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Created April 13, 2010 15:54
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Here's a struct in C:

struct Point
  int x;
  int y;
} ;

Given a variable p0 which is typed as struct Point:

struct Point p0;

C offers concise syntax for accessing the components of the struct:


R6RS Scheme has records. Let's define a comparable record type:

(define-record-type point
  (fields x y))

Given a variable p0 which is bound to a point:

(define p0 (make-point 1 2))

Scheme's approach to field access is more verbose than C's:

(point-x p0)
(point-y p0)

Let's go back to C. Here's a struct which has components of type struct Point:

struct Spaceship
  struct Point pos;
  struct Point vel;
} ;

Given a variable ship which is typed as struct Spaceship, C offers concise syntax for accessing the sub-components of the struct:


The spaceship record type in Scheme:

(define-record-type spaceship
  (fields pos vel))

Given a variable ship, accessing the sub-components looks like:

(point-x (spaceship-pos ship))
(point-y (spaceship-pos ship))
(point-x (spaceship-vel ship))
(point-y (spaceship-vel ship))

I was porting a C++ library to Scheme and this sort of verbosity was getting outta hand. I wondered, is Scheme powerful enough to overcome this challenge? After some experimentation, hackage, some help from a macro jedi, and a bunch of syntax-case macros, Scheme pulled through, enough for my needs.

The result of the hacking was an extended form of define-record-type. Let's do our point again:

(define-record-type++ point
  (fields x y))

Define a variable p0 to a point value:

(define p0 (make-point 1 2))

Now the magic comes. Much like in C, we declare the variable to be of "type" point:

(is-point p0)

And now we have concise accessors:


FAQ: Are those variables? If so, what happens when you change the value of a field? Are the variables somehow updated?

Answer: No, those are not variables. They are identifier syntax macros (see this for more details). This is syntax:


and it expands at compile time to this expression:

(point-x p0)

FAQ: Supposing that a field is mutable, is there nice syntax for updating the field?

Answer: Yes:

(p0.x! 10)

That syntax expands into:

(point-x-set! p0 10)

Any more questions? OK, let's continue.

What about getting at sub-components of the spaceship? We can declare the fields to be of a certain type:

(define-record-type++ spaceship
  (fields (pos is-point)
          (vel is-point)))

Now if we have a variable holding a spaceship:

(define ship
  (make-spaceship (make-point 1 2)
                  (make-point 3 4)))

and it's type is properly declared:

(is-spaceship ship)

we get nice accessors:


Not bad for a 35 year old language eh? :-)

You can browse the implementation. The tests pass in Ikarus, Ypsilon, Chez, Larceny, and Mosh.

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