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Created June 13, 2010 22:13
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(ns prim-this-bug)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defprotocol VecMath
(add [this other])
(sub [this other]))
(defrecord Point [^double x ^double y]
(add [this other] (let [^Point other other]
(Point. (+ x (.x other)) (+ y (.y other)))))
(sub [this other] (let [^Point other other]
(Point. (- x (.x other)) (- y (.y other))))))
(defn ^:static bugfn ^double [p1 p2]
(let [v (sub p1 p2)]
(+ (:x v) (:y v))))
;; error: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: no 'this' pointer within static method (prim_this_bug.clj:16)
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