September 1, 2012 22:31
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// This is the core Javascript code for | |
// I haven't done a full open source release, but I figured I'd put the most important | |
// D3 code out there for people to learn from. | |
/** Common wind rose code **/ | |
// Function to draw a single arc for the wind rose | |
// Input: Drawing options object containing | |
// width: degrees of width to draw (ie 5 or 15) | |
// from: integer, inner radius | |
// to: function returning the outer radius | |
// Output: a function that when called, generates SVG paths. | |
// It expects to be called via D3 with data objects from totalsToFrequences() | |
var arc = function(o) { | |
return d3.svg.arc() | |
.startAngle(function(d) { return (d.d - o.width) * Math.PI/180; }) | |
.endAngle(function(d) { return (d.d + o.width) * Math.PI/180; }) | |
.innerRadius(o.from) | |
.outerRadius(function(d) { return }); | |
}; | |
/** Code for data manipulation **/ | |
// Convert a dictionary of {direction: total} to frequencies | |
// Output is an array of objects with three parameters: | |
// d: wind direction | |
// p: probability of the wind being in this direction | |
// s: average speed of the wind in this direction | |
function totalsToFrequencies(totals, speeds) { | |
var sum = 0; | |
// Sum all the values in the dictionary | |
for (var dir in totals) { | |
sum += totals[dir]; | |
} | |
if (sum == 0) { // total hack to work around the case where no months are selected | |
sum = 1; | |
} | |
// Build up an object containing frequencies | |
var ret = {}; | |
ret.dirs = [] | |
ret.sum = sum; | |
for (var dir in totals) { | |
var freq = totals[dir] / sum; | |
var avgspeed; | |
if (totals[dir] > 0) { | |
avgspeed = speeds[dir] / totals[dir]; | |
} else { | |
avgspeed = 0; | |
} | |
if (dir == "null") { // winds calm is a special case | |
ret.calm = { d: null, p: freq, s: null }; | |
} else { | |
ret.dirs.push({ d: parseInt(dir), p: freq, s: avgspeed }); | |
} | |
} | |
return ret; | |
} | |
// Filter input data, giving back frequencies for the selected month | |
function rollupForMonths(d, months) { | |
var totals = {}, speeds = {}; | |
for (var i = 10; i < 361; i += 10) { totals[""+i] = 0; speeds[""+i] = 0 } | |
totals["null"] = 0; speeds["null"] = 0; | |
for (var key in { | |
var s = key.split(":") | |
if (s.length == 1) { | |
var direction = s[0]; | |
} else { | |
var month = s[0]; | |
var direction = s[1]; | |
} | |
if (months && !months[month-1]) { continue; } | |
// count up all samples with this key | |
totals[direction] +=[key][0]; | |
// add in the average speed * count from this key | |
speeds[direction] +=[key][0] *[key][1]; | |
} | |
return totalsToFrequencies(totals, speeds); | |
} | |
/** Code for big visualization **/ | |
// Transformation to place a mark on top of an arc | |
function probArcTextT(d) { | |
var tr = probabilityToRadius(d); | |
return "translate(" + visWidth + "," + (visWidth-tr) + ")" + | |
"rotate(" + d.d + ",0," + tr + ")"; }; | |
function speedArcTextT(d) { | |
var tr = speedToRadius(d); | |
return "translate(" + visWidth + "," + (visWidth-tr) + ")" + | |
"rotate(" + d.d + ",0," + tr + ")"; }; | |
// Return a string representing the wind speed for this datum | |
function speedText(d) { return d.s < 10 ? "" : d.s.toFixed(0); }; | |
// Return a string representing the probability of wind coming from this direction | |
function probabilityText(d) { return d.p < 0.02 ? "" : (100*d.p).toFixed(0); }; | |
// Map a wind speed to a color | |
var speedToColorScale = d3.scale.linear() | |
.domain([5, 25]) | |
.range(["hsl(220, 70%, 90%)", "hsl(220, 70%, 30%)"]) | |
.interpolate(d3.interpolateHsl); | |
function speedToColor(d) { return speedToColorScale(d.s); } | |
// Map a wind probability to a color | |
var probabilityToColorScale = d3.scale.linear() | |
.domain([0, 0.2]) | |
.range(["hsl(0, 70%, 99%)", "hsl(0, 70%, 40%)"]) | |
