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Created December 8, 2012 22:37
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Another Inlet
{"description":"Another Inlet","endpoint":"","display":"webgl","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":false,"vim":true,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"config.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"phone.csv":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"tab":"edit","display_percent":0.6041241924848383,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"period","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01,"hidepanel":false}
accx = ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)
accy = ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)
accz = ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)
gyrox = GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)
gyroy = GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)
gyroz = GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)
light = LIGHT ( lux)
orientx = ORIENTATION X (°)
orienty = ORIENTATION Y (°)
orientz = ORIENTATION Z (°)
proximity = PROXIMITY ( cm)
atmosphere = ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE (mb)
sound = SOUND LEVEL (dB)
loclat = LOCATION Latitude
loclon = LOCATION Longitude
localt = LOCATION Altitude ( m)
locspeed = LOCATION Speed ( Kmh)
locacc = LOCATION Accuracy ( m)
temp = Temperature ( °F)
level = Level (%)
voltage = Voltage (Volt)
time = Time since start in ms
tributary.useThreejsControl = false;
function cleanData(d) {
var field;
for(field in d) {
if(d.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
d[field] = parseFloat(d[field]);
var phone =;
var tscale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain(d3.extent(phone, function(d) { return d.time}))
.range(["#00ff00", "#ff0000"])
var pr = 10;
function makeCube(t) {
var col = parseInt(tscale(t).slice(1,7), 16);
var materials = d3.range(6).map(function(d) {
return new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: col } )
var cube = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.CubeGeometry( pr, pr, pr, 1, 1, 1, materials ), new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial() );
/*cube.position.y = positionX;
cube.position.x = positionY;
cube.position.z = positionZ;
cube.rotation.x = rotationX;
cube.rotation.y = rotationY;
cube.rotation.z = rotationZ;*/
tributary.scene.add( cube );
return cube;
function trans(p) {
temp = {x:p.x,y:p.y,z:p.z};
p.z=temp.y + (39);
p.y =-temp.z + (-1);
p.x=temp.y + (5);
return p;
function damper(p) {
//p.z = Math.pow(p.z,0.24);
//p.x = Math.log(p.x);
return p;
var p, pm1 //current phone datum and last phone datum
var vel, oldvel = {x:0,y:0,z:0};
var pos, oldpos = {x:0,y:0,z:0};
function euler(o,f,dt) {
var n = {
x: o.x + f.x * dt,
y: o.y + f.y * dt,
z: o.z + f.z * dt,
return n;
for(var i = 1,l = phone.length;i<l;i++){
p = phone[i];
pm1 = phone[i-1];
dt = p.time - pm1.time;
dt *= -0.01309;
pa ={x:p.accx,y:p.accy,z:p.accz};
olda = {x:pm1.accx,y:pm1.accy,z:pm1.accz};
pa = damper(pa);
vel = euler(olda, pa, dt);
pos = euler(oldvel, vel, dt);
var c = makeCube(p.time);
pos = trans(pos);
c.position = pos;
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 25 columns, instead of 26 in line 1.
