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Created December 25, 2016 23:26
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<a href='#a' class='f5 fw4 dim link blue truncate db pv1'>inlineTokenizer</a>
<a href='#b' class='f5 fw4 dim link blue truncate db pv1'>renderMarkdown</a>
<a href='#b' class='f5 fw4 dim link blue truncate db pv1'>typesandnonbreakinglongname</a>
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Basic Types
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<a href='#a' class='f5 fw4 dim link blue truncate db pv1'>LatLng</a>
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- name
- source
- @extends (multiple)
- signature
- @description
- @throws (multiple)
- @example (multiple)
- @param
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- @returns (multiple)
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<h3 class='fl f3 mb0 mt0 w-75 lh-title' id='inline_tokenizer'>
<div class='dn db-ns tr fl w-25'>
<a class='f5 dim link blue ph2' href='#'>info</a>
<a class='f5 dim link blue'href='#'>source</a>
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<dl class="f6 lh-title mv2">
<dt class="dib b">Copyright:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 gray">BigCorp</dd>
<dl class="f6 lh-title mv2">
<dt class="dib b">Author:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 gray">Tom MacWright</dd>
<dl class="f6 lh-title mv2">
<dt class="dib b">License:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 gray">BSD</dd>
<dl class="f6 lh-title mv2">
<dt class="dib b">Available Since:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 gray">v1.0.0</dd>
<dl class="f6 lh-title mv2">
<dt class="dib b">Version:</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 gray">v1.0.0</dd>
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<div class='mt2 mb2'>
<div class='code pa3 ba br1 b--black-20'>inline_tokenizer(</span>processor: <a href="">Object</a>): <a href="">undefined</a></div>
<div class='lh-copy f5 measure-wide'>
<p>A remark plugin that installs
<a href="">tokenizers</a>
and <a href="">locators</a>
for JSDoc inline <code>{@link}</code> and <code>{@tutorial}</code> tags.</p>
<p>This does not handle the <code>[text]({@link url})</code> and <code>[text]({@tutorial url})</code> forms of these tags.
That's a JSDoc misfeature; just use regular markdown syntax instead: <code>[text](url)</code>.</p>
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Extends</h4>
<code class='code'><a href="">inlineSuperprocessor</a></code>
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Throws</h4>
<code class='code'><a href="">TypeError</a></code> when provided with an invalid processor
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Example</h4>
<pre class='f5 code lh-copy ma0 pa2 br1 ba b--black-20'><span class="hljs-keyword">var</span> tooltip = <span class="hljs-keyword">new</span> mapboxgl.Popup()
.setHTML(<span class="hljs-string">"&lt;h1&gt;Hello World!&lt;/h1&gt;"</span>)
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Parameters</h4>
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">processor</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">Object</a></code>
a remark instance
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">anotherParamJustToTest</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">string</a></code>
name of the thing
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">↳ nestedParameter</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">Array&lt;any&gt;</a></code>
some description
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">↳ otherProperty</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">Array&lt;any&gt;</a></code>
this property has a super duper long description just to break everything, because
there's so much text here. This is for that weird case where people write a novel as
the description for a property.
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Properties</h4>
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">someProp</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">Object</a></code>
a remark instance
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">name</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">string</a></code>
name of the thing
<dl class="f5 lh-copy mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code w-third fl">↳ bar</dt>
<dd class="dib ml0 fl w-two-thirds">
<code class='mr1'><a href="">Array&lt;any&gt;</a></code>
some description
<h4 class='f5 mt4 mb2'>Returns</h4>
<dl class="f5 lh-title mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code b"><a href="">undefined</a></dt>
<dd class="dib ml0">
<dl class="f5 lh-title mv2 cf">
<dt class="dib code b"><a href="">string</a></dt>
<dd class="dib ml0">
in some cases we return a string for, like no reason
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