.interpolate(d3.interpolateHsl); | |
function probabilityToColor(d) { return probabilityToColorScale(d.p); } | |
// Width of the whole visualization; used for centering | |
var visWidth = 200; | |
// Map a wind probability to an outer radius for the chart | |
var probabilityToRadiusScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.15]).range([34, visWidth-20]).clamp(true); | |
function probabilityToRadius(d) { return probabilityToRadiusScale(d.p); } | |
// Map a wind speed to an outer radius for the chart | |
var speedToRadiusScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 20]).range([34, visWidth-20]).clamp(true); | |
function speedToRadius(d) { return speedToRadiusScale(d.s); } | |
// Options for drawing the complex arc chart | |
var windroseArcOptions = { | |
width: 5, | |
from: 34, | |
to: probabilityToRadius | |
} | |
var windspeedArcOptions = { | |
width: 5, | |
from: 34, | |
to: speedToRadius | |
} | |
// Draw a complete wind rose visualization, including axes and center text | |
function drawComplexArcs(parent, plotData, colorFunc, arcTextFunc, complexArcOptions, arcTextT) { | |
// Draw the main wind rose arcs | |
parent.append("svg:g") | |
.attr("class", "arcs") | |
.selectAll("path") | |
.data(plotData.dirs) | |
.enter().append("svg:path") | |
.attr("d", arc(complexArcOptions)) | |
.style("fill", colorFunc) | |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + visWidth + "," + visWidth + ")") | |
.append("svg:title") | |
.text(function(d) { return d.d + "\u00b0 " + (100*d.p).toFixed(1) + "% " + d.s.toFixed(0) + "kts" }); | |
// Annotate the arcs with speed in text | |
if (false) { // disabled: just looks like chart junk | |
parent.append("svg:g") | |
.attr("class", "arctext") | |
.selectAll("text") | |
.data(plotData.dirs) | |
.enter().append("svg:text") | |
.text(arcTextFunc) | |
.attr("dy", "-3px") | |
.attr("transform", arcTextT); | |
} | |
// Add the calm wind probability in the center | |
var cw = parent.append("svg:g").attr("class", "calmwind") | |
.selectAll("text") | |
.data([plotData.calm.p]) | |
.enter(); | |
cw.append("svg:text") | |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + visWidth + "," + visWidth + ")") | |
.text(function(d) { return Math.round(d * 100) + "%" }); | |
cw.append("svg:text") | |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + visWidth + "," + (visWidth+14) + ")") | |
.attr("class", "calmcaption") | |
.text("calm"); | |
} | |
// Update the page text after the data has been loaded | |
// Lots of template substitution here | |
function updatePageText(d) { | |
if (!('info' in d)) { | |
// workaround for stations missing in the master list | |
d3.selectAll(".stationid").text("????") | |
d3.selectAll(".stationname").text("Unknown station"); | |
return; | |
} | |
document.title = "Wind History for " +; | |
d3.selectAll(".stationid").text(; | |
d3.selectAll(".stationname").text(; | |
var mapurl = 'map.html#10.00/' + + "/" +; | |"#maplink").html('<a href="' + mapurl + '">' + + ', ' + + '</a>'); | |"#whlink").attr("href", mapurl); | |
var wsurl = '!dashboard;loc=' + + ',' + + ';t0=01/01;t1=12/31'; | |"#wslink").attr("href", wsurl); | |
var wuurl = '' +; | |"#wulink").attr("href", wuurl); | |
var vmurl = '' + + '&lon=' + + '&zoom=10'; | |"#vmlink").attr("href", vmurl); | |
var rfurl = '' +; | |"#rflink").attr("href", rfurl); | |
var nmurl = '' +; | |"#nmlink").attr("href", nmurl); | |
} | |
// Update all diagrams to the newly selected months | |
function updateWindVisDiagrams(d) { | |
updateBigWindrose(d, "#windrose"); | |
updateBigWindrose(d, "#windspeed"); | |
} | |
// Update a specific digram to the newly selected months | |
function updateBigWindrose(windroseData, container) { | |
var vis ="svg"); | |
var rollup = rollupForMonths(windroseData, selectedMonthControl.selected()); | |
if (container == "#windrose") { | |
updateComplexArcs(vis, rollup, speedToColor, speedText, windroseArcOptions, probArcTextT); | |
} else { | |
