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Created February 14, 2010 01:29
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john@Strudel ~/Projects/rakudo-ng $ time perl tools/
perl t/spec/fudgeall rakudo t/spec/integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t t/spec/integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t t/spec/integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t t/spec/integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t t/spec/integration/no-indirect-new.t t/spec/integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t t/spec/integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t t/spec/integration/say-crash.t t/spec/integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/range.t t/spec/S02-literals/array-interpolation.t t/spec/S02-literals/pair-boolean.t t/spec/S02-literals/pairs.t t/spec/S02-literals/sub-calls.t t/spec/S02-literals/types.t t/spec/S02-literals/underscores.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.t t/spec/S02-names/identifier.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.t t/spec/S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t t/spec/S03-operators/basic-types.t t/spec/S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t t/spec/S03-operators/not.t t/spec/S03-operators/numeric-context.t t/spec/S03-operators/range-basic.t t/spec/S03-operators/range.t t/spec/S03-operators/relational.t t/spec/S03-operators/scalar-assign.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-pair.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-type.t t/spec/S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.t t/spec/S03-operators/so.t t/spec/S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.t t/spec/S04-phasers/end.t t/spec/S04-exceptions/fail.t t/spec/S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t t/spec/S04-statements/loop.t t/spec/S04-statements/repeat.t t/spec/S04-statements/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/until.t t/spec/S04-statements/while.t t/spec/S05-metachars/line-anchors.t t/spec/S05-metachars/newline.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/changed.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/null.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t t/spec/S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.t t/spec/S06-multi/syntax.t t/spec/S06-multi/value-based.t t/spec/S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t t/spec/S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.t t/spec/S06-signature/arity.t t/spec/S06-signature/closure-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/code.t t/spec/S06-signature/defaults.t t/spec/S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/optional.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional.t t/spec/S06-signature/scalar-type.t t/spec/S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/type-capture.t t/spec/S07-iterators/range-iterator.t t/spec/S12-attributes/clone.t t/spec/S12-class/basic.t t/spec/S12-class/declaration-order.t t/spec/S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t t/spec/S12-class/instantiate.t t/spec/S12-construction/autopairs.t t/spec/S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t t/spec/S12-methods/calling_syntax.t t/spec/S12-methods/class-and-instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/private.t t/spec/S12-methods/topic.t t/spec/S14-roles/attributes.t t/spec/S14-roles/composition.t t/spec/S14-roles/crony.t t/spec/S14-roles/instantiation.t t/spec/S14-roles/namespaced.t t/spec/S14-roles/parameterized-type.t t/spec/S14-roles/submethods.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t t/spec/S16-io/say.t t/spec/S16-unfiled/slurp.t t/spec/S29-any/cmp.t t/spec/S29-any/isa.t t/spec/S29-context/sleep.t t/spec/S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.t t/spec/S32-array/elems.t t/spec/S32-array/end.t t/spec/S32-array/pop.t t/spec/S32-array/push.t t/spec/S32-array/shift.t t/spec/S32-array/unshift.t t/spec/S32-list/end.t t/spec/S32-list/first.t t/spec/S32-list/join.t t/spec/S32-list/reverse.t t/spec/S32-num/abs.t t/spec/S32-num/complex.t t/spec/S32-num/exp.t t/spec/S32-num/int.t t/spec/S32-num/log.t t/spec/S32-num/rat.t t/spec/S32-num/roots.t t/spec/S32-num/sign.t t/spec/S32-num/sqrt.t t/spec/S32-num/unpolar.t t/spec/S32-str/append.t t/spec/S32-str/bool.t t/spec/S32-str/chomp.t t/spec/S32-str/chop.t t/spec/S32-str/flip.t t/spec/S32-str/index.t t/spec/S32-str/lcfirst.t t/spec/S32-str/pos.t t/spec/S32-str/split-simple2.t t/spec/S32-str/ucfirst.t
pass fail todo skip plan
S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.rakudo........... 36 0 1 5 42
2 skipped: tests don't work if previous test fails
3 skipped: RT #68116
1 todo : Parrot support for zero-arg subs?
S02-builtin_data_types/bool.rakudo................. 32 0 1 4 37
2 skipped: RT 66576: .name method on bool values
2 skipped: RT #65514 mix in bool with "but"
1 todo : RT 71462: Smartmatch a type yields Int, not a Bool
S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.ra.. 19 0 3 19 41
10 skipped: Parse Error: Statement not terminated properly
9 skipped: Null PMC access in find_method()
3 todo : Doubtful if this is still correct
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t............. 8 0 0 0 8
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t.............. 7 0 0 0 7
S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
S02-builtin_data_types/range.rakudo................ 54 0 2 26 82
2 skipped: modifer for NYI
2 skipped: Neither *-1 or slices work yet in ng
2 skipped: .reverse on ranges
7 skipped: infinite ranges not implemented
5 skipped: range reverse not in spec
8 skipped: niether ng nor I understand these tests
1 todo : ng thinks -Inf is not before -.2
1 todo : Not sure if this should work, but it definitely doesn't right now
S02-literals/array-interpolation.rakudo............ 6 0 6 0 12
4 todo : Array interpolation b0rked
2 todo : Array interpolation b0rked, RT # 58246
S02-literals/pair-boolean.t........................ 6 0 0 0 6
S02-literals/pairs.rakudo.......................... 35 0 0 5 40
2 skipped: reduce meta op
3 skipped: prefix:<|>
S02-literals/sub-calls.t........................... 20 0 0 0 20
S02-literals/types.rakudo.......................... 6 0 1 0 7
1 todo : test conflicts oddly with test 4 above
S02-literals/underscores.t......................... 19 0 0 0 19
S02-names/identifier.rakudo........................ 15 0 0 3 18
1 skipped: RT 72084: sub name beginning with last-
1 skipped: RT #68358
1 skipped: sub name beginning with next-
S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t............... 18 0 0 0 18
S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.rakudo..... 15 0 0 6 21
1 skipped: RT 65988
2 skipped: recursive data structure
1 skipped: List.perl bug
2 skipped: parsefail on hyper operator
S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t... 7 0 0 0 7
S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t..... 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.rak.. 1 0 1 2 4
1 skipped: confused near "(sub{ 42 }"
1 skipped: confused near "(sub { 42 "
1 todo : block parsing problem
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
pass fail todo skip plan
S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
S03-operators/basic-types.t........................ 19 0 0 0 19
S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t.................... 31 0 0 0 31
S03-operators/not.rakudo........................... 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 65556
S03-operators/numeric-context.rakudo............... 43 0 1 8 52
2 skipped: Rat in string not supported yet in Rakudo-ng
6 skipped: +"2" should return an Int
1 todo : +'1900' is a Num in Rakudo-ng
S03-operators/range-basic.t........................ 110 0 0 0 110
S03-operators/range.rakudo......................... 64 0 4 37 105
11 skipped: MMD function __cmp not found for types (101, 95)
17 skipped: Causes parsing failure in ng
4 skipped: ng does not yet have zip operator
1 skipped: Probles using grep with junctions
1 skipped: .first suffers from the bug where code blocks get the wrong $_
3 skipped: Bad things happen to this in ng
2 todo : Alphabetic ranges misbehave in ng
2 todo : forbid Ranges and Lists as Range endpoints
S03-operators/relational.t......................... 88 0 0 0 88
S03-operators/scalar-assign.t...................... 4 0 0 0 4
S03-operators/so.t................................. 11 0 0 0 11
S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.rakudo............... 2 0 2 0 4
2 todo : parsing
S03-smartmatch/any-pair.rakudo..................... 0 0 0 10 10
10 skipped: Any ~~ Pair
S03-smartmatch/any-type.t.......................... 3 0 0 0 3
