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Created March 28, 2010 01:43
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# Instead of this script you can also use gpsbabel with the gtrnctr format!
# tcx2gpx Version 1.19 from <>
# Copyright Jerry Nicholls - $Date: 2008/06/25 08:28:29 $
# Run this script with -e to get my email address should you wish to contact me
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
# Prototypes
sub ParseTCX();
sub GPXHeader($$);
sub GPXTrackSegment($$);
sub GPXTrackPoint($$);
sub GPXFooter($);
sub Activity();
sub Lap($);
sub TrackPoint($);
sub SportOption($$);
# Statics
our $s_version = '$Revision: 1.19 $';
our $s_address = '6a65727279406e6967687477617463682e6f72672e756b';
# Globals
our $g_help = 0;
our $g_email = 0;
our $g_list = 0;
our $g_one = 0;
our $g_multiTrack = 0;
our $g_course = 0;
our $g_id = '';
our $g_pattern = '';
our $g_sport = '"biking"';
our $g_output = 'tcx2gpx';
GetOptions('help|?' => \$g_help,
'email' => \$g_email,
'list' => \$g_list,
'1' => \$g_one,
'multitrack' => \$g_multiTrack,
'course' => \$g_course,
'id=s' => \$g_id,
'pattern=s' => \$g_pattern,
'sport=s' => \&SportOption,
'output=s' => \$g_output) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $g_help;
if ($g_email)
print "My email address is " . pack('H*', $s_address) . "\n";
# Remove the .gpx extension to the filename, ensuring that there is one
$g_output =~ s/\.gpx$//;
$g_output .= 'tcx2gpx' if $g_output =~ m|[\/]$|;
# Do we just want to parse the file for entries ?
if ($g_list)
my $wanted = 0;
if ($g_course)
while (<>)
if ($wanted && /<name>([^<]+)<\/name>/oi)
print "$1\n";
$wanted = 0;
$wanted = 1 if /<course>/i;
while (<>)
print "$1\n" if ($wanted && /<id>([^<]+)<\/id>/oi);
$wanted = 1 if /<activity\s+sport=${g_sport}/i;
$wanted = 0 if /<\/activity/oi;
# The main routine
sub ParseTCX()
my @activities = ();
my $filename = '';
# Parse the file.
while (<>)
# Parse either activities or courses as selected
if ($g_course ? /<course>/oi : /<activity\s+sport=${g_sport}/i)
my $activity = Activity();
push @activities, $activity if defined $activity;
# If we only want one file then work out the bounds of all the tracks.
# We'll mark the time as the earliest.
if ($g_one)
my $time = undef;
my $minLon = 180.0;
my $minLat = 180.0;
my $maxLon = -180.0;
my $maxLat = -180.0;
$filename = $g_output . '.gpx';
foreach my $activity (@activities)
my ($tmpID, $bounds, $laps) = @{$activity}[0..2];
$time = $tmpID if (!defined $time || $tmpID lt $time);
$minLon = $bounds->{minLon} if $bounds->{minLon} < $minLon;
$minLat = $bounds->{minLat} if $bounds->{minLat} < $minLat;
$maxLon = $bounds->{maxLon} if $bounds->{maxLon} > $maxLon;
$maxLat = $bounds->{maxLat} if $bounds->{maxLat} > $maxLat;
open FH, "> $filename" or die "$0: $filename - $!\n";
GPXHeader(\*FH, { time => $time,
minLon => $minLon,
minLat => $minLat,
maxLon => $maxLon,
maxLat => $maxLat });
# Now go through the activities that we were interested in.
foreach my $activity (@activities)
my ($tmpID, $bounds, $laps) = @{$activity}[0..2];
if (! $g_one)
$filename = $g_output . ($g_id ? '.gpx' : "_$tmpID.gpx");
open FH, "> $filename" or die "$0: $filename - $!\n";
GPXHeader(\*FH, { time => $tmpID,
minLon => $bounds->{minLon},
minLat => $bounds->{minLat},
maxLon => $bounds->{maxLon},
maxLat => $bounds->{maxLat} });
if ($g_multiTrack)
my $i = 0;
foreach my $lap (@{$laps})
print FH " <trk>\n <name>$tmpID($i)</name>\n";
GPXTrackSegment(\*FH, $lap);
print FH " </trk>\n";
print FH " <trk>\n <name>$tmpID</name>\n";
foreach my $lap (@{$laps})
GPXTrackSegment(\*FH, $lap);
print FH " </trk>\n";
if (! $g_one)
close FH;
if ($g_one)
close FH;
# GPX related functions
# Output a suitable GPX header chunk. Takes a fileRef and a hashRef.
sub GPXHeader($$)
my $file = shift;
my $args = shift;
print {$file} << "EOF";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<gpx creator="Jander's TCX to GPX Converter"
<link href="">
<text>Garmin International</text>
<bounds maxlat="$args->{maxLat}" maxlon="$args->{maxLon}" minlat="$args->{minLat}" minlon="$args->{minLon}"/>
