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Created December 2, 2008 23:43
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[Ubiquity] tinyurl improved
const Name = 'tinyur1',
TURL = '',
Selector = '#'+ Name,
Base = <div class={Name}><style><![CDATA[
@.result {text-align:center}
@.arrow {font-weight:bold; margin:2px 0}
@.error {font-style:italic; margin-bottom:4px}
@.logo {
background:#009; font:bold 16px sans-serif; width:6.6em; text-align:center}
@.logo a {color:#fff; text-decoration:none}
@.loading + .logo {opacity:0.4}
@.error + .logo {opacity:0.7}
]]></style><div id={Name}/><div class="logo"
><a href={TURL}></a></div></div
>.toXMLString().replace(/@/g, '.'+ Name +' ');
var tiny, pq;
name: Name,
synonyms: ['tinyurl'],
icon: TURL +'favicon.ico',
takes: {URL: noun_type_url},
modifiers: {to: {_name: 'alias',
suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx)
txt && !sx ? [CmdUtils.makeSugg(txt, htm)] : [] }},
description: ''+<>
Improved <a href={TURL}>tinyurl</a> that
<ul style="list-style-image:none">
<li>supports alias.</li>
<li>copies on enter.</li></ul></>,
execute: function(){
if(tiny) CmdUtils.copyToClipboard(tiny);
else displayMessage({
icon: this.icon, title: 'Error', text: 'No result yet!'});
tiny = '';
preview: function(pbl, {text: u}, mod){
var a = || '', $p = jQuery(pbl), $c = $p.find(Selector);
if(!$c[0]) $c = $p.html(Base).find(Selector), pq = '';
if(tiny && pq === (pq = u + a)) return;
TURL +'create.php', {url: u, alias: a}, function(doc){
var [org, tin] = ((doc = jQuery(doc)).find('blockquote > b')
.map(function() this.textContent).get()),
err = doc.find('p > b[style]').text();
$c.removeClass().addClass(err ? 'error' : '').html(
<><i>{err.slice(0, 48)}</i><div class="result"
>{org}<div class="arrow">&#x2193;</div
><a href={tiny = tin}>{tin}</a></div></> +'');
previewDelay: 234,
author: 'satyr'.link(''), license: 'MIT',
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