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Created October 26, 2012 01:55
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Bundler Error
$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please see the Bundler
troubleshooting documentation at Thanks!
/usr/bin/bundle:23: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
--- GEMFILE ---
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.2.8'
gem 'mysql2'
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3'
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.2.1'
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
gem 'jquery-rails'
--- OTHER INFO ---
$ bundle -v
Bundler version 1.2.1
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p286 (2012-10-12 revision 37165) [i386-cygwin]
$ rails -v
Rails 3.2.8
No RVM installed, no rubygems-bundler installed, no open_gem installed. Brand new rails project. First ever bundle install.
--- VERBOSE (in case it's useful) ---
$ bundle install --verbose
Fetching gem metadata from
Query List: ["rails", "mysql2", "sass-rails", "coffee-rails", "uglifier", "jquery-rails"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: rails mysql2 sass-rails coffee-rails uglifier jquery-rails
Fetching from:,mysql2,sass-rails,coffee-rails,uglifier,jquery-rails
HTTP Success
Query List: ["coffee-script", "railties", "actionpack", "sprockets", "thor", "rake", "activesupport", "activerecord", "actionmailer", "actionwebservice", "activeresource", "bundler", "sass", "tilt", "therubyracer", "execjs", "multi_json", "json"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: coffee-script railties actionpack sprockets thor rake activesupport activerecord actionmailer actionwebservice activeresource bundler sass tilt therubyracer execjs multi_json json
Fetching from:,railties,actionpack,sprockets,thor,rake,activesupport,activerecord,actionmailer,actionwebservice,activeresource,bundler,sass,tilt,therubyracer,execjs,multi_json,json
HTTP Success
Query List: ["mail", "text-format", "activemodel", "builder", "i18n", "rack", "rack-test", "rack-mount", "tzinfo", "erubis", "rack-cache", "journey", "arel", "memcache-client", "coffee-script-source", "rack-ssl", "rdoc", "hike", "libv8", "ref"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: mail text-format activemodel builder i18n rack rack-test rack-mount tzinfo erubis rack-cache journey arel memcache-client coffee-script-source rack-ssl rdoc hike libv8 ref
Fetching from:,text-format,activemodel,builder,i18n,rack,rack-test,rack-mount,tzinfo,erubis,rack-cache,journey,arel,memcache-client,coffee-script-source,rack-ssl,rdoc,hike,libv8,ref
HTTP Success
Query List: ["bcrypt-ruby", "abstract", "mime-types", "tlsmail", "treetop", "hoe", "ZenTest", "RubyInline", "test-spec", "camping", "fcgi", "mongrel", "ruby-openid", "thin", "multimap", "minitest", "text-hyphen"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: bcrypt-ruby abstract mime-types tlsmail treetop hoe ZenTest RubyInline test-spec camping fcgi mongrel ruby-openid thin multimap minitest text-hyphen
Fetching from:,abstract,mime-types,tlsmail,treetop,hoe,ZenTest,RubyInline,test-spec,camping,fcgi,mongrel,ruby-openid,thin,multimap,minitest,text-hyphen
HTTP Success
Query List: ["markaby", "metaid", "mab", "rubyforge", "gemcutter", "archive-tar-minitar", "nokogiri", "rcov", "daemons", "fastthread", "gem_plugin", "cgi_multipart_eof_fix", "ruby-yadis", "flexmock", "mocha", "eventmachine", "eventmachine-le", "http_parser.rb", "preforker", "facets", "polyglot"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: markaby metaid mab rubyforge gemcutter archive-tar-minitar nokogiri rcov daemons fastthread gem_plugin cgi_multipart_eof_fix ruby-yadis flexmock mocha eventmachine eventmachine-le http_parser.rb preforker facets polyglot
Fetching from:,metaid,mab,rubyforge,gemcutter,archive-tar-minitar,nokogiri,rcov,daemons,fastthread,gem_plugin,cgi_multipart_eof_fix,ruby-yadis,flexmock,mocha,eventmachine,eventmachine-le,http_parser.rb,preforker,facets,polyglot
HTTP Success
Query List: ["json_pure", "net-scp", "metaclass", "racc", "tenderlove-frex", "rake-compiler", "rexical", "weakling"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: json_pure net-scp metaclass racc tenderlove-frex rake-compiler rexical weakling
Fetching from:,net-scp,metaclass,racc,tenderlove-frex,rake-compiler,rexical,weakling
HTTP Success
Query List: ["spruz", "net-ssh"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: spruz net-ssh
Fetching from:,net-ssh
HTTP Success
Query List: ["needle", "jruby-pageant", "echoe"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: needle jruby-pageant echoe
Fetching from:,jruby-pageant,echoe
HTTP Success
Query List: ["highline", "allison"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: highline allison
Fetching from:,allison
HTTP Success
Query List: ["termios"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: termios
Fetching from:
HTTP Success
Query List: []
Unmet Dependencies: ["tenderlove-frex"]
Fetching gem metadata from
Query List: ["tenderlove-frex"]
Query Gemcutter Dependency Endpoint API: tenderlove-frex
Fetching from:
HTTP Success
Query List: []
Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please see the Bundler
troubleshooting documentation at Thanks!
/usr/bin/bundle:23: stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
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