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Created April 25, 2010 21:42
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(ns prolog
(:use clojure.contrib.def
(defvar facts (ref {:forward {} :back {}}) "Hashmap of clauses (forward and back references)")
(defn passmap
"Applies f to items only when (pred item) returns true."
[pred f coll]
(map #(if (pred %) (f %) %) coll))
(defn add-fact
"Adds a clause of kind between from and to."
([kind from to]
(dosync (commute facts
(fn [{f :forward b :back}]
(assoc f
(assoc (get f kind {})
from (conj (get (f kind) from #{}) to)))
(assoc b
(assoc (get b kind {})
to (conj (get (b kind) to #{}) from)))}))))
([[kind from to]]
(add-fact kind from to)))
(defn wildcard?
"Whether the keyword is prefixed with a question mark."
(when (keyword? word)
(= \? (nth (str word) 1))))
(defn query
"Queries the named relation kind."
([kind from to]
(let [facts @facts]
(wildcard? from)
((-> facts :back kind) to)
(wildcard? to)
((-> facts :forward kind) from))))
([[kind from to]]
(query kind from to)))
(defn <-
(if (some wildcard? head)
(query head)
(add-fact head)))
([head & body]
(reduce intersection (map <- body))))
(defn hallo []
(<- [:likes :Kim :Robin])
(<- [:likes :Sandy :Lee])
(<- [:likes :Sandy :Kim])
(<- [:likes :Robin :cats])
(<- [:likes :Kim :?x] [:likes :?x :Lee] [:likes :?x :Kim]))
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