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Created June 7, 2010 18:56
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(defmacro my-defrecord [the-name [& fields] & opt+specs]
(let [full-classname (symbol (str (.name *ns*) \. the-name))]
(ns-unmap *ns* '~the-name)
(defrecord ~the-name [~@fields] ~@opt+specs)
(ns-unmap *ns* '~the-name)
(defn ~the-name
(new ~full-classname ~@fields nil nil))
([~@fields ~'meta ~'extmap]
(new ~full-classname ~@fields ~'meta ~'extmap))))))
user> (defprotocol P (what [p]))
user> (my-defrecord Foo [] P (what [_] :old))
user> (defn call-what-on-a-Foo [] (what (Foo)))
user> (call-what-on-a-Foo)
user> (my-defrecord Foo [] P (what [_] :new))
user> (call-what-on-a-Foo)
; but this works:
(defmacro my-defrecord [the-name [& fields] & opt+specs]
(defrecord ~the-name [~@fields] ~@opt+specs)
(defn ~(symbol (str "make-" the-name))
(new ~the-name ~@fields nil nil))
([~@fields ~'meta ~'extmap]
(new ~the-name ~@fields ~'meta ~'extmap)))))
user> (defprotocol P (what [p]))
user> (my-defrecord Foo [] P (what [_] :old))
user> (defn call-what-on-a-Foo [] (what (make-Foo)))
user> (call-what-on-a-Foo)
user> (my-defrecord Foo [] P (what [_] :new))
user> (call-what-on-a-Foo)
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