0.6333, 1.7645, 9.7441, 0.1279, -0.1769, 0.0171, 15.0442, -22.5, -14.2, -35.4, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.805, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 16,
0.6333, 1.7645, 9.7441, 0.0171, -0.0117, 0.0522, 15.0442, -22.5, -14.2, -35.4, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.805, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 66,
0.7345, 1.9835, 9.6004, 0.0171, -0.0117, 0.0522, 15.0442, -22.5, -14.2, -35.4, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.805, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 129,
0.7345, 1.9835, 9.6004, 0.0437, -0.0245, -0.0075, 19.7001, -23.3, -13.5, -34.9, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.574, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 227,
0.7538, 1.8488, 9.6883, 0.0437, -0.0245, -0.0075, 19.7001, -23.3, -13.5, -34.9, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.574, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 278,
0.7538, 1.8488, 9.6883, -0.0128, 0.0821, -0.0053, 19.7001, -23.3, -13.5, -34.9, 111.32, -9.39, -2.66, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.574, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 348,
0.6987, 1.884, 9.4403, -0.0128, 0.0821, -0.0053, 19.7001, -22.4, -14.0, -35.6, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.574, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 421,
0.6987, 1.884, 9.4403, -0.0107, -0.0522, -0.0203, 19.7001, -22.4, -14.0, -35.6, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.574, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 476,
0.6164, 1.8262, 9.438, -0.0107, -0.0522, -0.0203, 19.7001, -22.4, -14.0, -35.6, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 544,
0.6164, 1.8262, 9.438, -0.145, 0.0245, 0.0011, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.5, -35.7, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 622,
0.6827, 1.672, 9.8146, -0.145, 0.0245, 0.0011, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.5, -35.7, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 680,
0.6827, 1.672, 9.8146, -0.0192, 0.0533, -0.0469, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.5, -35.7, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 731,
0.6827, 1.672, 9.8146, -0.0192, 0.0533, -0.0469, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.5, -35.7, 109.96, -10.1, -3.12, 5.0, 1009.97, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 781,
0.538, 1.6901, 9.6667, -0.0192, 0.0533, -0.0469, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.4, -35.9, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.562, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 845,
0.538, 1.6901, 9.6667, -0.0032, 0.0139, -0.033, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.4, -35.9, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.933, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 897,
0.4435, 1.6991, 9.7208, -0.0032, 0.0139, -0.033, 19.7001, -22.5, -13.4, -35.9, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.933, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 971,
0.4435, 1.6991, 9.7208, -0.0597, -0.0043, -0.0181, 19.7001, -21.9, -13.6, -35.6, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.933, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1048,
0.5366, 1.7991, 9.7346, -0.0597, -0.0043, -0.0181, 19.7001, -21.9, -13.6, -35.6, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.933, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1104,
0.5366, 1.7991, 9.7346, 0.7045, -0.0096, 0.097, 19.7001, -21.9, -13.6, -35.6, 108.9, -9.25, -3.07, 5.0, 1009.88, 31.933, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1169,
0.7691, 1.6777, 8.743, 0.7045, -0.0096, 0.097, 19.7001, -23.4, -14.2, -34.3, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1237,
0.7691, 1.6777, 8.743, 0.211, 0.3485, -0.1013, 19.7001, -23.4, -14.2, -34.3, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1291,
0.7691, 1.6777, 8.743, 0.211, 0.3485, -0.1013, 19.7001, -23.4, -14.2, -34.3, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1341,
0.5384, 2.2015, 9.0364, 0.211, 0.3485, -0.1013, 19.7001, -23.4, -14.2, -34.3, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1392,
0.5384, 2.2015, 9.0364, -0.6001, 0.2697, 0.372, 19.7001, -23.9, -13.3, -34.2, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1472,
1.1026, 1.7702, 9.5885, -0.6001, 0.2697, 0.372, 14.5243, -23.9, -13.3, -34.2, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 32.031, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1545,
