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Created June 28, 2012 06:45
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Save roundrobin/3009562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
just another inlet to tributary
var type = ["linear", "step-before",
"step-after", "basis",
"basis-open", "basis-closed",
"bundle", "cardinal",
"cardinal-open", "cardinal-closed",
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return d.x; })
.y(function(d) { return d.y; })
var data1 = [{x:1,y:-1},
function toPath (data){
var path = 'M0,0'
for(i in data ){
var p = data[i];
path += 'L'+p.x+','+p.y;
var temp = parseInt(i)+1;
if(i < (data.length-1)){
var rangeX = Math.abs(data[i].x - data[temp].x);
var rangeY = data[i].y - data[temp].y;
var two_point_form = (data[temp].y - data[i].y) /
(data[temp].x - data[i].x);
for(var j = p.x; j < rangeX; j++){
var x = j;
var y = j*two_point_form;
var x = 50*Math.sin(j);
var y = 50*Math.cos(j*two_point_form);
path += 'L'+x+','+(y)
path += 'Z';
return path;
.attr("d", toPath(data1))
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