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Last active September 13, 2015 18:40
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Taipei Youbike Rental Times since 2012
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Youbike Bar Chart</title>
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<h1>Taipei Youbike Usage</h1>
<p>Monthly Rental Times Since 2012. Source <a href=""> Data Taipei</a>.</p>
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var w = 800;
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yearMonth rentalStationNumbers totalBikeNumbers monthlyTotalRentalTimes
2012-01 11 500 3333
2012-02 11 500 3638
2012-03 11 500 6177
2012-04 11 500 5178
2012-05 11 500 5396
2012-06 11 500 5178
2012-07 11 500 5235
2012-08 41 1460 6812
2012-09 41 1460 135554
2012-10 41 1460 276284
2012-11 41 1460 262675
2012-12 48 1684 283055
2013-01 53 1844 340201
2013-02 58 2004 428817
2013-03 62 2132 628825
2013-04 64 2196 587442
2013-05 68 2324 791293
2013-06 70 2388 888930
2013-07 80 2580 957712
2013-08 103 3456 1123423
2013-09 108 3621 1255377
2013-10 120 4029 1371336
2013-11 124 4165 1441001
2013-12 136 4545 1170206
2014-01 158 5205 1533879
2014-02 158 5205 1248281
2014-03 159 5235 1767106
2014-04 159 5235 1938518
2014-05 160 5265 1811150
2014-06 160 5265 1839191
2014-07 163 5350 2011787
2014-08 165 5416 2184482
2014-09 167 5482 1894608
2014-10 167 5482 2313976
2014-11 180 5911 2129694
2014-12 196 6406 1983106
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