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Created April 5, 2010 16:32
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(require 'cmu_loop)
;; utils
(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
`(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,then ,else)))
(defmacro n-of (n expr)
`(loop repeat ,n collect ,expr))
(defun range (start end)
(loop for i from start to end collect i))
(defun rem1 (x xs)
(loop for e on xs
if (/= (car e) x) collect (car e) into acc
else do (return (append acc (cdr e)))))
(defun setdiff (l1 l2)
(loop for l = l2 then (rem1 n l)
for n in l1
finally (return l)))
(defun parse (str)
(when (and (parse-integer str) (= (length str) 13))
(sort (map 'list #'(lambda (c) (- (char-code c) 48)) str) #'<)))
(defun sortm (ms)
(sort (copy-list ms) #'string<
:key #'(lambda (s) (format () "~S" s))))
;; 七対子
(defun 7eyesp (ps)
(let ((r (find-if #'(lambda (n) (= (count n ps) 1)) ps))
(pairs (remove-if #'(lambda (n) (/= (count n ps) 2))
(remove-duplicates ps))))
(when (and r (= (length pairs) 6))
(values (list r) (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (list n n)) pairs)))))
(defun available (n all)
(if (< (count n all) 4) n))
;; 和了牌
(defun wanted (rest all)
(let* ((a (car rest)) (b (cadr rest))
(c (if b
(case (- b a)
(0 (list (available a all)))
(1 (list (if (> a 1) (available (1- a) all))
(if (< b 9) (available (1+ b) all))))
(2 (list (available (1+ a) all))))
(list (available a all)))))
(remove-if #'null c)))
;; main
(defun find-waiting (str)
(let ((ps (parse str)) results)
((rec (melds rest &aux (len (length rest)))
(if (> len 2)
(dolist (n (remove-duplicates rest))
(dolist (m (list* (n-of 3 n) (range n (+ n 2))
(if (= len 4) (list (n-of 2 n)))))
(aif (setdiff m rest)
(rec `(,m ,@melds) it))))
(aif (wanted rest ps)
(pushnew (list (sortm melds) rest it)
results :test 'equal)))))
(multiple-value-bind (r pairs) (7eyesp ps)
(when r (rec pairs r)))
(rec () ps))
(format t "~{~&~{~{(~{~A~})~} [~{~A~}] : {~{~A~^,~}}~}~}" results)))
(find-waiting "1112345678999")
; =>
; (11)(345)(678)(999) [12] : {3}
; (11)(123)(678)(999) [45] : {3,6}
; (11)(123)(456)(999) [78] : {6,9}
; (123)(456)(789)(99) [11] : {1}
; (11)(123)(456)(789) [99] : {9}
; (111)(456)(789)(99) [23] : {1,4}
; (111)(345)(678)(999) [2] : {2}
; (111)(234)(789)(99) [56] : {4,7}
; (111)(234)(678)(999) [5] : {5}
; (111)(234)(567)(99) [89] : {7}
; (111)(234)(567)(999) [8] : {8}
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