# Output a suitable GPX track segment. Takes a fileref and an arrayref.
sub GPXTrackSegment($$)
my $file = shift;
my $lap = shift;
print {$file} " <trkseg>\n";
foreach my $trackPoint (@{$lap})
GPXTrackPoint($file, $trackPoint);
print {$file} " </trkseg>\n";
# Output a suitable GPX trackpoint. Takes a fileref and an arrayref.
sub GPXTrackPoint($$)
my $file = shift;
my $args = shift;
print {$file} << "EOF";
<trkpt lat="$args->[1]" lon="$args->[0]">
# Output a suitable GPX footer chunk. Takes a fileRef.
sub GPXFooter($)
my $file = shift;
print {$file} <<"EOF";
# TCX related functions
# Scan for all the laps in an activity
sub Activity()
my $tmpID = '';
my @laps = ();
my $bounds = { minLon => 180.0,
minLat => 180.0,
maxLon => -180.0,
maxLat => -180.0 };
while (<>)
last if /<\/activity>/oi;
last if /<\/course>/oi;
# New ID ?
if (! $tmpID && $g_course ? /<name>([^<]+)/oi : /<id>([^<]+)/oi)
$tmpID = $1;
# Skip this ID if it's not the one we're looking for
last if ($g_id && $tmpID ne $g_id);
last if ($g_pattern && $tmpID !~ /${g_pattern}/);
# Tally the laps
if ($g_course ? /<track(\s+[^>]*)?>/oi : /<lap(\s+[^>]*)?>/oi)
my $lap = Lap($bounds);
push @laps, $lap if defined $lap;
return @laps ? [$tmpID, $bounds, \@laps] : undef;
# Scan for all the trackpoints in a lap
sub Lap($)
my $bounds = shift;
my @trackPoints = ();
while (<>)
# End of lap ?
last if /<\/lap>/oi;
last if /<\/track>/oi;
# We're only interested in trackpoints
if (/<trackpoint>/oi)
my $trackPoint = TrackPoint($bounds);
push @trackPoints, $trackPoint if defined $trackPoint;
return @trackPoints ? \@trackPoints : undef;
# Scan for a trackpoint's details.
sub TrackPoint($)
my $bounds = shift;
my $latitude = undef;
my $longitude = undef;
my $elevation = undef;
my $time = undef;
while (<>)
last if /<\/trackpoint>/oi;
if (/<latitudedegrees>([^<]+)/oi)
$latitude = $1;
$bounds->{minLat} = $1 if $1 < $bounds->{minLat};
$bounds->{maxLat} = $1 if $1 > $bounds->{maxLat};
if (/<longitudedegrees>([^<]+)/oi)
$longitude = $1;
$bounds->{minLon} = $1 if $1 < $bounds->{minLon};
$bounds->{maxLon} = $1 if $1 > $bounds->{maxLon};
$elevation = $1 if /<altitudemeters>([^<]+)/oi;
$time = $1 if /<time>([^<]+)/oi;
return (defined $latitude &&
defined $longitude &&
defined $elevation &&
defined $time)
? [ $longitude, $latitude, $elevation, $time ] : undef;
# Options handlers
# Check that the sport option is sane
sub SportOption($$)
my $name = shift;
my $value = lc shift;
my $ok = '';
foreach my $allowed (qw/biking running other any/)
if (substr($allowed, 0, length($value)) eq $value)
$ok = $allowed;
die "Unknown activity type '$value'\n" if ! $ok;
$g_sport = $ok eq 'any' ? '' : "\"$ok\"";
=head1 NAME
tcx2gpx - A Garmin Training Centre TCX to GPX format converter.
tcx2gpx history.tcx
tcx2gpx -p 2007-04 -m -1 -o ~/output.gpx history.tcx
B<tcx2gpx> may be given one or more control options, along with a list of
tcx files to be scanned. If no arguments are given then all the biking
activities in the given tcx files will be extracted and placed in individual
=over 4
=item B<-help> or B<-?>
Prints a brief help message and exit.
=item B<-list>
Scan the given files and just list the timestamps for each activity. This is
useful for identification purposes.
=item B<-sport> biking | running | other | any
Specify the type of sporting activity that is to be parsed. The type may be
shortened for ease, e.g. '-sport b' for biking.
=item B<-id>
Provide an explicit activity ID to match on.
=item B<-pattern>
Provide a regular expression to match against the activity IDs. Depending on
what other options are in use this may result in more than one output file.
=item B<-multitrack>
Treat each lap as a separate track rather than the usual of merging all laps
within a single activity into a single track.
=item B<-course>
Extract courses rather than the default of activities, ie history. This
argument needs to be used whenever you wish to list or extract course related
=item B<-1> (one)
Puts all matching tracks into a single file.
=item B<-output>
Specify the filename to write to. If not supplied the default filename is
'./tcx2gpx.gpx'. The .gpx extension will be added if missing. If more than one
file is to be generated the timestamp of the track will be appended to the
basename of the file.
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