pass fail todo skip plan
S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.rakudo............ 11 0 2 4 17
3 skipped: Could not find non-existent sub junction
1 skipped: &?ROUTINE
2 todo : pointy blocks and last/redo
S04-exceptions/fail.t.............................. 8 0 0 0 8
S04-phasers/end.rakudo............................. 1 0 2 0 3
2 todo : lexicals and eval()
S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t................... 6 0 0 0 6
S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t............ 8 0 0 0 8
S04-statements/loop.rakudo......................... 11 0 0 1 12
1 skipped: RT #65962
S04-statements/repeat.rakudo....................... 14 0 0 2 16
2 skipped: point block on loop
S04-statements/unless.t............................ 10 0 0 0 10
S04-statements/until.t............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S04-statements/while.t............................. 9 0 0 0 9
pass fail todo skip plan
S05-metachars/line-anchors.t....................... 19 0 0 0 19
S05-metachars/newline.rakudo....................... 13 0 2 0 15
2 todo : Unicode
S05-metasyntax/changed.t........................... 12 0 0 0 12
S05-metasyntax/null.t.............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t..................... 5 0 0 0 5
pass fail todo skip plan
S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.rak.. 7 0 0 2 9
2 skipped: cannot parse operator names yet
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S06-multi/syntax.rakudo............................ 31 0 0 2 33
1 skipped: RT 65672
1 skipped: RT #68234
S06-multi/value-based.t............................ 7 0 0 0 7
S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t.................. 8 0 0 0 8
S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.rakudo..... 9 0 3 0 12
2 todo : RT 65128
1 todo : Broken in ng1
S06-signature/arity.t.............................. 21 27 0 0 48
27 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S06-signature/closure-parameters.rakudo............ 3 0 0 11 14
11 skipped: type syntax parse failure
S06-signature/code.t............................... 6 0 0 0 6
S06-signature/defaults.t........................... 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t................. 12 0 0 0 12
S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo.............. 49 0 3 34 86
2 skipped: Cannot apply trait required to parameters yet
25 skipped: parsefail
5 skipped: parsefail on lvalue
2 skipped: anonymously created array assignment issues
3 todo : sub params with the same name
S06-signature/named-placeholders.t................. 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/optional.rakudo...................... 12 0 2 0 14
1 todo : die on optional param before required
1 todo : RT 66822
S06-signature/positional-placeholders.rakudo....... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : non-twigil variable before twigil variable
S06-signature/positional.rakudo.................... 3 0 0 3 6
2 skipped: RT 60408
1 skipped: RT 70469
S06-signature/scalar-type.t........................ 8 0 0 0 8
S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.rakudo........... 7 0 0 1 8
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
S06-signature/type-capture.t....................... 7 0 0 0 7
pass fail todo skip plan
S07-iterators/range-iterator.t..................... 23 0 0 0 23
pass fail todo skip plan
S12-attributes/clone.rakudo........................ 9 0 0 3 12
3 skipped: Broken by ng1
S12-class/basic.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 4 33
3 skipped: not parsing is inside class yet
1 skipped: RT #67784
S12-class/declaration-order.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t.............. 5 0 0 0 5
S12-class/instantiate.rakudo....................... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : RT #62732
S12-construction/autopairs.t....................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t........... 3 0 0 0 3
S12-methods/calling_syntax.t....................... 11 0 0 0 11
S12-methods/class-and-instance.t................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-methods/instance.rakudo........................ 24 0 0 2 26
2 skipped: indirect object notation
S12-methods/private.rakudo......................... 8 0 1 0 9
1 todo : role private methods - spec?
S12-methods/topic.t................................ 2 0 0 0 2
pass fail todo skip plan
S14-roles/attributes.rakudo........................ 5 0 0 1 6
1 skipped: Broken in ng1
S14-roles/composition.rakudo....................... 17 0 2 1 20
1 skipped: RT 69919, Null PMC access in type()
2 todo : RT #64002
S14-roles/crony.t.................................. 4 0 0 0 4
S14-roles/instantiation.rakudo..................... 17 0 1 0 18
1 todo : protoobject regression
S14-roles/namespaced.t............................. 3 0 0 0 3
S14-roles/parameterized-type.t..................... 24 0 0 0 24
S14-roles/submethods.t............................. 1 0 0 0 1
pass fail todo skip plan
S16-filehandles/io.rakudo.......................... 67 0 0 2 69
1 skipped: :rw on open() unimplemented
1 skipped: :e NYI in ng
S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t.................. 20 9 0 0 29
9 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t................ 13 0 0 0 13
S16-io/say.t....................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S16-unfiled/slurp.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
pass fail todo skip plan
S29-any/cmp.t...................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S29-any/isa.rakudo................................. 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 69999
S29-context/sleep.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo................. 39 408 0 0 447
408 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
pass fail todo skip plan
S32-array/elems.rakudo............................. 4 0 0 9 13
1 skipped: elems on Array ref
1 skipped: Unclear what this should actually be
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: cannot parse named arguments
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
2 skipped: no sub version of elems yet
S32-array/end.rakudo............................... 8 0 0 5 13
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a Parcel
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is an array with a single Parcel in it?
S32-array/pop.t.................................... 33 0 0 0 33
S32-array/push.rakudo.............................. 42 0 0 9 51
1 skipped: *-1 doesn't seem to work
2 skipped: named args
5 skipped: Broken in ng1
1 skipped: ACCEPTS not found for Array
S32-array/shift.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 3 32
3 skipped: Failure is not yet defined in Rakudo-ng
S32-array/unshift.rakudo........................... 37 16 0 6 59
6 skipped: named args
16 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-list/end.rakudo................................ 13 0 0 2 15
2 skipped: maybe out-of-date
S32-list/first.rakudo.............................. 17 0 0 2 19
2 skipped: adverbial block
S32-list/join.rakudo............................... 29 0 2 4 35
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a parcel instead of a list
2 skipped: Rakudo-ng doesn't know how to make a list from a Str
2 todo : Mu in list is not handled properly by join
S32-list/reverse.rakudo............................ 20 0 0 1 21
1 skipped: named args
S32-num/abs.rakudo................................. 37 0 0 13 50
1 skipped: abs("-10") NYI in Rakudo-ng
11 skipped: named args
1 skipped: RT 70596
S32-num/complex.rakudo............................. 449 0 0 5 454
3 skipped: standalone i NYI
2 skipped: NYI in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/exp.t...................................... 59 0 0 0 59
S32-num/int.rakudo................................. 74 0 0 8 82
3 skipped: Inf and NaN not yet implemented
5 skipped: Str.Int not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/log.rakudo................................. 29 0 0 3 32
1 skipped: log(Inf) does not work in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: 3-arg log
1 skipped: log(NaN) does not work in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/rat.rakudo................................. 783 0 3 5 791
1 skipped: [4/3] NYI in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: RT 69726, maybe related to RT 68958
1 skipped: !===
1 skipped: Num.Rat not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: sin NYI in Rakudo-ng
2 todo : Getting a Num when a Rat would be better
1 todo : === on Rats
S32-num/roots.rakudo............................... 27 16 0 1 44
1 skipped: Should this be == or ~~?
