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Created April 11, 2010 17:42
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\version "2.13.17"
melody = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key b \minor
R1*2 |
r8 f fis gis gis fis f4 |
r8 f dis cis f dis cis4 |
r8 cis dis f \times 2/3 {dis f dis} cis4 |
r8 f fis gis \times 2/3 {fis gis fis} f4~ |
dis4 |
gis8 gis4 gis8 fis gis4 fis8 |
dis2. dis8 dis |
gis8 gis4. fis8 gis fis4 |
dis2 b4 cis |
dis8 dis dis4 b b8 cis |
dis dis dis4 b b8 b |
gis b b4 cis8 b cis4 |
dis2. dis4 |
gis8 gis4 gis8 fis gis4 fis8 |
dis2. dis4 |
gis8 gis4 gis8 fis gis4 fis8 |
dis2 b4 cis |
dis8 dis dis4 b b8 cis |
dis dis dis4 b b8 b |
gis b b4 gis8 fis gis4 |
%a little slower
b8 b |
c8 d e c b4. b8 |
c d e g fis4 fis8 fis |
e fis g e fis4. fis8 |
e fis g e fis4. b,8 |
c d e c b4. b8 |
c d e c b4\fermata r8
%a tempo
dis8 |
gis8 gis4 gis8 fis gis4 fis8 |
dis2. dis4 |
gis8 gis4. fis8 gis4 fis8 |
dis2. b8 cis |
dis dis dis4 b b8 cis |
dis8 dis dis4 b b8 b |
gis b b4 cis8 b ais4 |
words = \lyricmode
Since you've been gone from me,
each day's et -- er -- ni -- ty.
My heart re -- fus -- es to sing.
It just keeps re -- mem -- ber -- ing. __
I'll ne -- ver re -- gret lov -- ing you __
ev -- en though I know you're not true __
Keep re -- mem -- ber -- ing this,
that I dream of your kiss,
and I think of you all the day through. __
right = \relative c''
\clef treble
\key b \minor
<fis dis c a>2 <f d b gis> |
<e cis ais g> <dis c a fis> |
r8 <f f,> <fis fis,> <gis gis,> <gis gis,> <fis fis,> <f f,>4 |
r8 <f f,> <dis dis,> <cis cis,> <f f,> <dis dis,> <cis cis,>4 |
r8 <cis cis,> <dis dis,> <f f,> \times 2/3 {<dis dis,> <f f,> <dis dis,>} <cis cis,>4 |
r8 <f f,> <fis fis,> <gis gis,> \times 2/3 {<fis fis,> <gis gis,> <fis fis,>} <f f,>4~ |
<< {\voiceOne <f f,>2.} \new Voice {\voiceTwo f4 ais, b} >> \oneVoice
<dis b gis f>4 |
<gis fis d b>8 q4 q8 <fis d b gis>8 <gis fis d b>4 <fis d b gis>8 |
<dis b gis f>2. q8 q |
<gis fis d b>8 q4. <fis d b gis>8 <gis fis d b> <fis d b gis>4 |
<dis b gis f>2 << {b4 cis} \\ {<g e cis>2} >> |
<dis' b gis fis>8 q q4 <b g e cis>4 <b g e>8 cis |
<dis b gis fis>8 q q4 <b g e cis> <b g e>8 b |
left = \relative c'
\clef bass
\key b \minor
<fis dis c a>2 <f d b gis> |
<e cis ais g> <dis c a fis> |
<dis b gis f>1 |
<cis ais fis dis> |
<cis a fis dis> |
<dis b gis f>1~ |
r4 |
<b, b,>4 <b' d fis gis> <gis, gis,> <b' d fis gis> |
f,16 gis b dis f gis b dis~ dis2 |
<b, b,>4 <b' d fis gis> <gis, gis,> <b' d fis gis> |
f,16 gis b dis f gis b dis cis2 |
\repeat unfold 2 {<b, b,>4 dis16 fis b dis cis2 |}
dynamics =
s1\f\> |
s |
s2\p\< s\> |
s1\! |
s1*2 |
s4 |
s1\mf |
%a little slower
s1*6 |
%a tempo
s1*8 |
outline =
\override Score.LyricText #'font-size = #-1
\tempo "Slow: with feeling" 2=60
\time 4/4
s1*2 | \bar "||"
s1*4 |
s2. \bar "||" \tempo "Refrain" s4 | \noBreak
s1*15 |
s2. \tempo "a little slower" s4 | \noBreak
s1*5 |
s8*7 \tempo "a tempo" s8 | \noBreak
s1*8 | \bar "|."
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
title = "I'll Never Regret (Loving You)"
composer = "Words and Music: Marcia Kensing"
\new Staff \new Voice = "melody" << \outline \melody >>
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \words
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff \right
\new Dynamics \dynamics
\new Staff \left
\layout {}
\midi {}
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