updateComplexArcs(vis, rollup, probabilityToColor, probabilityText, windspeedArcOptions, speedArcTextT); | |
} | |
} | |
// Update drawn arcs, etc to the newly selected months | |
function updateComplexArcs(parent, plotData, colorFunc, arcTextFunc, complexArcOptions, arcTextT) { | |
// Update the arcs' shape and color | |"g.arcs").selectAll("path") | |
.data(plotData.dirs) | |
.transition().duration(200) | |
.style("fill", colorFunc) | |
.attr("d", arc(complexArcOptions)); | |
// Update the arcs' title tooltip | |"g.arcs").selectAll("path").select("title") | |
.text(function(d) { return d.d + "\u00b0 " + (100*d.p).toFixed(1) + "% " + d.s.toFixed(0) + "kts" }); | |
// Update the calm wind probability in the center | |"g.calmwind").select("text") | |
.data([plotData.calm.p]) | |
.text(function(d) { return Math.round(d * 100) + "%" }); | |
} | |
// Top level function to draw all station diagrams | |
function makeWindVis(station) { | |
var url = "data/" + station + ".json"; | |
var stationData = null; | |
d3.json(url, function(d) { | |
stationData = d; | |
updatePageText(d); | |
drawBigWindrose(d, "#windrose", "Frequency by Direction"); | |
drawBigWindrose(d, "#windspeed", "Average Speed by Direction"); | |
selectedMonthControl.setCallback(function() { updateWindVisDiagrams(d); }); | |
}); | |
selectedMonthControl = new monthControl(null); | |
selectedMonthControl.install("#monthControlDiv"); | |
} | |
// Draw a big wind rose, for the visualization | |
function drawBigWindrose(windroseData, container, captionText) { | |
// Various visualization size parameters | |
var w = 400, | |
h = 400, | |
r = Math.min(w, h) / 2, // center; probably broken if not square | |
p = 20, // padding on outside of major elements | |
ip = 34; // padding on inner circle | |
// The main SVG visualization element | |
var vis = | |
.append("svg:svg") | |
.attr("width", w + "px").attr("height", (h + 30) + "px"); | |
// Set up axes: circles whose radius represents probability or speed | |
if (container == "#windrose") { | |
var ticks = d3.range(0.025, 0.151, 0.025); | |
var tickmarks = d3.range(0.05,0.101,0.05); | |
var radiusFunction = probabilityToRadiusScale; | |
var tickLabel = function(d) { return "" + (d*100).toFixed(0) + "%"; } | |
} else { | |
var ticks = d3.range(5, 20.1, 5); | |
var tickmarks = d3.range(5, 15.1, 5); | |
var radiusFunction = speedToRadiusScale; | |
var tickLabel = function(d) { return "" + d + "kts"; } | |
} | |
// Circles representing chart ticks | |
vis.append("svg:g") | |
.attr("class", "axes") | |
.selectAll("circle") | |
.data(ticks) | |
.enter().append("svg:circle") | |
.attr("cx", r).attr("cy", r) | |
.attr("r", radiusFunction); | |
// Text representing chart tickmarks | |
vis.append("svg:g").attr("class", "tickmarks") | |
.selectAll("text") | |
.data(tickmarks) | |
.enter().append("svg:text") | |
.text(tickLabel) | |
.attr("dy", "-2px") | |
.attr("transform", function(d) { | |
var y = visWidth - radiusFunction(d); | |
return "translate(" + r + "," + y + ") " }) | |
// Labels: degree markers | |
vis.append("svg:g") | |
.attr("class", "labels") | |
.selectAll("text") | |
.data(d3.range(30, 361, 30)) | |
.enter().append("svg:text") | |
.attr("dy", "-4px") | |
.attr("transform", function(d) { | |
return "translate(" + r + "," + p + ") rotate(" + d + ",0," + (r-p) + ")"}) | |
.text(function(dir) { return dir; }); | |
var rollup = rollupForMonths(windroseData, selectedMonthControl.selected()); | |
if (container == "#windrose") { | |
drawComplexArcs(vis, rollup, speedToColor, speedText, windroseArcOptions, probArcTextT); | |
} else { | |
drawComplexArcs(vis, rollup, probabilityToColor, probabilityText, windspeedArcOptions, speedArcTextT); | |
} | |
vis.append("svg:text") | |
.text(captionText) | |
.attr("class", "caption") | |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + w/2 + "," + (h + 20) + ")"); | |
} | |
/** Code for small wind roses **/ | |
