
o "Splat"
o "Existence"
o "Comment"
# A block of expressions. Note that the Rewriter will convert some postfix
# forms into blocks for us, by altering the token stream.
Block: [
o "INDENT Expressions OUTDENT", -> $2
o "INDENT OUTDENT", -> new Expressions()
# Tokens that can terminate an expression.
Terminator: [
o "\n"
o ";"
# All hard-coded values. These can be printed straight to JavaScript.
Literal: [
o "NUMBER", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "STRING", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "JS", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "REGEX", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "BREAK", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "CONTINUE", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "ARGUMENTS", -> new LiteralNode($1)
o "TRUE", -> new LiteralNode(true)
o "FALSE", -> new LiteralNode(false)
o "YES", -> new LiteralNode(true)
o "NO", -> new LiteralNode(false)
o "ON", -> new LiteralNode(true)
o "OFF", -> new LiteralNode(false)
# Assignment to a variable (or index).
Assign: [
o "Value ASSIGN Expression", -> new AssignNode($1, $3)
# Assignment within an object literal (can be quoted).
AssignObj: [
o "IDENTIFIER ASSIGN Expression", -> new AssignNode(new ValueNode($1), $3, 'object')
o "STRING ASSIGN Expression", -> new AssignNode(new ValueNode(new LiteralNode($1)), $3, 'object')
o "Comment"
# A return statement.
Return: [
o "RETURN Expression", -> new ReturnNode($2)
o "RETURN", -> new ReturnNode(new ValueNode(new LiteralNode('null')))
# A comment.
Comment: [
o "COMMENT", -> new CommentNode($1)
# Arithmetic and logical operators
# For Ruby's Operator precedence, see: [
Operation: [
o "! Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "!! Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "- Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "+ Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "NOT Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "~ Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "-- Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "++ Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "DELETE Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "TYPEOF Expression", -> new OpNode($1, $2)
o "Expression --", -> new OpNode($2, $1, null, true)
o "Expression ++", -> new OpNode($2, $1, null, true)
o "Expression * Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression / Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression % Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression + Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression - Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression << Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression >> Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression >>> Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression & Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression | Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression ^ Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression <= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression < Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression > Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression >= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression == Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression != Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression IS Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression ISNT Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression && Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression || Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression AND Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression OR Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression ? Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression -= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression += Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression /= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression *= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression %= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression ||= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression &&= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression ?= Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression INSTANCEOF Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
o "Expression IN Expression", -> new OpNode($2, $1, $3)
# The existence operator.
Existence: [
o "Expression ?", -> new ExistenceNode($1)
# Function definition.
Code: [
o "PARAM_START ParamList PARAM_END FuncGlyph Block", -> new CodeNode($2, $5, $4)
o "FuncGlyph Block", -> new CodeNode([], $2, $1)
# The symbols to signify functions, and bound functions.
FuncGlyph: [
o "->", -> 'func'
o "=>", -> 'boundfunc'
# The parameters to a function definition.
ParamList: [
o "Param", -> [$1]
o "ParamList , Param", -> $1.push($3)
# A Parameter (or ParamSplat) in a function definition.
Param: [
o "PARAM . . .", -> new SplatNode($1)
# A regular splat.
Splat: [
o "Expression . . .", -> new SplatNode($1)
# Expressions that can be treated as values.
Value: [
o "IDENTIFIER", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Literal", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Array", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Object", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Parenthetical", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Range", -> new ValueNode($1)
o "Value Accessor", -> $1.push($2)
o "Invocation Accessor", -> new ValueNode($1, [$2])
# Accessing into an object or array, through dot or index notation.
Accessor: [
o "PROPERTY_ACCESS IDENTIFIER", -> new AccessorNode($2)
o "PROTOTYPE_ACCESS IDENTIFIER", -> new AccessorNode($2, 'prototype')
o "SOAK_ACCESS IDENTIFIER", -> new AccessorNode($2, 'soak')
o "Index"
o "Slice", -> new SliceNode($1)
# Indexing into an object or array.
Index: [
o "INDEX_START Expression INDEX_END", -> new IndexNode($2)
# An object literal.
Object: [
o "{ AssignList }", -> new ObjectNode($2)
# Assignment within an object literal (comma or newline separated).
AssignList: [
o "", -> []
o "AssignObj", -> [$1]
o "AssignList , AssignObj", -> $1.push $3
o "AssignList Terminator AssignObj", -> $1.push $3
o "AssignList , Terminator AssignObj", -> $1.push $4
o "INDENT AssignList OUTDENT", -> $2
# All flavors of function call (instantiation, super, and regular).
Call: [
o "Invocation", -> $1
o "NEW Invocation", -> $2.new_instance()
o "Super", -> $1
# Extending an object's prototype.
Extends: [
o "Value EXTENDS Value", -> new ExtendsNode($1, $3)
# A generic function invocation.
Invocation: [
o "Value Arguments", -> new CallNode($1, $2)
o "Invocation Arguments", -> new CallNode($1, $2)
# The list of arguments to a function invocation.
Arguments: [
o "CALL_START ArgList CALL_END", -> $2
# Calling super.
Super: [
o "SUPER CALL_START ArgList CALL_END", -> new CallNode('super', $3)
