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Created April 17, 2010 22:39
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Only tested on Linux - uses the /proc virtual filesystem
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::HiRes;
my (
$sampling_interval, # interval for sampling process info (0.1sec)
$display_interval # interval for displaying results (off)
) = ( 0.1, 0.0 );
"sampling=f" => \$sampling_interval,
"display=f" => \$display_interval
@ARGV == 0 and die <<USAGE;
Usage: $0 [options] <command line>
--sampling=n.n monitor every n.n seconds
--display=n.n display every n.n seconds
# become two processes, a monitor (parent) and a command (child)
my $process_id = fork();
$| = 1; # flush after every print
# divide the flow control of parent and child
if ( $process_id ) {
# parent here
my ( $size_max, $vsize_max, $child_running, $time_begin ) =
( 0, 0, 1, Time::HiRes::time );
my $time_display = $time_begin + $display_interval;
# loop until the child process ends
while ( $child_running ) {
# sample data every 0.1 seconds
Time::HiRes::sleep $sampling_interval;
# not sure whether the desired data should come from
# /proc/[pid]/statm or /proc/[pid]/stat, so read both.
# statm measures memory usage in pages
open my $statm_file, "<", "/proc/$process_id/statm";
my $statm_data = <$statm_file>;
close $statm_file;
my ( $size, $resident, $share, $text, $lib, $data, $dt ) =
split " ", $statm_data;
# stat returns lots of process info
open my $stat_file, "<", "/proc/$process_id/stat";
my $stat_data = <$stat_file>;
close $stat_file;
my @stat_data = split " ", $stat_data;
my ( $pid, $comm, $state, $ppid, $pgrp, $session,$tty_nr,
$tpgid, $flags, $minflt, $cminflt, $majflt, $cmajflt,
$utime, $stime, $cutime, $cstime, $priority, $nice,
$num_threads, $itrealvalue, $starttime, $vsize, $rss,
$rsslim, $startcode, $endcode, $startstack, $kstkesp,
$kstkeip, $signal, $blocked, $sigignore, $sigcatch, $wchan,
$nswap, $cnswap, $exit_signal, $processor, $rt_priority,
$policy, $delayacct_blkio_ticks, $guest_time, $cguest_time
) = @stat_data;
$child_running = ($state ne 'Z');
$size_max = $size if ( $size_max < $size );
$vsize_max = $vsize if ( $vsize_max < $vsize );
if ( $display_interval > 0 and Time::HiRes::time > $time_display ) {
my $time_done = int(10*(Time::HiRes::time - $time_begin))/10;
print "Time_done=$time_done(sec) size_max=$size_max(blocks) vsize_max=$vsize_max(bytes)\n";
$time_display += $display_interval;
my $time_end = Time::HiRes::time;
my $time_run = int(10*($time_end - $time_begin))/10;
print "Time_run=$time_run(sec) size_max=$size_max(blocks) vsize_max=$vsize_max(bytes)\n";
else {
# child here
my $command = shift @ARGV;
exec $command, @ARGV or die "$0 cannot exec $command @ARGV: $!\n";
Read L<perlipc> and the stat and statm sections in C<man proc>.
=head1 LICENSE
I wrote this program for you to copy and use, without warranty, at your
risk. Give appropriate credit if you do. Best wishes, Martin Berends.
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