16 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-num/sign.t..................................... 36 6 0 0 42
6 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-num/sqrt.rakudo................................ 19 0 0 5 24
5 skipped: named args
S32-num/unpolar.rakudo............................. 4 0 0 4 0
4 skipped: named args
8 tests more than planned were run
S32-str/append.t................................... 7 0 0 0 7
S32-str/bool.t..................................... 12 0 0 0 12
S32-str/chomp.rakudo............................... 12 0 0 1 13
1 skipped: chomp with named argument
S32-str/chop.rakudo................................ 6 0 0 7 13
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
6 skipped: unspecced
S32-str/flip.rakudo................................ 11 0 0 2 13
2 skipped: graphemes not implemented
S32-str/index.rakudo............................... 29 0 0 9 38
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
4 skipped: junction autothreading
2 skipped: StrPos not implemented
S32-str/lcfirst.rakudo............................. 6 0 0 3 9
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
2 skipped: unicode
S32-str/pos.t...................................... 2 0 0 0 2
S32-str/split-simple2.rakudo....................... 38 0 3 0 41
2 todo : Broken in ng1
1 todo PASSED: Broken in ng1
S32-str/ucfirst.rakudo............................. 2 0 0 3 5
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
pass fail todo skip plan
integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t......... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t....... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/no-indirect-new.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t............ 2 0 0 0 2
integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
integration/say-crash.t............................ 4 0 0 0 4
integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t.. 1 0 0 0 1
'plan *;' could become 'plan 86;' in S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 69;' in S16-filehandles/io.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 33;' in S32-array/pop.t
'plan *;' could become 'plan 32;' in S32-array/shift.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 454;' in S32-num/complex.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 791;' in S32-num/rat.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 0;' in S32-num/unpolar.rakudo
"Synopsis", "pass","fail","todo","skip","plan","spec"
"S02", 310, 0, 15, 70, 395, 2010
"S03", 396, 0, 8, 55, 459, 2216
"S04", 82, 0, 4, 7, 93, 750
"S05", 53, 0, 2, 0, 55, 4460
"S06", 201, 27, 9, 53, 290, 739
"S07", 23, 0, 0, 0, 23, 23
"S09", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98
"S10", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111
"S11", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99
"S12", 106, 0, 2, 9, 117, 1014
"S13", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77
"S14", 71, 0, 3, 2, 76, 226
"S16", 110, 9, 0, 2, 121, 246
"S17", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28
"S28", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5
"S29", 62, 408, 1, 0, 471, 517
"S32", 1874, 38, 8, 110, 2022, 3358
"int", 26, 0, 0, 0, 26, 233
"total", 3314, 482, 52, 308, 4148, 16210
Failure summary:
S06-signature/arity.t aborted 27 test(s)
S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t aborted 9 test(s)
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo aborted 408 test(s)
S32-array/unshift.rakudo aborted 16 test(s)
S32-num/roots.rakudo aborted 16 test(s)
S32-num/sign.t aborted 6 test(s)
S32-num/unpolar.rakudo passed 8 unplanned test(s)
real 4m6.310s
user 3m19.599s
sys 0m38.046s
john@Strudel ~/Projects/rakudo-ng $ uname -a
Darwin Strudel.local 10.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.2.0: Tue Nov 3 10:37:10 PST 2009; root:xnu-1486.2.11~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
john@triton ~/rakudo $ time perl tools/
/usr/bin/perl5.8.8 t/spec/fudgeall rakudo t/spec/integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t t/spec/integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t t/spec/integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t t/spec/integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t t/spec/integration/no-indirect-new.t t/spec/integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t t/spec/integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t t/spec/integration/say-crash.t t/spec/integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/range.t t/spec/S02-literals/array-interpolation.t t/spec/S02-literals/pair-boolean.t t/spec/S02-literals/pairs.t t/spec/S02-literals/sub-calls.t t/spec/S02-literals/types.t t/spec/S02-literals/underscores.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.t t/spec/S02-names/identifier.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.t t/spec/S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t t/spec/S03-operators/basic-types.t t/spec/S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t t/spec/S03-operators/not.t t/spec/S03-operators/numeric-context.t t/spec/S03-operators/range-basic.t t/spec/S03-operators/range.t t/spec/S03-operators/relational.t t/spec/S03-operators/scalar-assign.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-pair.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-type.t t/spec/S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.t t/spec/S03-operators/so.t t/spec/S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.t t/spec/S04-phasers/end.t t/spec/S04-exceptions/fail.t t/spec/S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t t/spec/S04-statements/loop.t t/spec/S04-statements/repeat.t t/spec/S04-statements/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/until.t t/spec/S04-statements/while.t t/spec/S05-metachars/line-anchors.t t/spec/S05-metachars/newline.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/changed.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/null.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t t/spec/S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.t t/spec/S06-multi/syntax.t t/spec/S06-multi/value-based.t t/spec/S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t t/spec/S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.t t/spec/S06-signature/arity.t t/spec/S06-signature/closure-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/code.t t/spec/S06-signature/defaults.t t/spec/S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/optional.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional.t t/spec/S06-signature/scalar-type.t t/spec/S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/type-capture.t t/spec/S07-iterators/range-iterator.t t/spec/S12-attributes/clone.t t/spec/S12-class/basic.t t/spec/S12-class/declaration-order.t t/spec/S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t t/spec/S12-class/instantiate.t t/spec/S12-construction/autopairs.t t/spec/S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t t/spec/S12-methods/calling_syntax.t t/spec/S12-methods/class-and-instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/private.t t/spec/S12-methods/topic.t t/spec/S14-roles/attributes.t t/spec/S14-roles/composition.t t/spec/S14-roles/crony.t t/spec/S14-roles/instantiation.t t/spec/S14-roles/namespaced.t t/spec/S14-roles/parameterized-type.t t/spec/S14-roles/submethods.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t t/spec/S16-io/say.t t/spec/S16-unfiled/slurp.t t/spec/S29-any/cmp.t t/spec/S29-any/isa.t t/spec/S29-context/sleep.t t/spec/S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.t t/spec/S32-array/elems.t t/spec/S32-array/end.t t/spec/S32-array/pop.t t/spec/S32-array/push.t t/spec/S32-array/shift.t t/spec/S32-array/unshift.t t/spec/S32-list/end.t t/spec/S32-list/first.t t/spec/S32-list/join.t t/spec/S32-list/reverse.t t/spec/S32-num/abs.t t/spec/S32-num/complex.t t/spec/S32-num/exp.t t/spec/S32-num/int.t t/spec/S32-num/log.t t/spec/S32-num/rat.t t/spec/S32-num/roots.t t/spec/S32-num/sign.t t/spec/S32-num/sqrt.t t/spec/S32-num/unpolar.t t/spec/S32-str/append.t t/spec/S32-str/bool.t t/spec/S32-str/chomp.t t/spec/S32-str/chop.t t/spec/S32-str/flip.t t/spec/S32-str/index.t t/spec/S32-str/lcfirst.t t/spec/S32-str/pos.t t/spec/S32-str/split-simple2.t t/spec/S32-str/ucfirst.t
pass fail todo skip plan
S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.rakudo........... 36 0 1 5 42
2 skipped: tests don't work if previous test fails
3 skipped: RT #68116
1 todo : Parrot support for zero-arg subs?
