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Created February 19, 2010 17:06
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# This is an exception notifier for Padrino::Application with
# redmine bonus feature.
# ==== Usage
# class MyApp < Padrino::Application
# register ExceptionNotifier
# set :exceptions_from, "errors@localhost.local"
# set :exceptions_to, "foo@bar.local"
# set :exceptions_page, :errors # => views/errors.haml/erb
# set :redmine, :project => "My Bugs", :tracker => "Bugs", :priority => "High"
# # Uncomment this for test in development
# # disable :raise_errors
# # disable :show_exceptions
# end
module ExceptionNotifier
def self.registered(app)
app.set :exceptions_subject, "Exception"
app.set :exceptions_to, "errors@localhost.local"
app.set :exceptions_from, "foo@bar.local"
app.set :redmine, {}
app.error 500 do
boom = env['sinatra.error']
body = ["#{boom.class} - #{boom.message}:", *boom.backtrace].join("\n ")
body += "\n\n---Env:\n"
env.each { |k,v| body += "\n#{k}: #{v}" }
body += "\n\n---Params:\n"
params.each { |k,v| body += "\n#{k.inspect} => #{v.inspect}" }
logger.error body
options.redmine.each { |k,v| body += "\n#{k.to_s.capitalize}: #{v}" }
:subject => "[#{options.exceptions_subject}] #{boom.class} - #{boom.message}",
:to => options.exceptions_to,
:from => options.exceptions_from,
:body => body
response.status = 500
content_type 'text/html', :charset => "utf-8"
render options.exceptions_page
app.error 404 do
response.status = 404
content_type 'text/html', :charset => "utf-8"
render options.exceptions_page
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