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Created February 8, 2010 01:10
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(ns socialmetrics.servlet
(:refer-clojure :exclude (get send))
(:gen-class :extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet)
(:use (compojure html http)
[hiredman.datastore :only (create update query exec)]
[org.danlarkin.json :only (encode-to-str decode-from-str)]
[hiredman.utilities2 :only (load-properties cron)]
[ :only (reader writer)])
(:import (java.util Properties Date)
(java.util.logging Logger)
( URL URLEncoder)
(java.text SimpleDateFormat ParsePosition FieldPosition)
(org.apache.commons.codec.digest DigestUtils)
( OutputStreamWriter)
( QueueFactory TaskOptions
( XMPPServiceFactory JID MessageBuilder
(def facebook (load-properties ""))
(cron "war/WEB-INF/cron.xml"
[{:schedule "every 49 minutes" :url "/cron/get/feeds"
:tz "America/Los_Angeles" :desc "get feeds"}])
(defn call-id
"many facebook api calls require a call-id and call-ids must be in ascending
order per session"
(.getTime (Date.)))
(def log (Logger/getLogger "social-metrics"))
(defn name|str
"name on Named things and .toString otherwise"
(if (instance? clojure.lang.Named x)
(name x)
(.toString x)))
(defn get
"get stuff from url, clojure.xml/parse output"
(let [con (.openConnection (URL. url))]
(with-open [a (-> con .getInputStream)]
(clojure.xml/parse a))))
(defn post
"post stuff to url, clojure.xml/parse output"
[url stuff]
(let [con (doto (.openConnection (URL. url))
(.setDoInput true)
(.setDoOutput true))]
(with-open [wrt (-> con .getOutputStream OutputStreamWriter.)]
(.write wrt stuff))
(with-open [a (-> con .getInputStream)]
(clojure.xml/parse a))))
(defn md5 [string]
(DigestUtils/md5Hex string))
(defn sig
"facebook api calls require a signature (md5 hash) of the call
and the api secret"
[params secret]
(md5 (.concat
(reduce #(format "%s%s=%s" %1 (name|str (first %2)) (second %2))
(sort-by key params))
(defn fb-error? [response]
(= :error_response (:tag response)))
(defn call
"takes a map representing a facebook api call and makes the call"
[bag secret]
(post ""
(doto (format "%s&sig=%s"
#(format "%s%s=%s&"
%1 (name|str (first %2))
(URLEncoder/encode (str (second %2))))
(sig bag secret))
(#(.info log %))))
(#(when (fb-error? %)
(.info log (str (:method bag)
" :: " (with-out-str (clojure.xml/emit %)))))))
(catch Exception e
(defn FBstring->date
(.parse (SimpleDateFormat. "MM/dd/yyyy")
(ParsePosition. 0)))
(defn string->date
(.parse (SimpleDateFormat. "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")
(ParsePosition. 0)))
(defn date->age [date]
(let [cy (.getYear (Date.))
oy (.getYear date)]
(- cy oy)))
(defn select-birthday_date [foo]
(-> foo :content
((partial filter #(= :birthday_date (:tag %))))
((fn [x]
(when x (when-let [t (FBstring->date x)] (date->age t)))))))
(defn chart [map’]
(format ""
"Your friends' ages:"
(reduce #(format "%s,%s" %1 %2) (vals map’))
#(format "%s|%s" (or %1 "unknown") (or %2 "unknown")) (keys map’))))
(defn agegraph [request]
(let [session (-> request :params :fb_sig_session_key) ;facebook passes me a session key
friends (-> request :params :fb_sig_friends) ; and a list of friends
foo (call {:api_key (facebook "api.key") ;get the birthday_date profile field from all the friends
:method "Users.getInfo"
:call_id (call-id)
:v "1.0"
:uids friends
:fields "birthday_date"
:session_key session}
(facebook "api.secret"))
foo (-> foo :content
((partial map select-birthday_date))
((partial map #(array-map %1 1)))
((partial apply (partial merge-with +)))
((partial into (sorted-map)))
<img style=\"width:750px;\" src=\"%s\" />
<fb:redirect url=\"\"/></fb:else>
(facebook "api.key")
(def bb (load-properties ""))
(defn item->book [x]
{:title (-> x
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :title (:tag %))))
:content first)
:link (-> x
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :link (:tag %))))
:content first)
:image (-> x
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :description (:tag %))))
:content first ((partial apply str))
(.replaceAll "<img src=\"(.*)\" .*" "$1"))
:description (-> x
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :description (:tag %))))
:content first ((partial apply str))
(.replaceAll "<img src=\"(.*)\"[^>]+>" ""))
:pub-date (-> x
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :pubDate (:tag %))))
:content first string->date)})
(defn books [xml]
(-> xml :content
((partial filter #(= :channel (:tag %))))
first :content
((partial filter #(= :item (:tag %))))
((partial map :content))
((partial map item->book))))
(defn send [jid message xmpp]
(-> (MessageBuilder.)