S02-builtin_data_types/bool.rakudo................. 32 0 1 4 37
2 skipped: RT 66576: .name method on bool values
2 skipped: RT #65514 mix in bool with "but"
1 todo : RT 71462: Smartmatch a type yields Int, not a Bool
S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.ra.. 19 0 3 19 41
10 skipped: Parse Error: Statement not terminated properly
9 skipped: Null PMC access in find_method()
3 todo : Doubtful if this is still correct
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t............. 8 0 0 0 8
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t.............. 7 0 0 0 7
S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
S02-builtin_data_types/range.rakudo................ 54 0 2 26 82
2 skipped: modifer for NYI
2 skipped: Neither *-1 or slices work yet in ng
2 skipped: .reverse on ranges
7 skipped: infinite ranges not implemented
5 skipped: range reverse not in spec
8 skipped: niether ng nor I understand these tests
1 todo : ng thinks -Inf is not before -.2
1 todo : Not sure if this should work, but it definitely doesn't right now
S02-literals/array-interpolation.rakudo............ 6 0 6 0 12
4 todo : Array interpolation b0rked
2 todo : Array interpolation b0rked, RT # 58246
S02-literals/pair-boolean.t........................ 6 0 0 0 6
S02-literals/pairs.rakudo.......................... 35 0 0 5 40
2 skipped: reduce meta op
3 skipped: prefix:<|>
S02-literals/sub-calls.t........................... 20 0 0 0 20
S02-literals/types.rakudo.......................... 6 0 1 0 7
1 todo : test conflicts oddly with test 4 above
S02-literals/underscores.t......................... 19 0 0 0 19
S02-names/identifier.rakudo........................ 15 0 0 3 18
1 skipped: RT 72084: sub name beginning with last-
1 skipped: RT #68358
1 skipped: sub name beginning with next-
S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t............... 18 0 0 0 18
S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.rakudo..... 15 0 0 6 21
1 skipped: RT 65988
2 skipped: recursive data structure
1 skipped: List.perl bug
2 skipped: parsefail on hyper operator
S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t... 7 0 0 0 7
S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t..... 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.rak.. 1 0 1 2 4
1 skipped: confused near "(sub{ 42 }"
1 skipped: confused near "(sub { 42 "
1 todo : block parsing problem
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
pass fail todo skip plan
S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
S03-operators/basic-types.t........................ 19 0 0 0 19
S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t.................... 31 0 0 0 31
S03-operators/not.rakudo........................... 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 65556
S03-operators/numeric-context.rakudo............... 43 0 1 8 52
2 skipped: Rat in string not supported yet in Rakudo-ng
6 skipped: +"2" should return an Int
1 todo : +'1900' is a Num in Rakudo-ng
S03-operators/range-basic.t........................ 110 0 0 0 110
S03-operators/range.rakudo......................... 64 0 4 37 105
11 skipped: MMD function __cmp not found for types (101, 95)
17 skipped: Causes parsing failure in ng
4 skipped: ng does not yet have zip operator
1 skipped: Probles using grep with junctions
1 skipped: .first suffers from the bug where code blocks get the wrong $_
3 skipped: Bad things happen to this in ng
2 todo : Alphabetic ranges misbehave in ng
2 todo : forbid Ranges and Lists as Range endpoints
S03-operators/relational.t......................... 88 0 0 0 88
S03-operators/scalar-assign.t...................... 4 0 0 0 4
S03-operators/so.t................................. 11 0 0 0 11
S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.rakudo............... 2 0 2 0 4
2 todo : parsing
S03-smartmatch/any-pair.rakudo..................... 0 0 0 10 10
10 skipped: Any ~~ Pair
S03-smartmatch/any-type.t.......................... 3 0 0 0 3
pass fail todo skip plan
S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.rakudo............ 11 0 2 4 17
3 skipped: Could not find non-existent sub junction
1 skipped: &?ROUTINE
2 todo : pointy blocks and last/redo
S04-exceptions/fail.t.............................. 8 0 0 0 8
S04-phasers/end.rakudo............................. 1 0 2 0 3
2 todo : lexicals and eval()
S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t................... 6 0 0 0 6
S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t............ 8 0 0 0 8
S04-statements/loop.rakudo......................... 11 0 0 1 12
1 skipped: RT #65962
S04-statements/repeat.rakudo....................... 14 0 0 2 16
2 skipped: point block on loop
S04-statements/unless.t............................ 10 0 0 0 10
S04-statements/until.t............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S04-statements/while.t............................. 9 0 0 0 9
pass fail todo skip plan
S05-metachars/line-anchors.t....................... 19 0 0 0 19
S05-metachars/newline.rakudo....................... 13 0 2 0 15
2 todo : Unicode
S05-metasyntax/changed.t........................... 12 0 0 0 12
S05-metasyntax/null.t.............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t..................... 5 0 0 0 5
pass fail todo skip plan
S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.rak.. 7 0 0 2 9
2 skipped: cannot parse operator names yet
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S06-multi/syntax.rakudo............................ 31 0 0 2 33
1 skipped: RT 65672
1 skipped: RT #68234
S06-multi/value-based.t............................ 7 0 0 0 7
S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t.................. 8 0 0 0 8
S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.rakudo..... 9 0 3 0 12
2 todo : RT 65128
1 todo : Broken in ng1
S06-signature/arity.t.............................. 48 0 0 0 48
S06-signature/closure-parameters.rakudo............ 3 0 0 11 14
11 skipped: type syntax parse failure
S06-signature/code.t............................... 6 0 0 0 6
S06-signature/defaults.t........................... 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t................. 12 0 0 0 12
S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo.............. 49 0 3 34 86
2 skipped: Cannot apply trait required to parameters yet
25 skipped: parsefail
5 skipped: parsefail on lvalue
2 skipped: anonymously created array assignment issues
3 todo : sub params with the same name
S06-signature/named-placeholders.t................. 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/optional.rakudo...................... 12 0 2 0 14
1 todo : die on optional param before required
1 todo : RT 66822
S06-signature/positional-placeholders.rakudo....... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : non-twigil variable before twigil variable
S06-signature/positional.rakudo.................... 3 0 0 3 6
2 skipped: RT 60408
1 skipped: RT 70469
S06-signature/scalar-type.t........................ 8 0 0 0 8
S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.rakudo........... 7 0 0 1 8
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
S06-signature/type-capture.t....................... 7 0 0 0 7
pass fail todo skip plan
S07-iterators/range-iterator.t..................... 23 0 0 0 23
pass fail todo skip plan
S12-attributes/clone.rakudo........................ 9 0 0 3 12
3 skipped: Broken by ng1
S12-class/basic.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 4 33
3 skipped: not parsing is inside class yet
1 skipped: RT #67784
S12-class/declaration-order.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t.............. 5 0 0 0 5
S12-class/instantiate.rakudo....................... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : RT #62732
S12-construction/autopairs.t....................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t........... 3 0 0 0 3
S12-methods/calling_syntax.t....................... 11 0 0 0 11
S12-methods/class-and-instance.t................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-methods/instance.rakudo........................ 24 0 0 2 26
2 skipped: indirect object notation
S12-methods/private.rakudo......................... 8 0 1 0 9
1 todo : role private methods - spec?
