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Created April 21, 2010 14:08
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# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Rodrigo de Oliveira 29/mar/2010
# based on the original version by Jesse Millikian
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;
my @creature_colors = qw/blue red yellow/;
my $compl_dict = {
'blue' => {
'blue' => 'blue',
'red' => 'yellow',
'yellow' => 'red'
'red' => {
'blue' => 'yellow',
'red' => 'red',
'yellow' => 'blue'
'yellow' => {
'blue' => 'red',
'red' => 'blue',
'yellow' => 'yellow'
# reporting
sub check_complement {
for my $a (@creature_colors) {
for my $b (@creature_colors) {
printf( "%s + %s -> %s\n", $a, $b, $compl_dict->{$a}->{$b} );
my @numbers = qw/zero one two three four
five six seven eight nine/;
sub spellout {
my $n = shift;
return ' ' . join ' ', map { $numbers[$_] } split( '', $n );
sub meet {
# Count, signal and mutex are all $meetings
my $meetings : shared = shift;
my @colors = @_;
# creature creation
my $id = 0;
my @creatures : shared;
@creatures = map {
my %h : shared = (
color => $_,
id => $id++,
met => 0,
self_met => 0
} @colors;
# block all creatures to fix startup unbalance
my $ready = Thread::Semaphore->new;
# Colour communication variables
my $first : shared = undef;
my $second : shared = undef;
# $_ is thread on the outer map and color on the inner loop
my @thrs =
map {
# async starts a new thread running the block given
async {
my $creature = $_;
my ( $id, $color, $other_color ) = ( $creature->{id}, $creature->{color}, undef );
my $met = 0;
my $self_met = 0; # can't self meet, ever
# with 'redo', loop until 'last' is called
# Meeting place
lock $meetings;
last LIVE
if ( $meetings <= 0 )
; # 'fade' by jumping out of the block
if ( defined $first ) { # there's someone already waiting to meet
$other_color = $first;
$second = $color;
cond_signal $meetings;
$first = undef;
} else { # nobody is here, wait...
$first = $color;
cond_wait $meetings;
$other_color = $second;
$color = $compl_dict->{$color}->{$other_color};
} # Unlock the meeting place
# save my results
$creature->{met} = $met;
$creature->{self_met} = $self_met;
$creature->{color} = $color; # last color, for the record
} @creatures;
# let them wild
$ready->up( scalar @creatures );
# wait for threads to finish
$_->join for @thrs;
# report
sub sum { my $sum = 0; map { $sum += $_ } @_; $sum; }
print " " . join " ", @colors;
print "\n";
print $_->{met} . " " . spellout( $_->{self_met} ) . "\n" for @creatures;
print spellout sum( map { $_->{met} } @creatures );
# main
my $meetings = $ARGV[0] || 600;
print "\n";
meet( $meetings, qw/blue red yellow/ );
print "\n\n";
$meetings, qw/blue red yellow red yellow
blue red yellow red blue/
print "\n\n";
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