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Created March 17, 2010 18:09
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(deftemplate tweet-template "html/template.html" [tweets date] :lockstep
{[:title] (content date)
(clone-for [tweet tweets] :lockstep
{[:div] (set-attr :id (str "div-" (:id tweet)))
(transformation :lockstep
{[:span.tweet-from] (content (:from-user tweet))
[:span.tweet-created-at] (content (.format date-formatter (:created-at tweet)))
[:span.tweet-rts] (when (seq (:duplicates tweet))
(content (str "RT: " (count (:duplicates tweet)))))
[:a] (do->
(content (:translated-text tweet))
(set-attr :href (make-tweet-url tweet)))})
[:table.retweets-table :tr]
(clone-for [tweet (:duplicates tweet)] :lockstep
{[:span.rt-from] (content (:from-user tweet))
[:span.rt-text] (content (:text tweet))
[:span.rt-time] (content (.format date-formatter (:created-at tweet)))})})})
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF=8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tweet-search.css"/>
<title> Search Results for {search term} </title>
<div id="div-{tweet-id}" class="tweet-div">
<table class="main-tweet-table">
<td id="text-{tweet-id}" class="tweet-text">
<span class="tweet-from">{from}</span>
<span class="tweet-created-at">{hh:mm dd/mm}</span>
<span class="tweet-rts">RT: n</span>
<table class="retweets-table">
<td class="rt-from"></td>
<span class="rt-from">RT {from}</span>
<span class="rt-text">{text}</span>
<span class="rt-time">{hh:mm dd/mm}</span>
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Hey, in this version it does not really transform the contents of the retweets. It looks like the [:> :td :> :span.rt-from] style of selectors don't work, but this does [:span.rt-from]... this is in relation to

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cgrand commented Apr 3, 2010

Good catch, Toni! It should reead [:> :tr :> :td :> :span.rt-from] or wrap the clone-for body in a transform-content

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heh... now it makes sense. I totally missed the TR while trying to figure out why it doesn't work. Nevertheless, the latest build of elive is wicked fast, even without using this faster selector :)

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