S12-methods/topic.t................................ 2 0 0 0 2
pass fail todo skip plan
S14-roles/attributes.rakudo........................ 5 0 0 1 6
1 skipped: Broken in ng1
S14-roles/composition.rakudo....................... 17 0 2 1 20
1 skipped: RT 69919, Null PMC access in type()
2 todo : RT #64002
S14-roles/crony.t.................................. 4 0 0 0 4
S14-roles/instantiation.rakudo..................... 17 0 1 0 18
1 todo : protoobject regression
S14-roles/namespaced.t............................. 3 0 0 0 3
S14-roles/parameterized-type.t..................... 24 0 0 0 24
S14-roles/submethods.t............................. 1 0 0 0 1
pass fail todo skip plan
S16-filehandles/io.rakudo.......................... 67 0 0 2 69
1 skipped: :rw on open() unimplemented
1 skipped: :e NYI in ng
S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t.................. 29 0 0 0 29
S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t................ 13 0 0 0 13
S16-io/say.t....................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S16-unfiled/slurp.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
pass fail todo skip plan
S29-any/cmp.t...................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S29-any/isa.rakudo................................. 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 69999
S29-context/sleep.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo................. 42 405 0 0 447
405 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
pass fail todo skip plan
S32-array/elems.rakudo............................. 4 0 0 9 13
1 skipped: elems on Array ref
1 skipped: Unclear what this should actually be
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: cannot parse named arguments
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
2 skipped: no sub version of elems yet
S32-array/end.rakudo............................... 8 0 0 5 13
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a Parcel
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is an array with a single Parcel in it?
S32-array/pop.t.................................... 33 0 0 0 33
S32-array/push.rakudo.............................. 42 0 0 9 51
1 skipped: *-1 doesn't seem to work
2 skipped: named args
5 skipped: Broken in ng1
1 skipped: ACCEPTS not found for Array
S32-array/shift.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 3 32
3 skipped: Failure is not yet defined in Rakudo-ng
S32-array/unshift.rakudo........................... 37 16 0 6 59
6 skipped: named args
16 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-list/end.rakudo................................ 13 0 0 2 15
2 skipped: maybe out-of-date
S32-list/first.rakudo.............................. 17 0 0 2 19
2 skipped: adverbial block
S32-list/join.rakudo............................... 29 0 2 4 35
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a parcel instead of a list
2 skipped: Rakudo-ng doesn't know how to make a list from a Str
2 todo : Mu in list is not handled properly by join
S32-list/reverse.rakudo............................ 20 0 0 1 21
1 skipped: named args
S32-num/abs.rakudo................................. 37 0 0 13 50
1 skipped: abs("-10") NYI in Rakudo-ng
11 skipped: named args
1 skipped: RT 70596
S32-num/complex.rakudo............................. 449 0 0 5 454
3 skipped: standalone i NYI
2 skipped: NYI in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/exp.t...................................... 59 0 0 0 59
S32-num/int.rakudo................................. 74 0 0 8 82
3 skipped: Inf and NaN not yet implemented
5 skipped: Str.Int not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/log.rakudo................................. 29 0 0 3 32
1 skipped: log(Inf) does not work in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: 3-arg log
1 skipped: log(NaN) does not work in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/rat.rakudo................................. 783 0 3 5 791
1 skipped: [4/3] NYI in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: RT 69726, maybe related to RT 68958
1 skipped: !===
1 skipped: Num.Rat not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: sin NYI in Rakudo-ng
2 todo : Getting a Num when a Rat would be better
1 todo : === on Rats
S32-num/roots.rakudo............................... 42 0 0 2 44
2 skipped: Should this be == or ~~?
S32-num/sign.t..................................... 31 11 0 0 42
11 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-num/sqrt.rakudo................................ 19 0 0 5 24
5 skipped: named args
S32-num/unpolar.rakudo............................. 199 0 0 9 208
9 skipped: named args
S32-str/append.t................................... 7 0 0 0 7
S32-str/bool.t..................................... 12 0 0 0 12
S32-str/chomp.rakudo............................... 12 0 0 1 13
1 skipped: chomp with named argument
S32-str/chop.rakudo................................ 6 0 0 7 13
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
6 skipped: unspecced
S32-str/flip.rakudo................................ 11 0 0 2 13
2 skipped: graphemes not implemented
S32-str/index.rakudo............................... 29 0 0 9 38
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
4 skipped: junction autothreading
2 skipped: StrPos not implemented
S32-str/lcfirst.rakudo............................. 6 0 0 3 9
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
2 skipped: unicode
S32-str/pos.t...................................... 2 0 0 0 2
S32-str/split-simple2.rakudo....................... 38 0 3 0 41
2 todo : Broken in ng1
1 todo PASSED: Broken in ng1
S32-str/ucfirst.rakudo............................. 2 0 0 3 5
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
pass fail todo skip plan
integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t......... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t....... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/no-indirect-new.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t............ 2 0 0 0 2
integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
integration/say-crash.t............................ 4 0 0 0 4
integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t.. 1 0 0 0 1
'plan *;' could become 'plan 86;' in S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 69;' in S16-filehandles/io.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 33;' in S32-array/pop.t
'plan *;' could become 'plan 32;' in S32-array/shift.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 454;' in S32-num/complex.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 791;' in S32-num/rat.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 208;' in S32-num/unpolar.rakudo
"Synopsis", "pass","fail","todo","skip","plan","spec"
"S02", 310, 0, 15, 70, 395, 2010
"S03", 396, 0, 8, 55, 459, 2216
"S04", 82, 0, 4, 7, 93, 750
"S05", 53, 0, 2, 0, 55, 4460
"S06", 228, 0, 9, 53, 290, 739
"S07", 23, 0, 0, 0, 23, 23
"S09", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98
"S10", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111
"S11", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99
"S12", 106, 0, 2, 9, 117, 1014
"S13", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77
"S14", 71, 0, 3, 2, 76, 226
"S16", 119, 0, 0, 2, 121, 246
"S17", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28
"S28", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5
"S29", 65, 405, 1, 0, 471, 517
"S32", 2079, 27, 8, 116, 2230, 3566
"int", 26, 0, 0, 0, 26, 233
"total", 3558, 432, 52, 314, 4356, 16418
Failure summary:
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo aborted 405 test(s)
S32-array/unshift.rakudo aborted 16 test(s)
S32-num/sign.t aborted 11 test(s)
real 3m45.310s
user 3m22.140s
sys 0m19.210s
john@triton ~/rakudo $ uname -a
Linux 2.6.25-gentoo-r7 #1 SMP Mon Jun 29 14:18:49 CDT 2009 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
john@Mac Pro Gentoo ~/Projects/rakudo $ time perl tools/
