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Created January 25, 2015 10:15
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import math
from math import radians, degrees, tan
from collections import defaultdict
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector, kdtree
def grow(bv, tv, br, tr, ratio):
edges = []
radii = []
def get_median(v_list):
x, y, z = 0, 0, 0
n = len(v_list)
for v in v_list:
x += v[0]
y += v[1]
z += v[2]
return (x/n, y/n, z/n)
base_size = len(bv)
tips_size = len(tv)
kd5 = defaultdict(list)
# add base vectors to the tree
kd = kdtree.KDTree(base_size)
for i, vtx in enumerate(bv):
kd.insert(Vector(vtx), i)
# find the closet base vector to every tip vector
for i, vtx in enumerate(tv):
co, index, dist = kd.find(vtx)
# find which base vectors are not keys of kd5.
new_base_size = len(kd5)
set_to_remove = set(kd5.keys()) ^ set(range(len(bv)))
# pop vertices and reassign kd5 keys with offset so they refer to
# existing vertices.
bv2 = [v for idx, v in enumerate(bv) if not (idx in set_to_remove)]
kd52 = defaultdict(list)
for idx, key in enumerate(sorted(kd5.keys())):
kd52[idx] = kd5[key]
intermediate_vertices = bv2 + tv
# info, stick more
additional = []
final_verts = intermediate_vertices + additional
# # add leafs
for key, values in kd52.items():
for idx in values:
edges.append((idx + new_base_size, key))
# for every edge check it's angle from the ground.
# if angle less than 40 degrees, put a point on the ground to
# make the edge.
V = Vector
get_angle = lambda v1, v2, v3: (V(v1) - V(v2)).angle(V(v3) - V(v2))
final_vert_count = len(final_verts)
for idx, edge in enumerate(edges):
v1 = final_verts[edge[0]] # high
v2 = final_verts[edge[1]] # low
v3 = (v1[0], v1[1], v2[2])
angle_radians = get_angle(v1, v2, v3)
if (degrees(angle_radians)) <= 50:
h = v1[2] - v3[2]
v4 = Vector((v1[0], v1[1], v3[2]))
adj = (v4-Vector(v2)).length # current distance x, y
new_distance = h/tan(radians(70))
# [ ---------------------adj----------------]
# [-----------------|---new_distance------- ]
C = adj - new_distance
ratio = C / adj
new_vector = Vector(v2).lerp(v4, ratio)
# switch from original base vertex to new one.
edges[idx] = (edge[0], final_vert_count)
final_vert_count += 1
return final_verts, edges, radii
def sv_main(base_verts=[[]], base_r=1.0, tip_verts=[[]], tip_r=0.5, ratio=1.0):
verts_out = []
edges_out = []
radii_out = []
in_sockets = [
['v', 'base_verts', base_verts],
['s', 'base_radius', base_r],
['v', 'tip_verts', tip_verts],
['s', 'tip_radius', tip_r],
['s', 'ratio', ratio]
out_sockets = [
['v', 'verts', [verts_out]],
['s', 'edges', [edges_out]],
['s', 'radii', [radii_out]]
if base_verts and base_verts[0]:
bv = base_verts[0]
if tip_verts and tip_verts[0]:
tv = tip_verts[0]
v, e, r = grow(bv, tv, base_r, tip_r, ratio)
return in_sockets, out_sockets
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