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Created March 17, 2010 08:35
Rails 3 on App Engine

Rails 3.0.pre on App Engine

You can Rails 3 on App Engine, but it won’t be especially useful until bundler 10. You should try these instead:

Install the Development Environment

The gems for the development environment include a pre-release appengine-tools gem that provides a pre-release version of jruby-rack.

sudo gem install google-appengine

Install Rails 3.0.pre with required patches

Create a folder for your app

mkdir rails_app; cd rails_app

Download and run the setup script

curl -O
ruby rails2_appengine.rb

Working with Your Rails App

Start development server

dev_appserver.rb .

Publish to production

appcfg.rb update .
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PanosJee commented Jun 5, 2010

It seems that we need extra patch for memcache and actionmailer, right ?

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