# The range literal.
Range: [
o "[ Expression . . Expression ]", -> new RangeNode($2, $5)
o "[ Expression . . . Expression ]", -> new RangeNode($2, $6, true)
# The slice literal.
Slice: [
o "INDEX_START Expression . . Expression INDEX_END", -> new RangeNode($2, $5)
o "INDEX_START Expression . . . Expression INDEX_END", -> new RangeNode($2, $6, true)
# The array literal.
Array: [
o "[ ArgList ]", -> new ArrayNode($2)
# A list of arguments to a method call, or as the contents of an array.
ArgList: [
o "", -> []
o "Expression", -> val
o "INDENT Expression", -> [$2]
o "ArgList , Expression", -> $1.push $3
o "ArgList Terminator Expression", -> $1.push $3
o "ArgList , Terminator Expression", -> $1.push $4
o "ArgList , INDENT Expression", -> $1.push $4
o "ArgList OUTDENT", -> $1
# Just simple, comma-separated, required arguments (no fancy syntax).
SimpleArgs: [
o "Expression", -> $1
o "SimpleArgs , Expression", ->
([$1].push($3)).reduce (a, b) -> a.concat(b)
# Try/catch/finally exception handling blocks.
Try: [
o "TRY Block Catch", -> new TryNode($2, $3[0], $3[1])
o "TRY Block FINALLY Block", -> new TryNode($2, nil, nil, $4)
o "TRY Block Catch FINALLY Block", -> new TryNode($2, $3[0], $3[1], $5)
# A catch clause.
Catch: [
o "CATCH IDENTIFIER Block", -> [$2, $3]
# Throw an exception.
Throw: [
o "THROW Expression", -> new ThrowNode($2)
# Parenthetical expressions.
Parenthetical: [
o "( Expression )", -> new ParentheticalNode($2)
# The while loop. (there is no do..while).
While: [
o "WHILE Expression Block", -> new WhileNode($2, $3)
o "WHILE Expression", -> new WhileNode($2, nil)
o "Expression WHILE Expression", -> new WhileNode($3, Expressions.wrap($1))
# Array comprehensions, including guard and current index.
# Looks a little confusing, check nodes.rb for the arguments to ForNode.
For: [
o "Expression FOR ForVariables ForSource", -> new ForNode($1, $4, $3[0], $3[1])
o "FOR ForVariables ForSource Block", -> new ForNode($4, $3, $2[0], $2[1])
# An array comprehension has variables for the current element and index.
ForVariables: [
o "IDENTIFIER", -> [$1]
o "IDENTIFIER , IDENTIFIER", -> [$1, $3]
# The source of the array comprehension can optionally be filtered.
ForSource: [
o "IN Expression", -> {source: $2}
o "OF Expression", -> {source: $2, object: true}
o "ForSource WHEN Expression", -> $1.filter: $3; $1
o "ForSource BY Expression", -> $1.step: $3; $1
# Switch/When blocks.
Switch: [
o "SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT", -> $4.rewrite_condition($2)
o "SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT", -> $4.rewrite_condition($2).add_else($6)
# The inner list of whens.
Whens: [
o "When", -> $1
o "Whens When", -> $1.push $2
# An individual when.
When: [
o "LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block", -> new IfNode($2, $3, nil, {statement: true})
o "LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block Terminator", -> new IfNode($2, $3, nil, {statement: true})
o "Comment Terminator When", -> $3.add_comment($1)
# The most basic form of "if".
IfBlock: [
o "IF Expression Block", -> new IfNode($2, $3)
# An elsif portion of an if-else block.
ElsIf: [
o "ELSE IfBlock", -> $2.force_statement()
# Multiple elsifs can be chained together.
ElsIfs: [
o "ElsIf", -> $1
o "ElsIfs ElsIf", -> $1.add_else($2)
# Terminating else bodies are strictly optional.
ElseBody: [
o "", -> null
o "ELSE Block", -> $2
# All the alternatives for ending an if-else block.
IfEnd: [
o "ElseBody", -> $1
o "ElsIfs ElseBody", -> $1.add_else($2)
# The full complement of if blocks, including postfix one-liner ifs and unlesses.
If: [
o "IfBlock IfEnd", -> $1.add_else($2)
o "Expression IF Expression", -> new IfNode($3, Expressions.wrap($1), nil, {statement: true})
o "Expression UNLESS Expression", -> new IfNode($3, Expressions.wrap($1), nil, {statement: true, invert: true})
# Helpers ==============================================================
# Make the Jison parser.
bnf: {}
tokens: []
for name, non_terminal of grammar
bnf[name]: for option in non_terminal
for part in option[0].split(" ")
if !grammar[part]
if name == "Root"
option[1] = "return " + option[1]
tokens: tokens.join(" ")
parser: new Parser({tokens: tokens, bnf: bnf}, {debug: false})
# Thin wrapper around the real lexer
parser.lexer: {
lex: ->
token: this.tokens[this.pos] or [""]
this.pos += 1
# this.yylineno: token and token[1] and token[1][1]
this.yytext: token[1]
setInput: (tokens) ->
this.tokens = tokens
this.pos = 0
upcomingInput: -> ""
showPosition: -> this.pos
exports.Parser: ->
exports.Parser::parse: (tokens) -> parser.parse(tokens)
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