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Created February 17, 2010 21:22
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie ':all';
use Carp;
use Getopt::Std;
use 5.10.0;
my ($outfile,@dirs) = @ARGV;
@dirs or die "must provide a list of directories\n";
my $donefile = 'xml2gff.already_done';
my $jobs = parallel_gthxml_to_gff3->new(
donefile => $donefile,
outfile => $outfile,
dirs => \@dirs
$jobs->max_workers( 12 );
####### PACKAGES ##########################
package parallel_gthxml_to_gff3;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class;
use File::Flock;
use Path::Class;
use autodie ':all';
use POSIX;
use DB_File;
with 'MooseX::Workers';
# file where we store which xml files we have already processed
has 'donefile' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Path::Class::File',
required => 1,
coerce => 1,
# append our gff3 output to this file
has 'outfile' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'Path::Class::File',
required => 1,
coerce => 1,
# keep a hashref of what files were done when we started,
# parsed from our donefile on program start
has 'files_done' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
lazy_build => 1,
traits => ['Hash'],
handles => {
is_done => 'get'
); sub _build_files_done {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return {} unless -f $self->donefile;
print "indexing donefile ... ";
tie my %done, 'DB_File', $self->donefile.'.index', O_CREAT|O_RDWR;
my $d = $self->donefile->openr;
$done{ $_ } = 1 while <$d>;
print "done.\n";
return \%done;
#arrayref of dirs we are searching for files
has 'dirs' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
required => 1,
# run a find process to find the XML files we want
has 'find_handle' => ( is => 'ro',
isa => 'FileHandle',
lazy_build => 1,
); sub _build_find_handle {
open my $f, "ssh eggplant find ".join(' ',map dir($_)->absolute, @{shift->dirs})." -type f -and -name '*.xml' |";
return $f;
# wrap MX::Workers enqueue to just take an xml file name, and generate
# the worker for it
around enqueue => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, $xml_file ) = @_;
if( $self->is_done( $xml_file ) ) {
print "$xml_file skipped\n";
print "$xml_file queued ...\n";
$self->$orig(sub {
my $gff3_out_file = File::Temp->new;
eval {
GTH_XML_2_GFF3->gthxml_to_gff3( $xml_file, "$gff3_out_file" );
if( $@ ) {
warn "$xml_file parse failed:\n$@";
} else {
# dump the converted results to our output file
open my $gff3_fh,'<', "$gff3_out_file";
{ my $l = File::Flock->new( $self->outfile );
my $out_fh = $self->outfile->open('>>');
while( <$gff3_fh> ) {
unless( /^##gff-version/ ) {
# record this file as done
{ my $l = File::Flock->new( $self->donefile );
sub run {
my $self = shift;
# run find first
my $files = $self->find_handle;
# print just one gff3 header in the outfile
$self->outfile->open('>>')->print("##gff-version 3\n");
# now queue the first set of jobs
for (1 .. $self->max_workers ) {
my $xml_file = <$files>;
chomp $xml_file;
last unless defined $xml_file;
#sub worker_done { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
sub worker_done {
my $self = shift;
for( 1, 2 ) {
if( my $xml_file = $self->find_handle->getline ) {
chomp $xml_file;
$self->enqueue( $xml_file );
# sub worker_manager_start { warn 'started worker manager' }
# sub worker_manager_stop { warn 'stopped worker manager' }
# sub max_workers_reached { warn 'max workers reached' }
sub worker_stdout { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
sub worker_stderr { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
sub worker_error { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
# sub worker_started { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
# sub sig_child { shift; warn join ' ', @_; }
no Moose;
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