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Created July 29, 2012 10:16
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just another inlet to tributary
var width = 403
var height = 162
var font_size = 88
var precise = 4
var x = 230
var y = 119
var rect = g.append("rect")
var text1 = g.append("text")
text = fitTextToBox(rect,text1)
var textHeight = text.node().getBBox().height
var middle = (height/2)
text.attr("dy", middle - (textHeight / 2) )
function between(x, min, max) {
return x >= min && x <= max;
function fitTextToBox(box,text){
var boxHeight = parseInt(box.attr("height"))
var boxWidth = parseInt(box.attr("width"))
var textWidth = text.node().getComputedTextLength();
var textHeight = text.node().getBBox().height;
var currentFZ = text.attr("font-size")
var aspectRatioBox = boxWidth / boxHeight;
var aspectRatioText = textWidth / textHeight;
var maxWidth = (boxWidth /textWidth )
var maxHeight = (boxHeight /textHeight)
var max = Math.min(maxWidth, maxHeight)
var fontsize = (currentFZ * max)
text.attr("font-size", fontsize)
return text;
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