/usr/bin/perl5.8.8 t/spec/fudgeall rakudo t/spec/integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t t/spec/integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t t/spec/integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t t/spec/integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t t/spec/integration/no-indirect-new.t t/spec/integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t t/spec/integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t t/spec/integration/say-crash.t t/spec/integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t t/spec/S02-builtin_data_types/range.t t/spec/S02-literals/array-interpolation.t t/spec/S02-literals/pair-boolean.t t/spec/S02-literals/pairs.t t/spec/S02-literals/sub-calls.t t/spec/S02-literals/types.t t/spec/S02-literals/underscores.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t t/spec/S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.t t/spec/S02-names/identifier.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t t/spec/S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.t t/spec/S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t t/spec/S03-operators/basic-types.t t/spec/S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t t/spec/S03-operators/not.t t/spec/S03-operators/numeric-context.t t/spec/S03-operators/range-basic.t t/spec/S03-operators/range.t t/spec/S03-operators/relational.t t/spec/S03-operators/scalar-assign.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-pair.t t/spec/S03-smartmatch/any-type.t t/spec/S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.t t/spec/S03-operators/so.t t/spec/S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.t t/spec/S04-phasers/end.t t/spec/S04-exceptions/fail.t t/spec/S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t t/spec/S04-statements/loop.t t/spec/S04-statements/repeat.t t/spec/S04-statements/unless.t t/spec/S04-statements/until.t t/spec/S04-statements/while.t t/spec/S05-metachars/line-anchors.t t/spec/S05-metachars/newline.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/changed.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/null.t t/spec/S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t t/spec/S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.t t/spec/S06-multi/syntax.t t/spec/S06-multi/value-based.t t/spec/S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t t/spec/S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.t t/spec/S06-signature/arity.t t/spec/S06-signature/closure-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/code.t t/spec/S06-signature/defaults.t t/spec/S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-parameters.t t/spec/S06-signature/named-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/optional.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/positional.t t/spec/S06-signature/scalar-type.t t/spec/S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.t t/spec/S06-signature/type-capture.t t/spec/S07-iterators/range-iterator.t t/spec/S12-attributes/clone.t t/spec/S12-class/basic.t t/spec/S12-class/declaration-order.t t/spec/S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t t/spec/S12-class/instantiate.t t/spec/S12-construction/autopairs.t t/spec/S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t t/spec/S12-methods/calling_syntax.t t/spec/S12-methods/class-and-instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/instance.t t/spec/S12-methods/private.t t/spec/S12-methods/topic.t t/spec/S14-roles/attributes.t t/spec/S14-roles/composition.t t/spec/S14-roles/crony.t t/spec/S14-roles/instantiation.t t/spec/S14-roles/namespaced.t t/spec/S14-roles/parameterized-type.t t/spec/S14-roles/submethods.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t t/spec/S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t t/spec/S16-io/say.t t/spec/S16-unfiled/slurp.t t/spec/S29-any/cmp.t t/spec/S29-any/isa.t t/spec/S29-context/sleep.t t/spec/S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.t t/spec/S32-array/elems.t t/spec/S32-array/end.t t/spec/S32-array/pop.t t/spec/S32-array/push.t t/spec/S32-array/shift.t t/spec/S32-array/unshift.t t/spec/S32-list/end.t t/spec/S32-list/first.t t/spec/S32-list/join.t t/spec/S32-list/reverse.t t/spec/S32-num/abs.t t/spec/S32-num/complex.t t/spec/S32-num/exp.t t/spec/S32-num/int.t t/spec/S32-num/log.t t/spec/S32-num/rat.t t/spec/S32-num/roots.t t/spec/S32-num/sign.t t/spec/S32-num/sqrt.t t/spec/S32-num/unpolar.t t/spec/S32-str/append.t t/spec/S32-str/bool.t t/spec/S32-str/chomp.t t/spec/S32-str/chop.t t/spec/S32-str/flip.t t/spec/S32-str/index.t t/spec/S32-str/lcfirst.t t/spec/S32-str/pos.t t/spec/S32-str/split-simple2.t t/spec/S32-str/ucfirst.t
pass fail todo skip plan
S02-builtin_data_types/anon_block.rakudo........... 36 0 1 5 42
2 skipped: tests don't work if previous test fails
3 skipped: RT #68116
1 todo : Parrot support for zero-arg subs?
S02-builtin_data_types/bool.rakudo................. 32 0 1 4 37
2 skipped: RT 66576: .name method on bool values
2 skipped: RT #65514 mix in bool with "but"
1 todo : RT 71462: Smartmatch a type yields Int, not a Bool
S02-builtin_data_types/multi_dimensional_array.ra.. 19 0 3 19 41
10 skipped: Parse Error: Statement not terminated properly
9 skipped: Null PMC access in find_method()
3 todo : Doubtful if this is still correct
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_arrays.t............. 8 0 0 0 8
S02-builtin_data_types/nested_pairs.t.............. 7 0 0 0 7
S02-builtin_data_types/parsing-bool.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
S02-builtin_data_types/range.rakudo................ 54 0 2 26 82
2 skipped: modifer for NYI
2 skipped: Neither *-1 or slices work yet in ng
2 skipped: .reverse on ranges
7 skipped: infinite ranges not implemented
5 skipped: range reverse not in spec
8 skipped: niether ng nor I understand these tests
1 todo : ng thinks -Inf is not before -.2
1 todo : Not sure if this should work, but it definitely doesn't right now
S02-literals/array-interpolation.rakudo............ 6 0 6 0 12
4 todo : Array interpolation b0rked
2 todo : Array interpolation b0rked, RT # 58246
S02-literals/pair-boolean.t........................ 6 0 0 0 6
S02-literals/pairs.rakudo.......................... 35 0 0 5 40
2 skipped: reduce meta op
3 skipped: prefix:<|>
S02-literals/sub-calls.t........................... 20 0 0 0 20
S02-literals/types.rakudo.......................... 6 0 1 0 7
1 todo : test conflicts oddly with test 4 above
S02-literals/underscores.t......................... 19 0 0 0 19
S02-names/identifier.rakudo........................ 15 0 0 3 18
1 skipped: RT 72084: sub name beginning with last-
1 skipped: RT #68358
1 skipped: sub name beginning with next-
S02-names_and_variables/contextual.t............... 18 0 0 0 18
S02-names_and_variables/list_array_perl.rakudo..... 15 0 0 6 21
1 skipped: RT 65988
2 skipped: recursive data structure
1 skipped: List.perl bug
2 skipped: parsefail on hyper operator
S02-whitespace_and_comments/begin_end_pod.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/minimal-whitespace.t... 7 0 0 0 7
S02-whitespace_and_comments/one-pass-parsing.t..... 1 0 0 0 1
S02-whitespace_and_comments/sub-block-parsing.rak.. 1 0 1 2 4
1 skipped: confused near "(sub{ 42 }"
1 skipped: confused near "(sub { 42 "
1 todo : block parsing problem
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
pass fail todo skip plan
S03-operators/assign-is-not-binding.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
S03-operators/basic-types.t........................src/gc/alloc_resources.c:517: failed assertion 'new_block->size >= (size_t)new_block->top - (size_t)new_block->start'
Backtrace - Obtained 32 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0be0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0d90]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfe34b34]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd6bb0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd88b4]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5018]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd83ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd81b0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd7580]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e130]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e96c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce8200]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcebdb8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xff058ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfc08e8c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc5228]
dynext/ [0xf6b7dcc]
dynext/ [0xf6b75a8]
dynext/ [0xf664c5c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ee8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcbc948]
./perl6 [0x10002058]
/lib/ [0xf769624]
18 1 0 0 19
1 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S03-operators/boolean-bitwise.t.................... 31 0 0 0 31
S03-operators/not.rakudo........................... 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 65556
S03-operators/numeric-context.rakudo............... 43 0 1 8 52
2 skipped: Rat in string not supported yet in Rakudo-ng
6 skipped: +"2" should return an Int
1 todo : +'1900' is a Num in Rakudo-ng
S03-operators/range-basic.t........................ 110 0 0 0 110
S03-operators/range.rakudo.........................src/gc/alloc_resources.c:517: failed assertion 'new_block->size >= (size_t)new_block->top - (size_t)new_block->start'