1.1026, 1.7702, 9.5885, 0.4242, 0.3507, 0.1514, 14.5243, -23.9, -13.3, -34.2, 109.81, -9.92, -2.35, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1595,
1.1026, 1.7702, 9.5885, 0.4242, 0.3507, 0.1514, 14.5243, -22.1, -13.6, -35.4, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1662,
0.4592, 1.9326, 9.4873, -0.2377, 0.0362, 0.016, 14.5243, -22.1, -13.6, -35.4, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1742,
0.4592, 1.9326, 9.4873, -0.2377, 0.0362, 0.016, 13.859, -22.1, -13.6, -35.4, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1792,
0.4592, 1.9326, 9.4873, -0.2377, 0.0362, 0.016, 13.859, -22.1, -13.6, -35.4, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1842,
0.5476, 1.9558, 9.2159, -0.0234, -0.2441, 0.21, 13.859, -22.8, -12.7, -34.6, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.012, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1893,
0.5476, 1.9558, 9.2159, -0.0234, -0.2441, 0.21, 13.859, -22.8, -12.7, -34.6, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 1943,
0.911, 1.4701, 9.5407, -0.2142, -0.2537, 0.3016, 13.5378, -22.8, -12.7, -34.6, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2000,
0.911, 1.4701, 9.5407, -0.2142, -0.2537, 0.3016, 13.5378, -22.8, -12.7, -34.6, 111.63, -9.71, -4.41, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2050,
0.911, 1.4701, 9.5407, -0.2142, -0.2537, 0.3016, 13.5378, -26.5, -9.5, -32.0, 98.82, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2100,
1.1171, 1.0315, 9.0027, 0.1268, 0.2984, 0.4775, 14.0224, -26.5, -9.5, -32.0, 98.82, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2165,
1.1171, 1.0315, 9.0027, 0.1268, 0.2984, 0.4775, 14.0224, -26.5, -9.5, -32.0, 98.82, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1009.88, 33.591, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2215,
1.1171, 1.0315, 9.0027, 0.1268, 0.2984, 0.4775, 14.0224, -26.5, -9.5, -32.0, 98.82, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2267,
1.6834, 0.2382, 9.4269, -1.0381, 0.3134, 0.1023, 15.0442, -27.6, -5.2, -33.3, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2334,
1.6834, 0.2382, 9.4269, -1.0381, 0.3134, 0.1023, 15.0442, -27.6, -5.2, -33.3, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2385,
1.6, -0.5797, 10.1657, -0.6129, 0.1108, -0.0863, 15.0442, -27.6, -5.2, -33.3, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2451,
1.6, -0.5797, 10.1657, -0.6129, 0.1108, -0.0863, 17.1149, -27.3, -0.7, -33.6, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2519,
1.6267, -1.1966, 9.8012, -0.6726, 0.2398, -0.1108, 17.1149, -27.3, -0.7, -33.6, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 33.524, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2588,
1.6267, -1.1966, 9.8012, -0.6726, 0.2398, -0.1108, 17.1149, -27.3, -0.7, -33.6, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2638,
1.6267, -1.1966, 9.8012, -0.6726, 0.2398, -0.1108, 18.148, -27.3, -0.7, -33.6, 88.25, -9.03, -6.85, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2689,
1.6994, -2.1135, 9.2985, -0.5649, -0.2238, 0.0192, 18.148, -28.1, 2.2, -35.1, 92.35, 4.29, -8.83, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2777,
1.6994, -2.1135, 9.2985, -0.5649, -0.2238, 0.0192, 18.148, -28.1, 2.2, -35.1, 92.35, 4.29, -8.83, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2827,
1.8274, -2.7823, 9.4693, -0.8068, -0.1919, 0.1045, 18.148, -28.1, 2.2, -35.1, 92.35, 4.29, -8.83, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2877,
1.8274, -2.7823, 9.4693, -0.8068, -0.1919, 0.1045, 20.8893, -28.6, 7.7, -34.4, 92.35, 4.29, -8.83, 5.0, 1010.03, 31.59, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 2936,
1.3949, -2.4797, 11.1081, -0.5169, 0.0512, -0.0117, 20.8893, -28.6, 7.7, -34.4, 92.35, 4.29, -8.83, 5.0, 1010.03, 32.211, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3018,
1.3949, -2.4797, 11.1081, -0.5169, 0.0512, -0.0117, 20.8893, -27.1, 9.0, -35.3, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 32.211, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3110,
0.4241, 1.0501, 16.6809, 0.7216, 0.1599, 0.437, 22.4115, -27.1, 9.0, -35.3, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 32.211, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3171,
0.4241, 1.0501, 16.6809, 0.7216, 0.1599, 0.437, 22.4115, -27.1, 9.0, -35.3, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 32.211, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3223,