(.withRecipientJids (into-array [(JID. jid)]))
(.withBody message)
(#(.sendMessage xmpp %))))
(declare book->facebook)
(defn xmpp-service []
(defn queue []
(defn get-feeds [request]
(.info log "get-feeds")
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(doseq [f (exec (query :feed))]
(let [xmpp (XMPPServiceFactory/getXMPPService)
queue (QueueFactory/getDefaultQueue)
p (-> f :url get books
((partial filter
#(.before (or (:atime f) (Date.)) (:pub-date %))))
((partial map (fn [x] (.append sb (pr-str x)) x)))
((partial sort-by :atime))
(.info log "get-feeds 1")
(.info log (str (count p)))
#_(.info log (pr-str (-> p last (:pub-date (:atime f)))))
(doseq [bk p]
(.add queue
(-> (TaskOptions$Builder/url "/queue/feeds/post/story")
(.param "body"
(assoc (dissoc bk :pub-date) :uid (:uid f)))))))
(assoc f :atime
(-> p last (:pub-date (or (:atime f) (Date.))))))))
(.replaceAll (.toString sb)
(defn feeds-post-story [request]
(-> request :params :body decode-from-str)
(bb "api.secret"))
[:title "FOO"]]
[:h1 "FOO"]]]))
(defmulti feeds-canvas-index (comp type :lib_user :params))
(defmethod feeds-canvas-index nil [request]
(let [session (-> request :params :fb_sig_session_key)]
<form promptpermission=\"publish_stream, offline_access\">
What is your library thing username? (You will be prompted for stream_publish permissions)
<input type=\"text\" name=\"lib_user\" />
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" />
<fb:redirect url=\"\"/></fb:else>
(bb "api.key")
(format "" (bb "")))))
(defn fb-name [uid key secret]
(-> (call {:method "Users.getInfo"
:api_key key
:call_id (call-id)
:v "1.0"
:uids (str uid)
:fields "name"}
:content first :content
((partial (comp first filter) #(= :name (:tag %))))
:content first))
(defn fb-gender [uid key secret]
(-> (call {:method "Users.getInfo"
:api_key key
:call_id (call-id)
:v "1.0"
:uids (str uid)
:fields "sex"}
(.replaceAll "<" "&lt;")))
(defn book->facebook [{:keys [uid title link description image]} secret]
(call {:method "Stream.publish"
:call_id (call-id)
:message (format "has added a book to LibraryThing")
:api_key (bb "api.key")
:action_links (encode-to-str
[{:text "LibraryThing"
:href ""}])
:attachment (encode-to-str
{:name title
:href link
:description description
:media [{:type "image"
:src image
:href link}]})
:uid uid}
(catch Exception e nil))
" ")
(defmethod feeds-canvas-index String [request]
(create :feed
{:url (-> request :params :lib_user
format "")))
:uid (-> request :params :fb_sig_user Long/parseLong)})
(defn sms [request]
(send (format "" (-> request :params :number))
(-> request :params :message)
(defn sms-test [request]
(.add (queue)
(-> (TaskOptions$Builder/url "/queue/sms")
(.param "number" "2064198032")
(.param "message" "this is a test")))
(defn blarg [request]
(.info log (pr-str request))
#_(load-file "/home/kpd/odds-and-ends/newegg.clj")
(defroutes socialmetrics
(ANY "/feeds/canvas/index" #(feeds-canvas-index %))
#_(GET "/sms/test" sms-test)
;; Cron
(GET "/cron/get/feeds" get-feeds)
;; Taskqueues
(POST "/queue/feeds/post/story" feeds-post-story)
(POST "/queue/sms" sms)
(ANY "/agegraph" agegraph)
(POST "/foo" blarg)
(ANY "/*" agegraph))
(defservice socialmetrics)
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