Backtrace - Obtained 32 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0be0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0d90]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfe34b34]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd6bb0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd88b4]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5018]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd83ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd81b0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd7580]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e130]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e96c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcec9e8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfc69b18]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc5228]
dynext/ [0xf6b5d80]
dynext/ [0xf6b72cc]
dynext/ [0xf664c5c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ee8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfefa59c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfec0d88]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfec109c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfceaa9c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfceb8d8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfc69888]
7 97 1 0 105
1 todo : Alphabetic ranges misbehave in ng
97 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S03-operators/relational.t......................... 88 0 0 0 88
S03-operators/scalar-assign.t...................... 4 0 0 0 4
S03-operators/so.t................................. 11 0 0 0 11
S03-operators/subscript-vs-lt.rakudo............... 2 0 2 0 4
2 todo : parsing
S03-smartmatch/any-pair.rakudo..................... 0 0 0 10 10
10 skipped: Any ~~ Pair
S03-smartmatch/any-type.t.......................... 3 0 0 0 3
pass fail todo skip plan
S04-blocks-and-statements/pointy.rakudo............ 11 0 2 4 17
3 skipped: Could not find non-existent sub junction
1 skipped: &?ROUTINE
2 todo : pointy blocks and last/redo
S04-exceptions/fail.t.............................. 8 0 0 0 8
S04-phasers/end.rakudo............................. 1 0 2 0 3
2 todo : lexicals and eval()
S04-statement-modifiers/unless.t................... 6 0 0 0 6
S04-statements/for_with_only_one_item.t............ 8 0 0 0 8
S04-statements/loop.rakudo......................... 11 0 0 1 12
1 skipped: RT #65962
S04-statements/repeat.rakudo....................... 14 0 0 2 16
2 skipped: point block on loop
S04-statements/unless.t............................ 10 0 0 0 10
S04-statements/until.t............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S04-statements/while.t............................. 9 0 0 0 9
pass fail todo skip plan
S05-metachars/line-anchors.t....................... 19 0 0 0 19
S05-metachars/newline.rakudo....................... 13 0 2 0 15
2 todo : Unicode
S05-metasyntax/changed.t........................... 12 0 0 0 12
S05-metasyntax/null.t.............................. 4 0 0 0 4
S05-metasyntax/single-quotes.t..................... 5 0 0 0 5
pass fail todo skip plan
S06-advanced_subroutine_features/lexical-subs.rak.. 7 0 0 2 9
2 skipped: cannot parse operator names yet
Use of uninitialized value in gmtime at tools/ line 205.
S06-multi/syntax.rakudo............................ 31 0 0 2 33
1 skipped: RT 65672
1 skipped: RT #68234
S06-multi/value-based.t............................ 7 0 0 0 7
S06-other/anon-hashes-vs-blocks.t.................. 8 0 0 0 8
S06-routine-modifiers/scoped-named-subs.rakudo..... 9 0 3 0 12
2 todo : RT 65128
1 todo : Broken in ng1
S06-signature/arity.t.............................. 48 0 0 0 48
S06-signature/closure-parameters.rakudo............ 3 0 0 11 14
11 skipped: type syntax parse failure
S06-signature/code.t............................... 6 0 0 0 6
S06-signature/defaults.t........................... 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/mixed-placeholders.t................. 12 0 0 0 12
S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo.............. 49 0 3 34 86
2 skipped: Cannot apply trait required to parameters yet
25 skipped: parsefail
5 skipped: parsefail on lvalue
2 skipped: anonymously created array assignment issues
3 todo : sub params with the same name
S06-signature/named-placeholders.t................. 3 0 0 0 3
S06-signature/optional.rakudo...................... 12 0 2 0 14
1 todo : die on optional param before required
1 todo : RT 66822
S06-signature/positional-placeholders.rakudo....... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : non-twigil variable before twigil variable
S06-signature/positional.rakudo.................... 3 0 0 3 6
2 skipped: RT 60408
1 skipped: RT 70469
S06-signature/scalar-type.t........................ 8 0 0 0 8
S06-signature/slurpy-placeholders.rakudo........... 7 0 0 1 8
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
S06-signature/type-capture.t....................... 7 0 0 0 7
pass fail todo skip plan
S07-iterators/range-iterator.t..................... 23 0 0 0 23
pass fail todo skip plan
S12-attributes/clone.rakudo........................ 9 0 0 3 12
3 skipped: Broken by ng1
S12-class/basic.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 4 33
3 skipped: not parsing is inside class yet
1 skipped: RT #67784
S12-class/declaration-order.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
S12-class/inheritance-class-methods.t.............. 5 0 0 0 5
S12-class/instantiate.rakudo....................... 5 0 1 0 6
1 todo : RT #62732
S12-construction/autopairs.t....................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-construction/named-params-in-BUILD.t........... 3 0 0 0 3
S12-methods/calling_syntax.t....................... 11 0 0 0 11
S12-methods/class-and-instance.t................... 4 0 0 0 4
S12-methods/instance.rakudo........................ 24 0 0 2 26
2 skipped: indirect object notation
S12-methods/private.rakudo......................... 8 0 1 0 9
1 todo : role private methods - spec?
S12-methods/topic.t................................ 2 0 0 0 2
pass fail todo skip plan
S14-roles/attributes.rakudo........................ 5 0 0 1 6
1 skipped: Broken in ng1
S14-roles/composition.rakudo....................... 17 0 2 1 20
1 skipped: RT 69919, Null PMC access in type()
2 todo : RT #64002
S14-roles/crony.t.................................. 4 0 0 0 4
S14-roles/instantiation.rakudo..................... 17 0 1 0 18
1 todo : protoobject regression
S14-roles/namespaced.t............................. 3 0 0 0 3
S14-roles/parameterized-type.t..................... 24 0 0 0 24
S14-roles/submethods.t............................. 1 0 0 0 1
pass fail todo skip plan
S16-filehandles/io.rakudo.......................... 67 0 0 2 69
1 skipped: :rw on open() unimplemented
1 skipped: :e NYI in ng
S16-filehandles/io_in_for_loops.t.................. 29 0 0 0 29
S16-filehandles/io_in_while_loops.t................ 13 0 0 0 13
S16-io/say.t....................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S16-unfiled/slurp.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
pass fail todo skip plan
S29-any/cmp.t...................................... 6 0 0 0 6
S29-any/isa.rakudo................................. 13 0 1 0 14
1 todo : RT 69999
S29-context/sleep.t................................ 4 0 0 0 4
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo.................src/gc/alloc_resources.c:517: failed assertion 'new_block->size >= (size_t)new_block->top - (size_t)new_block->start'
Backtrace - Obtained 24 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0be0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0d90]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfe34b34]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd6bb0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd88b4]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5018]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd83ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd81b0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd50d8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5d8c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfbfbdd0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfbfcc10]
dynext/ [0xf6b85cc]
dynext/ [0xf6b75a8]
dynext/ [0xf664c5c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ee8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcbc948]
./perl6 [0x10002058]
/lib/ [0xf769624]
/lib/ [0xf7697c4]
66 381 0 0 447
381 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
pass fail todo skip plan
S32-array/elems.rakudo............................. 4 0 0 9 13
1 skipped: elems on Array ref
1 skipped: Unclear what this should actually be
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: cannot parse named arguments
1 skipped: Broken by ng1
2 skipped: no sub version of elems yet
S32-array/end.rakudo............................... 8 0 0 5 13
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a Parcel
3 skipped: unspecced
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is an array with a single Parcel in it?