1.4292, 0.8091, 19.4775, 3.0803, 1.0861, -0.0554, 22.4115, -22.8, -6.0, -33.4, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 32.211, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3311,
1.4292, 0.8091, 19.4775, 3.0803, 1.0861, -0.0554, 17.1149, -22.8, -6.0, -33.4, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3380,
1.508, -0.5094, 3.898, -0.2494, 3.5567, 0.4199, 17.1149, -22.8, -6.0, -33.4, 102.03, 18.49, -11.89, 5.0, 1010.03, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3454,
1.508, -0.5094, 3.898, -0.2494, 3.5567, 0.4199, 16.1405, -12.0, -15.8, -39.1, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3509,
-0.2606, 0.1147, 0.1428, -0.6331, 3.4118, 0.2888, 16.1405, -12.0, -15.8, -39.1, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3593,
-0.2606, 0.1147, 0.1428, -0.6331, 3.4118, 0.2888, 16.1405, -12.0, -15.8, -39.1, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3643,
-0.2606, 0.1147, 0.1428, -0.6331, 3.4118, 0.2888, 23.4875, 19.3, -9.5, -38.9, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 62.258, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3717,
-0.2494, 0.1621, 0.1639, -0.6267, 3.1848, 0.016, 23.4875, 19.3, -9.5, -38.9, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 64.133, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3782,
-0.2494, 0.1621, 0.1639, -0.6267, 3.1848, 0.016, 23.4875, 19.3, -9.5, -38.9, 141.42, -3.41, -1.64, 5.0, 1009.94, 64.133, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3832,
-0.2474, 0.1727, -0.11, -0.599, 3.1059, -0.1172, 22.9432, 39.9, -3.7, -19.3, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 5.0, 1009.94, 64.133, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3906,
-0.2474, 0.1727, -0.11, -0.599, 3.1059, -0.1172, 22.9432, 39.9, -3.7, -19.3, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 5.0, 1009.94, 64.133, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 3956,
-0.2474, 0.1727, -0.11, -0.599, 3.1059, -0.1172, 22.9432, 39.9, -3.7, -19.3, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 5.0, 1009.94, 64.133, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4006,
-0.6664, 0.0476, -1.4128, -1.068, 5.0681, -0.388, 22.9432, 39.9, -3.7, -19.3, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4063,
-0.6664, 0.0476, -1.4128, -1.068, 5.0681, -0.388, 4.0, 5.1, -9.6, 35.9, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4123,
4.2037, 1.0086, -12.3505, -2.784, -2.2894, -0.0597, 4.0, 5.1, -9.6, 35.9, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4195,
4.2037, 1.0086, -12.3505, -2.784, -2.2894, -0.0597, 4.0, 5.1, -9.6, 35.9, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4245,
4.2037, 1.0086, -12.3505, -2.784, -2.2894, -0.0597, 4.0, 5.1, -9.6, 35.9, 325.43, -17.61, 56.15, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4295,
-0.4121, 6.5959, -3.9461, 5.2323, 4.8869, 2.6849, 4.0, 14.0, -6.1, 37.7, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 61.456, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4360,
-0.4121, 6.5959, -3.9461, 5.2323, 4.8869, 2.6849, 4.0, 14.0, -6.1, 37.7, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4410,
4.1899, 3.8332, -8.1588, 0.404, 0.1524, 0.4349, 4.0, 14.0, -6.1, 37.7, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4475,
4.1899, 3.8332, -8.1588, 0.404, 0.1524, 0.4349, 4.0, 15.4, -6.2, 37.9, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4549,
3.1765, 3.8061, -8.4068, -0.0021, 0.0021, 0.0021, 4.0, 15.4, -6.2, 37.9, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4622,
3.1765, 3.8061, -8.4068, -0.0021, 0.0021, 0.0021, 5.5541, 15.4, -6.2, 37.9, 44.87, -32.3, -178.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4672,
3.0806, 3.844, -8.4896, 0.0117, 0.0011, 0.0021, 5.5541, 15.3, -6.0, 37.4, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 76.283, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4748,
3.0806, 3.844, -8.4896, 0.0117, 0.0011, 0.0021, 5.5541, 15.3, -6.0, 37.4, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1009.94, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4798,
3.0806, 3.844, -8.4896, 0.0117, 0.0011, 0.0021, 5.5541, 15.3, -6.0, 37.4, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4848,
3.1843, 3.8416, -8.4722, -0.0032, 0.0021, 0.0011, 5.5541, 15.3, -6.0, 37.4, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4899,