// Plot a small wind rose with the specified percentage data | |
// parent: the SVG element to put the plot on | |
// plotData: a list of 12 months, each a list of 13 numbers. plotData[month][0] is winds calm percentage, | |
// plotData[month][1, 2, 3...] is percentage of winds at 30 degrees, 60, 90, ... | |
var smallArcScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.15]).range([5, 30]).clamp(true) | |
var smallArcOptions = { | |
width: 15, | |
from: 5, | |
to: function(d) { return smallArcScale(d.p); } | |
} | |
function plotSmallRose(parent, plotData) { | |
var winds = []; | |
var months = selectedMonthControl.selected(); | |
// For every wind direction (note: skip plotData[0], winds calm) | |
for (var dir = 1; dir < 13; dir++) { | |
// Calculate average probability for all selected months | |
var n = 0; sum = 0; | |
for (var month = 0; month < 12; month++) { | |
if (months[month]) { | |
n += 1; | |
sum += plotData[month][dir]; | |
} | |
} | |
var avg = sum/n; | |
winds.push({d: dir * 30, p: avg / 100}); | |
} | |
parent.append("svg:g") | |
.selectAll("path") | |
.data(winds) | |
.enter().append("svg:path") | |
.attr("d", arc(smallArcOptions)); | |
parent.append("svg:circle") | |
.attr("r", smallArcOptions.from); | |
} | |
/** Map code **/ | |
// Augment d3.geo with code that aids tiling data in Polymaps | |
function installGeoTiler() { | |
// Temporary code from (gist 900050) | |
if (d3.geo.tiler) { | |
console.log("d3.geo.tiler defined: not using ours. Good luck!"); | |
} else { | |
d3.geo.tiler = function() { | |
var tiler = {}, | |
points = [], | |
projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(1).translate([.5, .5]), | |
location = Object, // identity function | |
zoom = 8, | |
root = null; | |
function build(points, x, y, z) { | |
if (z >= zoom) return; | |
var i = -1, | |
n = points.length, | |
c = [[], [], [], []], | |
k = 1 << z++, | |
p; | |
while (++i < n) { | |
p = points[i]; | |
var x1 = (p[0] * k - x) >= .5, | |
y1 = (p[1] * k - y) >= .5; | |
c[x1 << 1 | y1].push(p); | |
} | |
x <<= 1; | |
y <<= 1; | |
return { | |
"0": c[0].length && build(c[0], x , y , z), | |
"1": c[1].length && build(c[1], x , y + 1, z), | |
"2": c[2].length && build(c[2], x + 1, y , z), | |
"3": c[3].length && build(c[3], x + 1, y + 1, z) | |
}; | |
} | |
tiler.location = function(x) { | |
if (!arguments.length) return location; | |
location = x; | |
root = null; // reset | |
return tiler; | |
}; | |
tiler.projection = function(x) { | |
if (!arguments.length) return projection; | |
projection = x; | |
root = null; // reset | |
return tiler; | |
}; | |
tiler.zoom = function(x) { | |
if (!arguments.length) return zoom; | |
zoom = x; | |
root = null; // reset | |
return tiler; | |
}; | |
tiler.points = function(x) { | |
if (!arguments.length) return points; | |
points = x; | |
root = null; // reset | |
return tiler; | |
}; | |
tiler.tile = function(x, y, z) { | |
var results = []; | |
// Lazy initialization… | |
// Project the points to normalized coordinates in [0, 1]. | |
if (!root) { | |
root = build(, i) { | |
var point = projection(, d, i)); | | = d; | |
return point; | |
}), 0, 0, 0); | |
} | |
function search(node, x0, y0, z0) { | |
if (!node) return; | |
if (z0 < z) { | |
var k = Math.pow(2, z0 - z), | |
x1 = (x * k - x0) >= .5, | |
y1 = (y * k - y0) >= .5; | |
search(node[x1 << 1 | y1], x0 << 1 | x1, y0 << 1 | y1, z0 + 1); | |
} else { | |
accumulate(node); | |
} | |
} | |
function accumulate(node) { | |
if (node.length) { | |
for (var i = -1, n = node.length; ++i < n;) { | |
results.push(node[i]); | |
} | |
} else { | |
for (var i = -1; ++i < 4;) { | |
if (node[i]) accumulate(node[i]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
search(root, 0, 0, 0); | |
return results; | |
}; | |
return tiler; | |
}; | |
function d3_geo_tilerData(d) { | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// A custom Polymaps layer for the wind roses. | |