S32-array/pop.t.................................... 33 0 0 0 33
S32-array/push.rakudo..............................src/gc/alloc_resources.c:517: failed assertion 'new_block->size >= (size_t)new_block->top - (size_t)new_block->start'
Backtrace - Obtained 22 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0be0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0d90]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfe34b34]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd6bb0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd88b4]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5018]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd83ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd81b0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd7580]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e130]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e574]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xff14358]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfc51930]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ee8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcbc948]
./perl6 [0x10002058]
/lib/ [0xf769624]
/lib/ [0xf7697c4]
42 0 0 9 51
1 skipped: *-1 doesn't seem to work
2 skipped: named args
5 skipped: Broken in ng1
1 skipped: ACCEPTS not found for Array
S32-array/shift.rakudo............................. 29 0 0 3 32
3 skipped: Failure is not yet defined in Rakudo-ng
S32-array/unshift.rakudo........................... 48 0 0 11 59
6 skipped: named args
5 skipped: Broken in ng
S32-list/end.rakudo................................ 13 0 0 2 15
2 skipped: maybe out-of-date
S32-list/first.rakudo.............................. 17 0 0 2 19
2 skipped: adverbial block
S32-list/join.rakudo............................... 29 0 2 4 35
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
1 skipped: Rakudo-ng thinks this is a parcel instead of a list
2 skipped: Rakudo-ng doesn't know how to make a list from a Str
2 todo : Mu in list is not handled properly by join
S32-list/reverse.rakudo............................ 20 0 0 1 21
1 skipped: named args
S32-num/abs.rakudo................................. 37 0 0 13 50
1 skipped: abs("-10") NYI in Rakudo-ng
11 skipped: named args
1 skipped: RT 70596
S32-num/complex.rakudo............................. 449 0 0 5 454
3 skipped: standalone i NYI
2 skipped: NYI in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/exp.t...................................... 59 0 0 0 59
S32-num/int.rakudo................................. 74 0 0 8 82
3 skipped: Inf and NaN not yet implemented
5 skipped: Str.Int not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/log.rakudo................................. 29 0 0 3 32
1 skipped: log(Inf) does not work in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: 3-arg log
1 skipped: log(NaN) does not work in Rakudo-ng
S32-num/rat.rakudo................................. 783 0 3 5 791
1 skipped: [4/3] NYI in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: RT 69726, maybe related to RT 68958
1 skipped: !===
1 skipped: Num.Rat not implemented yet in Rakudo-ng
1 skipped: sin NYI in Rakudo-ng
2 todo : Getting a Num when a Rat would be better
1 todo : === on Rats
S32-num/roots.rakudo...............................src/gc/alloc_resources.c:517: failed assertion 'new_block->size >= (size_t)new_block->top - (size_t)new_block->start'
Backtrace - Obtained 32 stack frames (max trace depth is 32).
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0be0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc0d90]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfe34b34]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd6bb0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd88b4]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd5018]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd83ac]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd81b0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcd7580]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e130]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd5e96c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfebbf70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfebe5ec]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfceb528]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfceb8d8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfc69888]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcc5228]
dynext/ [0xf6b5d80]
dynext/ [0xf6b72cc]
dynext/ [0xf664c5c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd61ed0]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfd6063c]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcefb58]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3d70]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfce3ee8]
/home/john/Projects/rakudo/parrot_install/lib/ [0xfcbc948]
./perl6 [0x10002058]
/lib/ [0xf769624]
10 34 0 0 44
34 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
S32-num/sign.t..................................... 42 0 0 0 42
S32-num/sqrt.rakudo................................ 19 0 0 5 24
5 skipped: named args
S32-num/unpolar.rakudo............................. 199 0 0 9 208
9 skipped: named args
S32-str/append.t................................... 7 0 0 0 7
S32-str/bool.t..................................... 12 0 0 0 12
S32-str/chomp.rakudo............................... 12 0 0 1 13
1 skipped: chomp with named argument
S32-str/chop.rakudo................................ 6 0 0 7 13
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
6 skipped: unspecced
S32-str/flip.rakudo................................ 11 0 0 2 13
2 skipped: graphemes not implemented
S32-str/index.rakudo............................... 29 0 0 9 38
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
4 skipped: junction autothreading
2 skipped: StrPos not implemented
S32-str/lcfirst.rakudo............................. 6 0 0 3 9
1 skipped: calling positional args by name
2 skipped: unicode
S32-str/pos.t...................................... 2 0 0 0 2
S32-str/split-simple2.rakudo....................... 38 0 3 0 41
2 todo : Broken in ng1
1 todo PASSED: Broken in ng1
S32-str/ucfirst.rakudo............................. 2 0 0 3 5
1 skipped: calling positional params by name
2 skipped: unicode
pass fail todo skip plan
integration/code-blocks-as-sub-args.t.............. 4 0 0 0 4
integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t......... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/lexicals-and-attributes.t.............. 8 0 0 0 8
integration/method-calls-and-instantiation.t....... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/no-indirect-new.t...................... 2 0 0 0 2
integration/passing-pair-class-to-sub.t............ 2 0 0 0 2
integration/role-composition-vs-attribute.t........ 1 0 0 0 1
integration/say-crash.t............................ 4 0 0 0 4
integration/substr-after-match-in-gather-in-for.t.. 1 0 0 0 1
'plan *;' could become 'plan 86;' in S06-signature/named-parameters.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 69;' in S16-filehandles/io.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 33;' in S32-array/pop.t
'plan *;' could become 'plan 32;' in S32-array/shift.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 454;' in S32-num/complex.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 791;' in S32-num/rat.rakudo
'plan *;' could become 'plan 208;' in S32-num/unpolar.rakudo
"Synopsis", "pass","fail","todo","skip","plan","spec"
"S02", 310, 0, 15, 70, 395, 2010
"S03", 338, 98, 5, 18, 459, 2216
"S04", 82, 0, 4, 7, 93, 750
"S05", 53, 0, 2, 0, 55, 4460
"S06", 228, 0, 9, 53, 290, 739
"S07", 23, 0, 0, 0, 23, 23
"S09", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98
"S10", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111
"S11", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99
"S12", 106, 0, 2, 9, 117, 1014
"S13", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77
"S14", 71, 0, 3, 2, 76, 226
"S16", 119, 0, 0, 2, 121, 246
"S17", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28
"S28", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5
"S29", 89, 381, 1, 0, 471, 517
"S32", 2069, 34, 8, 119, 2230, 3566
"int", 26, 0, 0, 0, 26, 233
"total", 3514, 513, 49, 280, 4356, 16418
Failure summary:
S03-operators/basic-types.t aborted 1 test(s)
S03-operators/range.rakudo aborted 97 test(s)
S29-conversions/ord_and_chr.rakudo aborted 381 test(s)
S32-num/roots.rakudo aborted 34 test(s)
real 26m58.427s
user 25m54.442s
sys 1m0.377s
Linux Mac Pro Gentoo 2.6.31-gentoo-r6 #1 SMP Mon Feb 1 04:42:00 CST 2010 ppc 7455, altivec supported PowerMac3,6 GNU/Linux
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