3.1843, 3.8416, -8.4722, -0.0032, 0.0021, 0.0011, 5.5541, 14.7, -6.0, 37.3, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 4972,
3.1277, 3.8726, -8.4748, -0.0075, 0.0, 0.0, 5.5541, 14.7, -6.0, 37.3, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5033,
3.1277, 3.8726, -8.4748, -0.0075, 0.0, 0.0, 5.5541, 14.7, -6.0, 37.3, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 41.831, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5083,
3.1277, 3.8726, -8.4748, -0.0075, 0.0, 0.0, 5.5541, 14.7, -6.0, 37.3, 77.02, -22.33, -161.53, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.397, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5134,
3.1361, 3.8257, -8.4664, 0.0, -0.0011, 0.0, 5.5541, 15.1, -6.1, 37.6, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.397, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5198,
3.1361, 3.8257, -8.4664, 0.0, -0.0011, 0.0, 5.5541, 15.1, -6.1, 37.6, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.397, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5248,
3.1095, 3.8283, -8.4788, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0011, 5.6859, 15.1, -6.1, 37.6, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.397, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5315,
3.1095, 3.8283, -8.4788, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0011, 5.6859, 15.1, -6.3, 38.1, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.397, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5391,
3.1493, 3.862, -8.5201, -0.0043, 0.0, 0.0011, 5.6859, 15.1, -6.3, 38.1, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5458,
3.1493, 3.862, -8.5201, -0.0043, 0.0, 0.0011, 6.8589, 15.1, -6.3, 38.1, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5508,
3.1493, 3.862, -8.5201, -0.0043, 0.0, 0.0011, 6.8589, 15.1, -6.3, 38.1, 76.72, -22.89, -160.09, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5559,
3.0361, 3.8376, -8.4007, -0.0032, 0.0117, 0.0021, 6.8589, 15.0, -6.2, 38.5, 76.14, -22.96, -159.99, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5611,
3.0361, 3.8376, -8.4007, -0.0032, 0.0117, 0.0021, 6.8589, 15.0, -6.2, 38.5, 76.14, -22.96, -159.99, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5661,
3.1887, 3.8051, -8.6596, 0.0053, -0.0266, -0.0032, 6.8589, 15.2, -6.4, 37.9, 76.14, -22.96, -159.99, 0.0, 1010.06, 33.901, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5758,
3.1887, 3.8051, -8.6596, 0.0053, -0.0266, -0.0032, 6.8589, 15.2, -6.4, 37.9, 76.14, -22.96, -159.99, 0.0, 1010.06, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5809,
3.0081, 3.7591, -8.0742, -0.0735, 0.0277, 0.0522, 6.8589, 15.2, -6.4, 37.9, 76.14, -22.96, -159.99, 0.0, 1010.06, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5893,
3.0081, 3.7591, -8.0742, -0.0735, 0.0277, 0.0522, 6.8589, 14.7, -6.1, 37.3, 77.45, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.06, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 5944,
3.1471, 4.032, -8.5052, 0.1982, 0.2164, 0.1098, 6.1721, 14.7, -6.1, 37.3, 77.45, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.06, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6016,
3.1471, 4.032, -8.5052, 0.1982, 0.2164, 0.1098, 6.1721, 14.7, -6.1, 37.3, 77.45, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6066,
3.1471, 4.032, -8.5052, 0.1982, 0.2164, 0.1098, 6.1721, 14.7, -6.1, 37.3, 77.45, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 52.677, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6116,
3.3195, 3.5283, -8.4466, -0.0085, -0.0362, -0.0224, 6.1721, 14.8, -5.6, 38.0, 76.88, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 45.66, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6244,
3.3195, 3.5283, -8.4466, -0.0085, -0.0362, -0.0224, 6.1721, 14.8, -5.6, 38.0, 76.88, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 45.66, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6294,
3.2912, 3.6692, -8.4622, 0.0149, 0.0309, 0.0778, 6.1721, 15.0, -6.0, 38.7, 76.88, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 45.66, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6392,
3.2912, 3.6692, -8.4622, 0.0149, 0.0309, 0.0778, 6.1721, 15.0, -6.0, 38.7, 76.88, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 45.66, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6442,
3.5127, 3.6738, -8.5703, -0.0309, -0.0203, -0.0149, 6.1721, 15.0, -6.0, 38.7, 76.88, -23.11, -159.46, 0.0, 1010.02, 45.66, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6506,