// Copied and modified from Mike Bostock's gist 900050 | |
function stations(url, callback) { | |
installGeoTiler(); | |
// Create the tiler, for organizing our points into tile boundaries. | |
var tiler = d3.geo.tiler() | |
.zoom(12) | |
.location(function(d) { return d.value; }); | |
// Create the base layer object, using our tile factory. | |
var layer = org.polymaps.layer(load); | |"stations"); | |
// Load the station data. When the data comes back, reload. | |
d3.json(url, function(json) { | |
callback(json); | |
tiler.points(d3.entries(json)); | |
layer.reload(); | |
}); | |
// Custom tile implementation. | |
function load(tile, projection) { | |
projection = projection(tile).locationPoint; | |
// Add an svg:g for each station. | |
var g = = po.svg("g")).selectAll("g") | |
.data(tiler.tile(tile.column, tile.row, tile.zoom)) | |
.enter() | |
.append("svg:a") | |
.attr("xlink:href", function(d) { return "station.html?" + d.key }) | |
.attr("target", "_blank") | |
.append("svg:g") | |
.attr("class", "station") | |
.attr("transform", transform); | |
// svg:title for each station, visible on hover | |
g.append("svg:title").text(function(d) { return d.value[2] }); | |
// Draw the mark for each station. Just a dot if zoomed out too far. | |
if (tile.zoom > 6) { | |
g.each(function(d) { | |
plotSmallRose(, d.value[3]); | |
}); | |
} else { | |
g.append("svg:circle").attr("r", 5).attr("class", "alone"); | |
} | |
function transform(d) { | |
d = projection({lon: d.value[0], lat: d.value[1]}); | |
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; | |
} | |
} | |
return layer; | |
} | |
// Global state for the map view | |
var stationDb = null; | |
var map = null; | |
var po = (typeof org != "undefined") ? org.polymaps : null; | |
var selectedMonthControl = null; | |
// Top level function for making the map view | |
function makeMap() { | |
var mapLocationInUrl = location.hash != ""; | |
// Construct our map | |
map = | |
.container(document.getElementById("map").appendChild(po.svg("svg"))) | |
.add(po.dblclick()) | |
.add(po.drag()) | |
.add(po.arrow()) | |
.add(po.wheel().smooth(false)) | |
.add(po.hash()) | |
.add(po.touch().rotate(false)); | |
// Handle users who come with no location specified in the URL | |
if (!mapLocationInUrl) { | |
// Center the map on North America | |{lon: -95, lat: 36}); | |
map.zoom(4); | |
// Fire off a geolocation request to center the user | |
if (!!navigator.geolocation) { | |
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( | |
function (pos) { | |{lon: pos.coords.longitude, lat: pos.coords.latitude}); | |
map.zoom(8); | |
}, | |
function (code, message) { }, | |
{ maximumAge: 1000*60*60, timeout: 1000*10, enableHighAccuracy: false}); | |
} | |
} | |
// Add a basemap: OpenStreetMap rendered with Mapnik | |
map.add(po.image().id("osmMapnik") | |
.url(po.url("http://{S}{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png") | |
.hosts(["a.", "b.", "c.", ""]))); | |
map.zoomRange([2,12]); | |
// Add a layer for all the stations | |
var stationLayer = stations("data/stations-md.json", function(d) { stationDb = d; }); | |
map.add(stationLayer); | |
// Add the compass | |
map.add(po.compass().pan("none")); | |
// Add the month control | |
selectedMonthControl = new monthControl(stationLayer.reload); | |
selectedMonthControl.install("#monthControlDiv"); | |
} | |
// Search for station: center and zoom | |
function searchMap(form) { | |
var q = document.forms[0].elements[0].value; | |
q = q.toUpperCase(); | |
var s = stationDb[q]; | |
if (s) { | |{lon: s[0], lat: s[1]}); | |
if (map.zoom() < 8) { | |
map.zoom(8); | |
} | |
} else { | |
document.forms[0].elements[0].style["background-color"]="#d55"; | |
setTimeout(function () { document.forms[0].elements[0].style.removeProperty("background-color"); }, | |
150); | |
} | |
} |
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Can anyone provide a simple example of how to plot wind rose using d3.js library..?