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Created June 18, 2010 06:17
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# Laboratorinis darbas 3
# Maksim Norkin
# Programos direktorija
# Konfiguracijos direktorija
# Rezultatu directorija
# Sim dir
# sim-cache
# testine programa
# Kuriame du katalogus konfiguracijos failams ir simuliacijos rezultatams saugoti
if [ ! -d "$CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
echo "Creating configuration directory .."
if [ ! -d "$RESULTS_DIR" ]; then
echo "Creating rezults directory .."
# Varom konfiguracija
$SIM_CACHE -dumpconfig $FOLDER/$CONFIG_DIR/rc.cfg &> /dev/null
# Isnagrinekite L1 lygmens duomenu spartinanciosios atminties efektyvumo priklausomybe nuo spartinanciosios atminties sandaros, fiksuodami nepalaikymo koeficiennto reiksmes {cache miss}. Tam naudokite sim-cache simuliatoriu. Atlikite sesias skirtingas simuliacijas, kai spartinanciosios atminties talpa kinta nuo 16KB iki 512KB. Visoms sioms simuliacijoms audokite 32 baitu eilutes ilgi, keturiu iejimu (kanalu) grupemis asociatyva {set-associative} spartinanciaja atminti, bei LRU eiluciu keitimo algoritma. Apkrovos programa nurodo destytojas. Taippat uzblokuokite L2 lygmens spartinanciaja atminti, t.y.konfiguracijos faile prie duoemnu ir instrukciju spartinanciuju atminciu parasykite reiksme none.
# <name>:<nsets>:<bsize>:<assoc>:<repl>
# bsize: nuo 16Kb iki 512 Kb
# nsets: 32bit
# assoc: 4
# repl: l
echo -n -e "Generating first report\t\t"
# 3.3 lentele. L1 lygmens duomeu spartinanciosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai
# 16KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:128:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 32KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:256:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 64KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:512:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:1024:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 256 KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:2048:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 512 KB
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:4096:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -e "\t\tdone!"
echo -n -e "Generating second report\t"
# 3.4 lentele. L1 lygmens duomenu spartinanciosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai
# Palaikom 256 Kb
# 8 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:8192:8:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 16 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:4096:16:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 32 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:2048:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 64 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:1024:64:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:512:128:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 256 B
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:256:256:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -e "\t\tdone!"
echo -n -e "Generating third report\t\t"
# 3.5 lentele. L1 lygmens duomenu spartinanciosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai
# Palaikom 128 KB
# 32/1
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:4096:32:1:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 32/2
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:2048:32:2:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 32/4
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:1024:32:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 32/8
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:512:32:8:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128/1
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:1024:128:1:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128/2
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:512:128:2:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128/4
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:256:128:4:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -n "."
# 128/8
$SIM_CACHE -cache:dl1 ul1:128:128:8:l -cache:dl2 none -cache:il1 dl1 -cache:il2 none -redir:sim $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez $SIM_DIR/tests/$TEST_PROGRAM &> /dev/null
echo -e "\t\tdone!"
# Generuojam ataskaita
rm report.tex
echo "\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article}" >> report.tex
echo "\usepackage[left=10mm,right=10mm,top=10mm,bottom=10mm]{geometry}" >> report.tex
# TODO: reiks ivesti lithuanian
#echo "\usepackage[utf8]{lithuanian}" >> report.tex
#echo "\select@language{lithuanian}" >> report.tex
#echo "\usepackage[lithuanian]{babel}" >> report.tex
#echo "\selectlanguage{lithuanian}" >> report.tex
#echo "\usepackage{ucs}" >> report.tex
echo "\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}" >> report.tex
#echo "\usepackage[encoding]{fontenc}" >> report.tex
echo "\usepackage[L7x]{fontenc}" >> report.tex
echo "\usepackage[lithuanian]{babel}" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{document}" >> report.tex
echo "\title{Laboratorinis darbas nr.3}" >> report.tex
echo "\author{Maksim Norkin}" >> report.tex
echo "\date{\today}" >> report.tex
echo "\maketitle" >> report.tex
# 3.3 lentele
echo "3.3 lentelė. L1 lygmens duomenų spartinančiosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{center}" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{tabular}{ | p{3cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | }\hline" >> report.tex
echo "Spartinančiosios atminties talpa & Bendras kreipčių į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Nepataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pakeistų eilučių skaičius & Nepataikymo į spartinančiąją atmintį procentais \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "16KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "64KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "256KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "512KB & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-512kb.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo " \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
echo "\end{tabular}" >> report.tex
echo "\end{center}" >> report.tex
echo "3.4 lentelė. L1 lygmens duomenų spartinančiosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai" >> report.tex
# 3.4 lentele
echo "\begin{center}" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{tabular}{ | p{3cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | }\hline" >> report.tex
echo "Spartinančiosios atminties eilutes ilgis & Bendras kreipčių į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Nepataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pakeistų eilučių skaičius & Nepataikymo į spartinančiąją atmintį procentas \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "8 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-8b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "16 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-16b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "64 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-64b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "256 B & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-256b.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
echo "\end{tabular}" >> report.tex
echo "\end{center}" >> report.tex
echo "3.5 lentelė. L1 lygmens duomenų spartinančiosios atminties modeliavimo rezultatai" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{center}" >> report.tex
echo "\begin{tabular}{ | p{3cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{2cm} | }\hline" >> report.tex
echo "Spartinančiosios atminties eilutes ilgis/asociatyvumo laipsnis& Bendras kreipčių į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Nepataikymų į spartinančiąją atmintį skaičius & Pakeistų eilučių skaičius & Nepataikymo į spartinančiąją atmintį procentas \\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32/1 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-1.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32/2 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-2.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32/4 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-4.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "32/8 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-32-8.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128/1 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-1.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128/2 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-2.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128/4 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-4.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
printf "128/8 & " >> report.tex
# Bendras kreipciu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez | grep 'ul1.accesses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pataikymu i spartinanciaja atmini skacius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez | grep 'ul1.hits' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez | grep 'ul1.misses' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Pakeistu eiluciu skaicius
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez | grep 'ul1.replacements' | awk '{printf $2 " & " }' >> report.tex
# Nepataikymu i spartinanciaja atminti procentais
cat $FOLDER/$RESULTS_DIR/sim-cache-128-8.rez | grep 'ul1.miss_rate' | awk '{printf $2}' >> report.tex
echo "\\\ \hline" >> report.tex
echo "\end{tabular}" >> report.tex
echo "\end{center}" >> report.tex
echo "\end{document}" >> report.tex
rm -rf config/ results/
pdflatex report.tex
evince report.pdf
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