3.5127, 3.6738, -8.5703, -0.0309, -0.0203, -0.0149, 6.1721, 14.8, -6.0, 38.2, 78.48, -21.99, -158.72, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6562,
3.5127, 3.6738, -8.5703, -0.0309, -0.0203, -0.0149, 6.1721, 14.8, -6.0, 38.2, 78.48, -21.99, -158.72, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6613,
3.4816, 3.5084, -8.429, -0.0309, -0.0181, -0.0053, 5.7529, 14.8, -6.0, 38.2, 78.48, -21.99, -158.72, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6663,
3.4816, 3.5084, -8.429, -0.0309, -0.0181, -0.0053, 5.7529, 14.8, -6.0, 38.2, 78.48, -21.99, -158.72, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6714,
3.0445, 3.6657, -8.9399, 0.145, 0.2206, 0.4093, 5.7529, 15.1, -6.5, 38.3, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6803,
3.0445, 3.6657, -8.9399, 0.145, 0.2206, 0.4093, 5.7529, 15.1, -6.5, 38.3, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 0.0, 1010.02, 42.129, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6854,
3.8623, 3.826, -9.7579, 0.2622, 2.3001, 0.8324, 5.7529, 15.1, -6.5, 38.3, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 0.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6926,
3.8623, 3.826, -9.7579, 0.2622, 2.3001, 0.8324, 5.7529, -3.2, -6.4, 42.0, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 0.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 6985,
7.6028, 1.9741, -6.5329, -0.664, 6.5624, 2.6412, 5.7529, -3.2, -6.4, 42.0, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 0.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7062,
7.6028, 1.9741, -6.5329, -0.664, 6.5624, 2.6412, 5.7529, -3.2, -6.4, 42.0, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 5.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7112,
7.6028, 1.9741, -6.5329, -0.664, 6.5624, 2.6412, 5.7529, -3.2, -6.4, 42.0, 78.99, -21.75, -158.26, 5.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7162,
6.3341, -0.6809, 4.0124, 0.1865, 6.8065, 0.2451, 5.7529, -36.6, -0.5, 4.5, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.02, 52.249, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7245,
6.3341, -0.6809, 4.0124, 0.1865, 6.8065, 0.2451, 12.9176, -36.6, -0.5, 4.5, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 40.916, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7304,
3.9504, -0.0558, 8.0803, 1.425, 1.5561, -0.1567, 12.9176, -36.6, -0.5, 4.5, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 40.916, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7354,
3.9504, -0.0558, 8.0803, 1.425, 1.5561, -0.1567, 12.9176, -32.1, -4.9, -11.2, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 40.916, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7410,
3.2586, 0.952, 10.0749, 0.2078, 0.9124, -0.2089, 12.9176, -32.1, -4.9, -11.2, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 40.916, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7488,
3.2586, 0.952, 10.0749, 0.2078, 0.9124, -0.2089, 20.8893, -32.1, -4.9, -11.2, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 40.916, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7538,
3.2586, 0.952, 10.0749, 0.2078, 0.9124, -0.2089, 20.8893, -32.1, -4.9, -11.2, 92.43, 0.64, -82.9, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7588,
2.5404, 2.2658, 9.1822, 0.3858, 0.8122, 0.0629, 20.8893, -28.6, -7.7, -15.5, 98.46, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7655,
2.5404, 2.2658, 9.1822, 0.3858, 0.8122, 0.0629, 21.1356, -28.6, -7.7, -15.5, 98.46, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7712,
1.4839, 2.3598, 8.7384, 0.0586, 0.1311, 0.2867, 21.1356, -27.5, -8.0, -18.4, 98.46, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7795,
1.4839, 2.3598, 8.7384, 0.0586, 0.1311, 0.2867, 21.1356, -27.5, -8.0, -18.4, 98.46, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7846,
1.4963, 2.5315, 8.7508, -0.2707, 0.0735, -0.064, 21.1356, -27.5, -8.0, -18.4, 98.46, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 37.928, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7917,
1.4963, 2.5315, 8.7508, -0.2707, 0.0735, -0.064, 21.1356, -27.3, -7.6, -18.3, 98.35, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 32.936, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 7974,
1.3463, 2.7076, 9.6744, 0.0448, 0.2036, -0.0107, 21.1356, -27.3, -7.6, -18.3, 98.35, -11.11, -15.86, 5.0, 1010.0, 32.936, 37.96732, -122.28161, ?, ?, 25.0, 77.0, 97.0, 4.086, 8029,
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